Canada- Nope, we are a peacekeeping army. Thats why we refused to into Iraq.
UK-Maybe, if it broke out into a world war, i bet the EU would dodge this bullet
Germany- do you really want the germans to get excited with their guns again?!
Japan- Has no Army due to WW2 restrictions
France- no way in hell
Poland- might send supplys, but won't fight
South Korea- No, they wouldn't risk weakening their border with North Korea to fight in a place they have no interest in
India- most likley will attack pakistan than help you
Pakistan- most liley will attack India than help you
Please, go on.
Hmmm...I guess you've never heard of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, of which Canada is a member. If the US is attacked, Canada, like most of the European Union, is obliged to come to our aid. It's a treaty obligation, you know.
I know of the treaty, but Since this scenario involves the US attacking Iran, the treaty becomes void. And i'm pretty sure most european countrys would rather sit it out than fight again.
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