I agree. But they would still experience heavy casualties if they were to invade Iran. The US and it's allies have been in Iraq and Afghanistan for nearly a decade with no indication of an end in the near future. They're fighting 10's of thousands of insurgents, not millions of Iranian soldiers. Iran has better kit too, despite it not being on the same level as the US or other first world nations.
I disagree. I think you're making a flawed comparison here, or we're talking about different things.The going'srough in Iraq because we're fighting insurgents in a population we're trying to support. That's a completely different animal from fighting a conventional military.
Without doing any research, I think if the US invaded Iran, we would go through them like butter. Their command and control would be wiped out almost instantly, and their supply would soon follow. Our Army would cut off and annihilate their units in detail, with overwhelming air support. I think we'd see mass surrenders like in Desert Storm, or units just melting away after short engagements like in Iraq 2003. Numbers really mean jack here. We completely outc|ass Iran's military in any way you might possibly measure combat power. Now, if after an invasion we then tried to ocuppy the country, we'd be in for trouble.
Note: I use "we" and "us" to refer to the United States here. Not sure where you're from.
If you're interested, here's a c|assic article that every US Army officer has read: "Why Arabs Lose Wars." It talks about the differences in culture between America's military (which would also apply to Britain, Germany, France, so on) and Middle Eastern armies, and how that affects warfighting capability.
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