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[QUOTE="tigertechie"]No one is going to be sent to hell. ARE YOU LISTENING?super_mario_128Who the hell are you? Yell your opinions at somebody who cares, thanks. Fine. think that you're going to hell. you're not, but if Hell did, you would be if you treat religion like that. Hell is non-existant.
[QUOTE="super_mario_128"][QUOTE="tigertechie"]No one is going to be sent to hell. ARE YOU LISTENING?tigertechieWho the hell are you? Yell your opinions at somebody who cares, thanks. Fine. think that you're going to hell. you're not, but if Hell did, you would be if you treat religion like that. Hell is non-existant.Oh my.... a lecture about how to treat religion..... >__>
So.... hy did you make this thread? If you just want to state your beliefs go blog it.You can believe what you like, and that's okay.
[QUOTE="ghoklebutter"][QUOTE="Pixel-Pirate"]Yes, there's no such thing as hell in Judaism. People who don't make it to Genna (heaven) are annihilated instead. Genna is the lake of fire. Eternal Death a.k.a. That's Gehonnim, not Genna. -_-Doesn't the jewish faith not have a hell?
BTW, I'm getting sick of mini ****storms like this one.
orly?I am not trying to destroy your beliefs.
No one is going to be sent to hell. ARE YOU LISTENING?tigertechie
Genna is the lake of fire. Eternal Death a.k.a. That's Gehonnim, not Genna. -_-[QUOTE="tigertechie"][QUOTE="ghoklebutter"] Yes, there's no such thing as hell in Judaism. People who don't make it to Genna (heaven) are annihilated instead.ghoklebutter
BTW, I'm getting sick of mini ****storms like this one.
You need to look it up, it is Genna. Please don't get ugly, it's a touchy subject enough thanks to everyone here.[QUOTE="tigertechie"]orly?I am not trying to destroy your beliefs.
No one is going to be sent to hell. ARE YOU LISTENING?tigertechieWhatever.
Fine. think that you're going to hell. you're not, but if Hell did, you would be if you treat religion like that. Hell is non-existant.Oh my.... a lecture about how to treat religion..... >__> The funny thing is that he's 100% certain that is no such thing, as if theres evidence that disprove the existence of hell.[QUOTE="tigertechie"][QUOTE="super_mario_128"] Who the hell are you? Yell your opinions at somebody who cares, thanks.Teenaged
[QUOTE="Teenaged"]Oh my.... a lecture about how to treat religion..... >__> The funny thing is that he's 100% certain that is no such thing, as if theres evidence that disprove the existence of hell.What ticks me off is not so much his certainty but that he pretty much told him that he would go to hell if it existed. >__>[QUOTE="tigertechie"] Fine. think that you're going to hell. you're not, but if Hell did, you would be if you treat religion like that. Hell is non-existant.alexside1
Seriously now...
[QUOTE="Teenaged"]Oh my.... a lecture about how to treat religion..... >__> The funny thing is that he's 100% certain that is no such thing, as if theres evidence that disprove the existence of hell. Okay then. What's your proof? None? I thought not.[QUOTE="tigertechie"] Fine. think that you're going to hell. you're not, but if Hell did, you would be if you treat religion like that. Hell is non-existant.alexside1
The funny thing is that he's 100% certain that is no such thing, as if theres evidence that disprove the existence of hell.What ticks me off is not so much his certainty but that he pretty much told him that he would go to hell if it existed. >__>[QUOTE="alexside1"][QUOTE="Teenaged"]Oh my.... a lecture about how to treat religion..... >__>
Seriously now...
The way that he acts shows it![QUOTE="alexside1"][QUOTE="Teenaged"]Oh my.... a lecture about how to treat religion..... >__>The funny thing is that he's 100% certain that is no such thing, as if theres evidence that disprove the existence of hell. Okay then. What's your proof? None? I thought not. I didn't make the clam, you did, the burden of proof is on you.tigertechie
[QUOTE="Pixel-Pirate"][QUOTE="tigertechie"] Believe in hell do you? I believe in Satan, and I hate him!Snipes_2
Good, Good. I can feel your anger, it makes you stronger!
He's going to the Dark Side :o Satan is real, and he hates all humans.Okay then. What's your proof? None? I thought not. I didn't make the clam, you did, the burden of proof is on you. Maybe because God wouldn't make hell if he created an amazing earth filled with humans and send us all to hell. humans destroyed the earth.[QUOTE="tigertechie"][QUOTE="alexside1"] The funny thing is that he's 100% certain that is no such thing, as if theres evidence that disprove the existence of hell.alexside1
[QUOTE="ghoklebutter"]That's Gehonnim, not Genna. -_-[QUOTE="tigertechie"] Genna is the lake of fire. Eternal Death a.k.a.tigertechie
BTW, I'm getting sick of mini ****storms like this one.
You need to look it up, it is Genna. Please don't get ugly, it's a touchy subject enough thanks to everyone here. This is from an orthodox Judaism website:Only the very righteous go directly to Gan Eden. The average person descends to a place of punishment and/or purification, generally referred to as Gehinnom (guh-hee-NOHM) (in Yiddish, Gehenna), but sometimes as She'ol or by other names. According to one mystical view, every sin we commit creates an angel of destruction (a demon), and after we die we are punished by the very demons that we created. Some views see Gehinnom as one of severe punishment, a bit like the Christian Hell of fire and brimstone. Other sources merely see it as a time when we can see the actions of our lives objectively, see the harm that we have done and the opportunities we missed, and experience remorse for our actions. The period of time in Gehinnom does not exceed 12 months, and then ascends to take his place on Olam Ha-Ba.
[QUOTE="Teenaged"]What ticks me off is not so much his certainty but that he pretty much told him that he would go to hell if it existed. >__>[QUOTE="alexside1"] The funny thing is that he's 100% certain that is no such thing, as if theres evidence that disprove the existence of hell.tigertechie
Seriously now...
The way that he acts shows it!No I say the way he acts shows that he will go to heaven.Disprove me.
[QUOTE="alexside1"]I didn't make the clam, you did, the burden of proof is on you.Maybe because God wouldn't make hell if he created an amazing earth filled with humans and send us all to hell. humans destroyed the earth.Prove it.[QUOTE="tigertechie"] Okay then. What's your proof? None? I thought not.tigertechie
Also explain how that "argument" of yours follows.
Worst attempt at a religion thread........EVAR!Dylan_11sums up my thoughts on this digital turd *leaves*
[QUOTE="alexside1"]I didn't make the clam, you did, the burden of proof is on you. Maybe because God wouldn't make hell if he created an amazing earth filled with humans and send us all to hell. humans destroyed the earth. Ok now your just being a troll.[QUOTE="tigertechie"] Okay then. What's your proof? None? I thought not.tigertechie
[QUOTE="Snipes_2"][QUOTE="Pixel-Pirate"]He's going to the Dark Side :o Satan is real, and he hates all humans. Oh, I have no doubt that Satan is real. I posted earlier that I believed in Hell.Good, Good. I can feel your anger, it makes you stronger!
I thought hell is where your separated from god.According to theologists hell is not a fiery pit or some torture chamber it just means existence with God. I am not religious in anyway though but thought I would share this information I read about hell.
Believe in hell do you? I believe in Satan, and I hate him![QUOTE="tigertechie"][QUOTE="magicalclick"] What happen if he got no face?Pixel-Pirate
Good, Good. I can feel your anger, it makes you stronger!
HEY, i'm teh palpatine here *pushes pixel pirate out of throne chair and takes robe* Something, something, something Dark side, Something, something, something complete.[QUOTE="GazaAli"] Its natural to act upon your beliefs, and since i believe in hell and i also believe that people that dont believe in hell will go there, it was only natural to tell him so. But again as usual, time will tell who is right and who is wrong, just because i said something does not necessarily mean that it will or will not happen in your own point of view.super_mario_128I don't give a damn about "beliefs" or who is "right" and who is "wrong", I was commenting on the sadistic conviction in your original post, wishing to see the user's reaction to being sent to Hell, which is disgusting, frankly. Since we are being frank here, i dont see why you got so pissed like this. This is always how it is with atheists, you are 100% sure there is no god and no hell and heaven, but if anybody told you you are going to hell you panic and start trying to talk smart. I mean there is no god and no hell and heaven, why you should be pissed off? As i said it before, atheists claim to be sure, be they are not sure at all, and thats why they are against religions and religious people, they feel if those people are right then we are screwed. Im a muslim, and i dont expect or want everybody else to be so, but i respect other people with faiths, even if they are different than mine, at least they have a faith. But what i really dont respect is people without any strong belief and thus trying to dodge other people beliefs by attacking them. I mean i know some atheists and one of them is a close friend, its ok as long as he is convinced of it. But people acting as if they are on an edge, i personally dont think much of them.
The Christain setup a table in UCLA literatly said, "Jesus paid your sin, from past, present, and to future. Thus, you will always go to heaven no matter what." So, if you believe in Jesus, you will always go to heaven, hence, there is no hell, hell is only for none-believers LOL. Anyway, who cares? I consider heaven as hell because a lot of religious are evil, nasty litering a lot, smoke, like to condamn people, and worse. I totally don't want to be in the heaven with them.magicalclick1st level of hell would be best, it's populated by good people that don't believe in god including most major philosophers and scintists
[QUOTE="super_mario_128"][QUOTE="GazaAli"] Its natural to act upon your beliefs, and since i believe in hell and i also believe that people that dont believe in hell will go there, it was only natural to tell him so. But again as usual, time will tell who is right and who is wrong, just because i said something does not necessarily mean that it will or will not happen in your own point of view.GazaAliI don't give a damn about "beliefs" or who is "right" and who is "wrong", I was commenting on the sadistic conviction in your original post, wishing to see the user's reaction to being sent to Hell, which is disgusting, frankly. Since we are being frank here, i dont see why you got so pissed like this. This is always how it is with atheists, you are 100% sure there is no god and no hell and heaven, but if anybody told you you are going to hell you panic and start trying to talk smart. I mean there is no god and no hell and heaven, why you should be pissed off? As i said it before, atheists claim to be sure, be they are not sure at all, and thats why they are against religions and religious people, they feel if those people are right then we are screwed. Im a muslim, and i dont expect or want everybody else to be so, but i respect other people with faiths, even if they are different than mine, at least they have a faith. But what i really dont respect is people without any strong belief and thus trying to dodge other people beliefs by attacking them. I mean i know some atheists and one of them is a close friend, its ok as long as he is convinced of it. But people acting as if they are on an edge, i personally dont think much of them.You are still missing the point of his post methinks. He was disgusted with how easily you would laugh at the TC if when he died he went to hell.
[QUOTE="markop2003"][QUOTE="tigertechie"] Satan is real, and he hates all humans.magicalclickI'm sure deep dwon he really just wants a hug *gives satan cocoa and hug* I thought he just like a lot of sex :D As long as he changes into his female form i wouldn't mind....
[QUOTE="super_mario_128"][QUOTE="GazaAli"] Its natural to act upon your beliefs, and since i believe in hell and i also believe that people that dont believe in hell will go there, it was only natural to tell him so. But again as usual, time will tell who is right and who is wrong, just because i said something does not necessarily mean that it will or will not happen in your own point of view.GazaAliI don't give a damn about "beliefs" or who is "right" and who is "wrong", I was commenting on the sadistic conviction in your original post, wishing to see the user's reaction to being sent to Hell, which is disgusting, frankly. Since we are being frank here, i dont see why you got so pissed like this. This is always how it is with atheists, you are 100% sure there is no god and no hell and heaven, but if anybody told you you are going to hell you panic and start trying to talk smart. I mean there is no god and no hell and heaven, why you should be pissed off? As i said it before, atheists claim to be sure, be they are not sure at all, and thats why they are against religions and religious people, they feel if those people are right then we are screwed. Im a muslim, and i dont expect or want everybody else to be so, but i respect other people with faiths, even if they are different than mine, at least they have a faith. But what i really dont respect is people without any strong belief and thus trying to dodge other people beliefs by attacking them. I mean i know some atheists and one of them is a close friend, its ok as long as he is convinced of it. But people acting as if they are on an edge, i personally dont think much of them.So you admit you dont respect atheists and that due to that disrespect you are biased to think that they are attacking you when you tell them that they will go to hell?
Yeah, that sounds reasonable.
As for the first point you made: if I called you a terrorist muslim and that your race is responsible for the death of many good christians in the WTC, you wouldnt be bothered at all since it is not true, right?
And I dont expect an answer to the second question.
To the mods: Of course I dont believe in what I said in the second part of my post.
[QUOTE="GazaAli"]Just wait and see, you are going to die eventually. I want to see the expressions of your face when you say "I got owned!".super_mario_128Wow, how sadistic of you.
Yeah, he probably will end up in Hell
Since we are being frank here, i dont see why you got so pissed like this. This is always how it is with atheists, you are 100% sure there is no god and no hell and heaven, but if anybody told you you are going to hell you panic and start trying to talk smart. I mean there is no god and no hell and heaven, why you should be pissed off? As i said it before, atheists claim to be sure, be they are not sure at all, and thats why they are against religions and religious people, they feel if those people are right then we are screwed. Im a muslim, and i dont expect or want everybody else to be so, but i respect other people with faiths, even if they are different than mine, at least they have a faith. But what i really dont respect is people without any strong belief and thus trying to dodge other people beliefs by attacking them. I mean i know some atheists and one of them is a close friend, its ok as long as he is convinced of it. But people acting as if they are on an edge, i personally dont think much of them.So you admit you dont respect atheists and that due to that disrespect you are biased to think that they are attacking you when you tell them that they will go to hell?[QUOTE="GazaAli"][QUOTE="super_mario_128"] I don't give a damn about "beliefs" or who is "right" and who is "wrong", I was commenting on the sadistic conviction in your original post, wishing to see the user's reaction to being sent to Hell, which is disgusting, frankly.Teenaged
Yeah, that sounds reasonable.
I suggest working on your reading abilities. yea i really dont think much of atheists that dodge other people beliefs. if you are an atheist, you should laugh when i tell you you are going to hell. apparently a lot of you dont laugh.[QUOTE="Teenaged"]So you admit you dont respect atheists and that due to that disrespect you are biased to think that they are attacking you when you tell them that they will go to hell?[QUOTE="GazaAli"] Since we are being frank here, i dont see why you got so pissed like this. This is always how it is with atheists, you are 100% sure there is no god and no hell and heaven, but if anybody told you you are going to hell you panic and start trying to talk smart. I mean there is no god and no hell and heaven, why you should be pissed off? As i said it before, atheists claim to be sure, be they are not sure at all, and thats why they are against religions and religious people, they feel if those people are right then we are screwed. Im a muslim, and i dont expect or want everybody else to be so, but i respect other people with faiths, even if they are different than mine, at least they have a faith. But what i really dont respect is people without any strong belief and thus trying to dodge other people beliefs by attacking them. I mean i know some atheists and one of them is a close friend, its ok as long as he is convinced of it. But people acting as if they are on an edge, i personally dont think much of them.GazaAli
Yeah, that sounds reasonable.
I suggest working on your reading abilities. yea i really dont think much of atheists that dodge other people beliefs. if you are an atheist, you should laugh when i tell you you are going to hell. apparently a lot of you dont laugh.You tell me I should work on my reading abilities and yet you confirm what I just said. Good one.Also... 'atheists dodging other people's beliefs'? Which is what you did in this very thread, no?
Also read my edit.
Why would he send us to Hell if we're horrible people? Um, because He said so in the Bible? He doesn't want to do it, but since He can't look upon sin he has no choice. You can not believe all you want, doesn't mean you're right.Listen everyone, I believe that God is real, and I believe that Hell does not exist. why would God create such an amazing world, and then send us all to Hell if we're bad in life? It doesn't make sense. I am not trying to destroy your beliefs. You can believe what you like, and that's okay.
I want to know how many of you believe the same thing. I will respect your religion and beliefs.
[QUOTE="McJugga"]Hell exists. You're posting on it right now.xaos*discreetly points at my sig*
Xaos, you should Photoshop the head in your sig, and make it your avatar.:P:lol:
if you are an atheist, you should laugh when i tell you you are going to hell. apparently a lot of you dont laugh.GazaAli
Why would i laugh? It dosn't work as a joke:
What happened to the athiest when he died? He burned in hell for all eternity.... George Carlin and Eddie Izzard make much better jokes
[QUOTE="tigertechie"]No one is going to be sent to hell. ARE YOU LISTENING?super_mario_128Who the hell are you? Yell your opinions at somebody who cares, thanks. Lots care.
[QUOTE="magicalclick"]The Christain setup a table in UCLA literatly said, "Jesus paid your sin, from past, present, and to future. Thus, you will always go to heaven no matter what." So, if you believe in Jesus, you will always go to heaven, hence, there is no hell, hell is only for none-believers LOL. Anyway, who cares? I consider heaven as hell because a lot of religious are evil, nasty litering a lot, smoke, like to condamn people, and worse. I totally don't want to be in the heaven with them.markop20031st level of hell would be best, it's populated by good people that don't believe in god including most major philosophers and scintists So you believe in hell? Ugh.
[QUOTE="super_mario_128"][QUOTE="tigertechie"]No one is going to be sent to hell. ARE YOU LISTENING?tigertechieWho the hell are you? Yell your opinions at somebody who cares, thanks. Lots care. And... I didn't say otherwise.
[QUOTE="GazaAli"]if you are an atheist, you should laugh when i tell you you are going to hell. apparently a lot of you dont laugh.markop2003
Why would i laugh? It dosn't work as a joke:
What happened to the athiest when he died? He burned in hell for all eternity.... George Carlin and Eddie Izzard make much better jokes
you should laugh because being an atheist means that you know for sure 100% that there is no hell and no god. you laugh from irony and "whatever dude" point of view.Please Log In to post.
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