The funny thing is, for all of my searching through scripture just to see what the clear Biblical stance is on homosexuality (whether or not it is personal choice) I've actually found that the Bible has some interesting passages regarding (as far as my interpretations have led me to believe, and Clement of Alexandria backs me on this according to Wikipedia, lol) homosexuality. In Matthew 19:12 Jesus actually speaks of eunuchs, and brings up those who choose to live the life of a eunuch to gain a place in the kingdom of heaven. Similar things come up in another book of the Bible regarding eunuchs who are living so by choice, and while this isn't clear language, little in the Bible is. What I propose is no more of a stretch (and even considerably less so) than assuming that homosexuality is by choice "because I think so and I'm right."
Also, anyone who brings up an extensive amount of passages from Leviticus (let's just say Old Testament in general) to support an anti-homosexual agenda may as well decide to change their life around if they want a piece of heaven, because God also asks of us that we don't eat raw meat, rabbit or shrimp, and additionally condemns crop-mingling and wearing wool and linen at the same time. That's basically just the tip of the iceberg. Better learn to sew!
...and be a vegetarian!
I'd say there is no reason to think that homosexuality ISN'T genetic or "from birth" as so many put it. It looks like another case of God asking us, as humans, to prohibit a part of our nature in His name.
Regardless, lol at this thread.
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