I want to preface this semi-tirade with a statement- I have had pre-marital sex.
Ok, that's out of the way. :P Now, on to the real subject- How is it that we as a society have come to so widely accept pre-marital sex, and even casual sex as normal and acceptable, and yet those same people choose to get married?
One of the original priveleges of being married was to get to reach a level of physical and emotional intimacy with another person. The idea was that you DON'T have sex with people until you get married. This made marriage a much MORE desirable thing than it has become today, because it also included access to one of the most valuable and desirable things that a person can experience- sex.
In our world today, marriage is viewed as a burden as much as it is a privilege, partly because people think "oh crap, now that I'm married to this person, I'm not supposed to have sex with anyone else.. I liked it better when I could have sex with people without commitment. Boy it sucks being tied down."
Well NO **** Of course it feels like you're being tied down, because if you choose to get married today, you're more than likely just being tied down to a used product anyways! Such a high percentage of adults have had multiple sex partners that they weren't married to. If people weren't all screwed-up and down 50 times before they got married, the marriages would work better because the physical intimacy would be valued much more, but the sex itself would be much more valuable. The devaluing of physical intimacy in our society has created a huge moral inversion that is to blame for many problems that we face.. namely:
-Unwanted pregnancies due to pre-marital (non-commital) sex
-The spread of STDs due to pre-marital sex with multiple partners
-The devaluing of physical intimacy in a relationship (since so many of us have already had sex many times before)
-Adds to divorce rates due to people feeling "ok" with having sex with someone other than their spouse. Having a "mate" used to mean that you just "mated" with that person. It's not a hard concept, but our moral weakness has apparently changed that.
Now you've heard my piece. Feel free to comment however you like.. just please don't argue that having lots of pre-marital sex with multiple partners doesn't devalue sex with someone that you "really care for." Sex is just like anything else that gets used too much, or misused. It loses value.hartsickdiscipl
You need to read the rest of the thread. Your first bullet-point proves that you didn't get the point of what I, or the others arguing my point were getting at.
No, you said one of the original priveledges of marriage was having sex, my first bullet point was only pointing out the falsity of that. Also, there's a difference between not getting the point and not agreeing with the point.
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