No it is not. Actually a lot of religions have done things that have helped women. For instance, Islam which is usually portrayed as anti-woman, banned the practice of burying girl babies alive that was practiced in pre-Islamic Arabia. Likewise Christianity prohibited infanticide and exposure (leaving a baby outside to die) which were things that mostly harmed female babies.
"Finally, however, with the Edict of Milan--which legalized the practice of Christianity--Christian leaders began to exert their influence on the Roman emperors regarding infanticide. Immediately after his conversion, Constantine--the first Christian Emperor--enacted two measures targeting the problem of infanticide: 1) Constantine provided funds out of the imperial treasury for parents over burdened with children; and 2) Constantine gave all the rights of property of exposed infants to those who saved and supported them. But more generally, Constantine broadened the scope of imperial charity and provided assistance for the poor and needy. "He also acknowledged the new ideal of charity. Previous emperors had encouraged schemes to support small numbers of children in less favored families, the future recruits for their armies. Constantine gave funds to the churches to support the poor, the widow and orphans." And according to Robin L. Fox, the church used those funds for charity. "Swollen by the Emperor's gifts, it helped the old, the infirm, and the destitute." Fox, op. cit., page 668.
Although the church, with the assistance of the government, was working to address many of the causes of infanticide, it continued to pressure Rome for a ban on infanticide. Bishop Basil of Caesarea argued persistently and persuasively for such a ban. Finally, he convinced Emperor Valentinian (364-375 CE)--a Christian--to outlaw the practice of infanticide in the Roman Empire. Finally, infanticide was banned."
Actually, the countries in which women have the most rights, The U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, are historically and predominantly Christian countries. Contrast that to China, an officially atheist and Communist country, where they have a big problem with sex-selective abortions (i.e. where fetuses are aborted because they are female) and forced abortions and forced sterilizations because of the one child-policy.
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