[QUOTE="hakanakumono"][QUOTE="doom3lv"]so your answer to any question about islam is to turn around and say "christianity does it too!". so if christianity made it ok to be a terrorist, would be ok for islam to preach the same?doom3lv
I don't know if either religion makes it "okay to be a terrorist," but I know that in the Bible you can find some pretty nasty things. In the old testament, it does advocate (actually, commands) the stoning of people who don't fall under the same religion, etc. So I wouldn't be surprised that some verses in Islam can be used to advocate terrorism as well (as well as one clearly condemning it).
The point is that Christians are capable of being peaceful, productive, caring, well meaning citizens of the United States. Guess what, Muslims are too. America needs Mosques from these kinds of people, not Islamophobia that can give rise to the kind of persecuation complexes that have a much greater chance of giving rise to terrorism than a community center on top of a derelict blurington coat factory.
Christians of America are quite capable of being peaceful. If it wasn't for them America wouldn't be what it is.
Can people honestly say the same thing about muslims? Considering every other day a naturalized American muslim is in the news for wanting to harm other people in the name of islam.
Yet, if we do not love islam, we are bigots. That's great.
Ha, way to strawman my argument. I never said you were a bigot if you didn't love Islam, I said you were a bigot if you didn't respect Islam and argued for the cultural superiority of Christianity.
Yes, I can say that about Muslims. I seriously wonder where this country would be without Muslims, they make up a large percentage of the cabbie force in major cities, what if there were no cabs tomorrow? They're also very prominent in education and the intellectual community, I think this country would be worse off in that regard for not having them. Using an argument I've typically heard defending Christianity, they're very charitable people. Perhaps ht emost important thing, though, is that they represent a unique culture that has been isolated from American culture and serve as a connection to that culture here in America. We are a richer culture for having them here in America, so yes if it wasn't for them America wouldn't be what it is today.
If you actually look at the news there's a greater likelihood of reading about anon-Muslim citizen commiting a violent crime than a Muslim. Most Muslims who commit acts of terror aren't naturalized citizens, and those that are represent a minority.
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