Exactly. And as somebody's already said, there was no mention of all the hate mail and supposed death threats they must have received over that. The fact that this is getting so much publicity is proof of how anti-Islamic America seems to be as a whole.jimmyjammer69Hate mail wouldn't have been a news story anyway from either religion, but perhaps CC didn't receive death threats over the Buddha and Jesus depictions. Chritianity, in particular, is used to being openly mocked, and if Christians sent death threats every time they were insulted they'd never stop writing letters.
Christians and Muslims believe differently. Christians, for the most part, expect to be mocked; it's in the Bible, and Jesus Himself was mocked the worst ways possible (for his time, at the very least). Muslims have no such beliefs or expectations; they allow for a person to choose his own religion but that doesn't allow for pointless mockery.
I agree that mocking religion is an immature, intolerant, and downright meanspirited thing to do. However, I think people should be free to do so (because I don't want someone else dictating to me what is and isn't offensive enough to be controlled. I like being able to criticize political parties, for instance, and believe that it's a necessary part of moving forward as a society {although I tend to be more tactful than the Comedy Central clowns}). Furthermore, I detest the concept that Muslims have the right to enforce their ideals onto others who aren't a part of their sect (whether through violent actions or not).
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