:| Do they have a UN position within the security council? Do they have billions of dollars of top of the line hardware backing them? Do they have allies of super power or first world countries? Yes in this comparison they are a minor force.. If you seriously think that the support of finicially gain and military related features equals what the Palestinians are getitng through the Hamas.. Than you need a reality check.. It has always been a one sided battle since the 1967 war.. In that Israel is absolutely dominating all its neighbors technologically and by overall force..
Hamas isn't like a conventional political party or a military or even a para-military for that matter... Hamas is more like a movement, a philosphy, a shared set of beliefs..... Yeah I am pretty sure people would rather have the support of the United States, the military super power of the world.. Instead of a small radical movement..
They're hardly a 'small radical movement'... their beliefs (as I stated in my previously edited post) are shared, to varying degrees, with nearly one billion people worldwide... in dozens -- and maybe even hundreds -- of countries... by comparison, the US is a 'small movement'... I could be mistaken, but aren't there only something like 300 million Americans? And on that note, Hamas has supporters in the Untied States as well...
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