the good news is that Jesus died for us so no one has to go to hell. Not a single human being. Accept or pay the price for your faults. Your right, the vast majoirty of the world is going to hell, but look around you. The majority of the world is not turning from their evil ways. they continue to disobey God's world, Lie, Cheat, Murder, Steal, Adulterate, Idolitrate, etc. YEAH WERE HUMAN YEA WE MAKE MISTAKES but guess what? We don't have to pay foir all of them. You honestly believe these people deserve to go to heaven? I'm trying to spread the word of God because of its hope and love and how it will just overall improve one's life. The real reason a person(s) going to hell is because your rejecting the single most loving thing anyone has EVER and WILL do for you. And that is Chirst's sacrafice on the cross
NO ONE deserves to go to heaven. That's the entire point. No one deserves to go to heaven, yet modern Christian doctrine holds that, solely due to circumstances beyond a person's control, one person will go to heaven while another person who deserves hell no more will go to hell. Modern Christian doctrine basically holds that heaven will be populated with the most selfish people on the planet who are perfectly content having something they didn't deserve while the rest of the world burns, not caring for one moment about their plight after going to heaven. No genuinely compassionate human being would ever accept something like that. That people genuinely believe this to be "good news" is staggering.
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