Thats a rather narrow approach. Anger can be controlled in so many ways and be released to void tension. Example, boxing bag :P but in a serious note, using fustration on work is not something that will eat you up on the long run. I certainly wont be dwelling on a module i done last week which potentially wanted to make me eff and bee everywhere. What will that solve? Nothing. Same way of releasing anger, people find ways to release and control anger without the need of inflicting or going against their moral beliefs.
I have yet to discover what kind of meaning life has without the potential aspect of an afterlife. I live, i work, i have fun,i help, i have friends, i fall in love. Thats it?Apart from socialing and living the normal steps of life, that doesnt deduct any apprehensive meaning towards life itself. A complex world, our complex bodies, and our complex minds wernt put together just so we can do the basic of tasks, its evident enough using logic that theres an afterlife
Why would an athiest need to justify his actions to God in the afterlife if he lead a moral life? Now, thats what I have been trying to get at all this time. What makes you convinced that your moral beliefs is what God would consider a good deed? You clearly stated that whats the harm of effing and beeing when you are frustrated? This shows the difference between one of theistic way of controlling your frustration compared to an atheistic way. You will be happy probably effing and beeing, a theist may control his anger according to his religion context. God can question why you didnt search for a religion, you had your entire life? Why would God even favour your actions if you didnt believe in God in the first place? this is using my limited knowledge, god is infinately more brilliant ,and could ask you questions far more complex that you may not even have an answer to.
But by what criterion does your religion not allow swearing but it allows... "boxing" it off? Whats the rationale behind it? Just because? Like I said, most likely the criterion used by it (if it exists) only concerns the afterlife; not this one. But since the afterlife cant be proven to exist, no one is forced to take into consideration and replace the pragmatical criteria they use to evaluate each set of morals.Perhaps the meaning of life is the experience. Perhaps its living your life to the maximum while helping others achieve the same to the degree that is possible urged by your feelings towards them as memebers of your race with which you feel like socialising, like a social "animal" that you are. Perhaps its coming in terms with who you are. Perhaps its finding happiness. Perhaps its..................
I create my morals based on the pragmatical criteria I mentioned earlier. And it cant be denied that even religious morals are at some degree based on pragmatical criteria, even if God exists and he has made attempts at handing down to us specific morals; at the very least its quite possible. So its not like religious people can be certain that the morals that they believe in are in tune with what God will ultimately require of you.
An atheistic morality is based on pragmatical criteria which are applicable in a world that we are experiencing and that we currently in our state of mind have tangible proof of its existence; like you said, the afterlife is just a possibility. If I embraced Pascal's Wager I may had taken it into consideration.
Again how can you show me that effing and beeing (at no one just to let off steam) are things that constitute the atheistic morality inferior to the theistic morality based on the pragmatical criteria that I mentioned earlier (not the ones stemming from a possible afterlife)?
(RED) Why wouldnt he?
How can boxing (a sport) be morally wrong? swearing like saying mother ***** and son of a ***** has morality behind it? Theres a difference between being verbally abusive and doing sports activity.If life is merely an experiance, then what experiance do people who are suffering from poverty, starvation, accidents, etc have? Clearly its not a pleasent experiance.
An atheistic morality can tie with theistic morality, such as helping people, doing good etc. I did not deny that. All i mentioned is the example of what your way of thinking in terms of how you will tackle your frustration is different to mine. At the end of the day, it boils down to intention and what you do. If your intention is pure, then fine. if you seeking to be popular or something then clearly, or expecting a reward, then that aint right.
As for the effing and beeing, swearing is wrong. Period. You cannot justify saying "mother ****er" because it serves no purpose. A quote from hadith which states:
It has been narrated by Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) That Allah's Messenger Muhammad (
) Said:
" The strong is not the one who over comes the people by his strength"
"But the strong is the one who controls him while in anger."
Anger in Islam is related the work of the devil. Prophet Muhammed went through so much and not once did he lose his cool. This shows the indication using a role model of Islam that justification of being at peace and controlling yourself is far more moral compared to effing and beeing all over the place when one is frustrated. Obviously im just emphasising on this one example. The obvious morals such as *hypathetical example* helping people out of a burning building or something, then whos to say God wont reward you for that? God can reward you, but whos to say your bad deeds wont outweigh the good ones? You havnt said anything in terms of what if God asked you about your religion.
Anyways, im going to sleep now. Its 12:20 am and im KO'ed. Good debate however :)
What morality is there behind boxing? :? And what immorality is there behind swearing at no one? :?I never said the experience had to be pleasant. I meant a prupose could be for people to try to make their experiences as pleasant as possible. Again though remember what I said about meanings and their false categorisation.
And why do you justify boxing? It serves no purpose. And if it does, it serves the same as swearing. Letting off steam/frustration.
That is all very good, I am not objecting to the fact that your religion orders you to not swear. But what reason do I have to not do it, other than when my pragmatical criteria dictate that I dont?
(RED) Because I dont see how it would necessarily matter to him/her/it.
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