Right. One persons agenda should influence future political actions. Gotcha...Just another reason in a mountain on why the US should defund Israel and stop protecting them in the UN.. If Israel doesn't like the consquences.. MAYBE THEY CAN ACTUALLY try to solve it! At this time there is absolutely NO motivation for them to solve the problem.. IN fact its the polar opposite.. They have more reason to illegal take over the West Bank and settle it.. Because the US will continue to coddle them with out question.. This is just another false sense of appeasement.. That if the US asks enough that they will do it, Israel promises they will change.. But they never do.. Pull out all assets from Israel.. If Israel wants to make a change, than do it.. And the US will support them.. And in the end the US should be trying help both sides of the civilians.. In the end supporting Israel is the worse idea ever for the US,a nation that is trying to improve froeign policy with the Middle East.
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