While you may consider me an extremist,I am not even close to that.If my style of posting reflected that then I would try to be more carefull about it.
Anyways here's a few sayings of the holy prophet which I am sure would give you a picture that Islam isnt the shallow,behind the times and restricted religion that you may think it is.
* People from the time of Adam onwards are as equal as the teeth of a comb. Arabs are not superior to non Arabs, nor are Redskinned people better than Blacks. No superiority or virture exists except in terms of Piety.Â
* The Quest for knowledge I cherish, superior to God's worship.
* The love of the world, is the root of all evils.Â
Now most muslims believe that if you dont believe in God and muhammad than you are going to hell just cuz of that.I personally dont believe in that and there really is no evidence of such a thing being true.There are several sayings of muhammad clearly indicating that God can forgive you for just about anything good.However that doesnt mean that if you have some good qualities than you are not going to hell for sure but it really is upon God.
The main thing that I want to pass on is that believing in God and mushammad really isnt 100% necessary to go to paradise.Many muslims may disagree with me but there doesnt seem to be any proof of that.
What I am saying is that Islam really is a fair religion overall.And here's something,
A bedouin came to the holy prophet Muhammad (s) and asked him some questions.
Bedouin: I wish to be the richest person in the world.
Prophet: Be content and you will be the richest person in the world.
Bedouin: I would like to be the most learned of people.
Prophet: Fear Allah and you will be the most learned of people.
Bedouin: I would like to be the most just of people.
Prophet: Desire for others what you would like for yourself and you would be the most just of people.
Bedouin: I would like to be the best of people.
Prophet: Be good to others and you will be the best of people.
Bedouin: I would like to be the most honorable of people.
Prophet: If you do not complain to any fellow humans you will be the most honorable of people.
Bedouin: I wish to be safe from Allah's Wrath on the Day of Judgment.
Prophet: If you do not lose your temper with any of your fellow humans, you will be safe from Allah's wrath on the Day of Judgment.
Bedouin: What are the worst evils in the sight of Allah?
Prophet: Hot temper and miserliness (i.e. selfishness with money).
That gives a pretty good picture of Islam and God is certainly not the cruel and angry fellow like some athesists think over here.
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