[QUOTE="Mousetaches"]That is a huge issue, because Islam didn't commite the acts. What did Jesus say what you are supposed to do when you are wronged? "Descriminate against anyone who shares any common traits with those who wrong you"?[QUOTE="doom3lv"] survivors of 9/11 associate islam with the act. doom3lv
I don't think that's it.
And I hope there aren't any GOP HQs in Oklahoma City, because Timothy McVeigh was a Republican, so obviously its the GOP's fault.
Here is my problem with islam:http://www.answering-islam.org/Terrorism/islam_and_violence.html
ANY violent christian is explicitly going against the teaching of jesus christ. there is no contradiction to this easily verifiable fact.
now, here is what the article describes:
Our point, of course, should not be taken to imply that all faithful and devout Muslims, must become violent, in order to be true to the teachings of Islam. We will not hesitate to say that the vast majority of the Muslim world condemns acts of terror and violence. There are many schools of thought in Islam with various and often conflicting interpretations of the Qur'an. However, the important distinction that we are making is this: the minority groups in Islam who resort to violence, are not an aberration to Islam, but in fact can legitimately claim to be working within the basic parameters of Islamic Jihad.
Now do you see my problem? i am NOT saying all muslims are violent terrorists! far from that, i am saying there are a lot of normal muslims who are just as american as i am.
HOWEVER, the ones who are terrorists, and the ones who made 9/11 possible are also true muslims if you turn to the koran and take it LITERALLY.
this is what scares me. the chance of a christ believer committing acts of terrorism is very unlikely simply because the teachings of jesus christ are completely non violent., but the chance of someone taking the koran literally is far greater.
do not think i am a bigot. i am not. i am simply stating the facts and my conclusions.
You ARE a bigot, you're arguing the supremacy of the Christian culture over Muslims culture using selective quotations and your own interpretation of what a REAL Muslim is. I always love it when people tell other people what a REAL member of a religion is, there's a fellow around here who likes to do it, ask around and see how popular he is when he goes around telling other Christians they're not REAL Christians. Anyways, arguing the cultural superiority is bigoted behavior.The Bible says the same things. The Bible says a woman should submit to a man's authority and that man should have domination over her, the Bible says a man has a right to beat his slave for disobedience, the bible says it is every Christian's duty to stone homosexuals and adulterers. Every holy book is like this, there's no one religion that's better than the other or that holds the moral high ground. In fact, they are alll derived from the same basic religious tenets and only differ not in the god they worship but in the prophets they revere. There's no more difference between a Muslim and a Catholic than between a Catholic and a Protestant.
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