My scenario was obviously to counter your scenario, so we assume that all things in the scenario are equal.
Please don't read your ugly double-standards into my scenario.
I am trying to make the point that we should hold individual's accountable.
Now, I would totally understand if someone blamed a religion in their pain, but it would be irrational.
Your attempts to justify such a mode of thinking is telling.
I'm not attempting to justify it :lol:..i'm stating it is illogical to state that he would only burn it because their beliefs do not agree with his..And i'm not creating any double standards..the trend when a murder is comitted by a Muslim tends to be that they claim to do it for "allah"..
And so what if it is irrational?..We still conclude that he would not only burn it because their beliefs do not agree with his..
I all ready agreed with you that disagreement was not the only reason. Clearly. Were not paying attention? Didn't i just say in the other post "ok" when you stated such a thing?..Not paying attention?..
And if you're going to talk about this trend about Muslim murders, please site evidence.
October 19, 1994
" A powerful bomb, apparently placed by Islamic militants opposed to the Arab-Israeli peace negotiations, blew up a crowded bus during the morning rush hour in the heart of Tel Aviv, Israel, killing 22 people and wounding 48."
July 18, 1995
" A huge bomb exploded destroying a seven-story downtown building housing two Jewish groups in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At least 26 people were killed and 127 injured."
February 26, 1993
" A tremendous underground explosion believed to be caused by a bomb, shook the 110 story twin towers of Manhattan's World Trade Center, in New York, killing at least five people, injuring more than 1000, and sending tens of thousands of workers fleeing for their lives down crowded smoke-filled stairs."
May 4, 1992
" 13 Egyptian Christians were shot dead by Muslim fundamentalists in Mansheit Nasser, Egypt. Ten Christian farmers were ambushed and murdered while working in their fields. A Christian teacher was shot in the local school while teaching a ****of ten-year olds. A Christian doctor was shot dead outside his home."
These are just a few samples out of thousands of terrorist attacks, which all have one element in common: They were all committed by Muslim fundamentalists. Who act in the name of their religion..http://www.answering-islam.org/NonMuslims/die_kill.htm
"I am one of the servants of Allah. We do our duty of fighting for the sake of the religion of Allah. It is also our duty to send a call to all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam. Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion."
Osama bin Laden, May 1998
"In the name of Allah the Avenger, I swear on the holy book to perform my sacred duty as a soldier of Islam in this Jihad to restore to this world the light of divine justice... Allah demands no less. For to die in the cause is to be sent immediately to paradise."
A Taliban official, explaining why the group is violent.
"But the coming Islamic caliphate country will not rise except at the hands of the fighting sect who raises the flag of Allah and Jihad."
Statement from the Salafi terrorist group, one of several fundamentalist cells responsible for the slaughter of 150,000 men women and children in the 1990's.
"Our Jihad consists of killing and dispersing all those who fight against Allah and his Prophet."
"Throat-slitting and murder until the power is Allah's!"
Both quotes from leaders of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA). The first spoken by Sid Ahmed Mourad, the second from Abdelkader Hattab.
"True resistance is helped by Allah the Supreme and the battles are for His just cause"
Abu Hafs, Mujahideen and one of the region's most prolific killer
"Allah is our objective, the Quran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our way, and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."
Credo of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has spawned attacks and numerous subsidiary terrorist organizations
"Democracy is among the menaces we inherited from an alien government. It is part of the system we are fighting against… It is not possible to work within a democracy and establish an Islamic system… If Allah gives us a chance, we will try to bring in the pure concept of an Islamic Caliphate.''
"The notion of the sovereignty of the people is anti-Islamic. Only Allah is sovereign.''
Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the leader of the Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist organization.
Thirdly, you did justify it. When I said that it would be ridiculous, you objected. And then when I posed the same scenario involving a Christian, you avoiding rationalizing the "pain burning." You never stated that he would be doing it in the name of his God..so i cannot assume that he would be doing such a thing..
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