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how does he sign paperwork if he can't rest his arms on a desk? I smell B.S.
Anyways, the candidates sould be focusing on real issues, not this crap.
I don't get it, how does not knowing how to use a computer have to do with being disabled?Guiltfeeder566
It's painful for him to use a computer, since his arms and fingers were repeatedly broken by the Vietcong while he served our country.
He wasn't making fun of disabled people.
If everything people said about Obama was true, he'd be a Muslim, elitist, sexist, and he'd hate disabled people. Although I will admit, that's a bad error on Obama's part.
Of course he's not making fun of disabled people. He's making fun of old people. It's just unfortunate that McCain happens to have a disability that prevents him from learning to use the computer.
Haha, uhhhhh, Obama, uhhhhhh, he, uhhhhh, ......uhhh, umm,. He's a , uhhhh, good at quick, uhh, uh uh, comebacks.
*crowd goes wild. Lol, sorry, he's a great speaker, but thats how he talks without a teleprompter.
ya and I love it.'
after viewing the ad, people are way way overanalyzing this. The point of the ad was to show that McCain has not kept up with the times. The point of the ad was not to poke fun at people with war injuries
"he suffers from include an inability to comfortably raise his arms very high (such as high enough to rest on a desk)" from the link in the OP.
"he suffers from include an inability to comfortably raise his arms very high (such as high enough to rest on a desk)" from the link in the OP.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure: *pic*
Did you miss the part where it said comfortably?
[QUOTE="Heydanbud92"]"he suffers from include an inability to comfortably raise his arms very high (such as high enough to rest on a desk)" from the link in the OP.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure: *pic*
Did you miss the part where it said comfortably?
he could have his chair higher so his arms aren't so high.
and are you saying that this isn't BS? it's total BS. all of it, obama's ad too. that's my point.
[QUOTE="SlorgieNel"][QUOTE="Heydanbud92"]"he suffers from include an inability to comfortably raise his arms very high (such as high enough to rest on a desk)" from the link in the OP.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure: *pic*
Did you miss the part where it said comfortably?
he could have his chair higher so his arms aren't so high.
and are you saying that this isn't BS? it's total BS. all of it, obama's ad too. that's my point.
Sure, they could easily get around the arm height problem, but I'd imagine it'd be kind of difficult typing with hands and fingers that had been repeatedly broken.
I'm saying that it's not BS. I don't think Obama purposely was making fun of disabled people, but it's appauling that clearly his campaign did absolutely no research on this. I'm sure that if my fingers had been badly injured and I couldn't use a computer, I would be outraged if people implied that it's because I'm old or unwilling to learn.
Why use those when he has Cindy to do it for him? mysterylobster
So then he can do it himself and learn how to use a computer without pain :|
He had his arms repeatedly broken by the Vietcong, give him some slack.mysterylobsterI would understand if those types of keyboards didn't exist, but since they do and they have for quite a while, I don't see why he wouldn't want to learn unless he just had no interest to.
You know they make keyboards for these types of injuries, right?Sure, they could easily get around the arm height problem, but I'd imagine it'd be kind of difficult typing with hands and fingers that had been repeatedly broken.
I'm saying that it's not BS. I don't think Obama purposely was making fun of disabled people, but it's appauling that clearly his campaign did absolutely no research on this. I'm sure that if my fingers had been badly injured and I couldn't use a computer, I would be outraged if people implied that it's because I'm old or unwilling to learn.
[QUOTE="Trashface"][QUOTE="alexmurray"][QUOTE="Trashface"][QUOTE="alexmurray"]This is my take in the issue, no obama shouldn't have made the ad, it was a response to the McCain ad saying obama wants to teach 5 years olds sex-ed(not true)
But McCain can use keyboards for disabled people but Obama should have left it alone. But it wont harm the Obama campaign, Maybe it would be attacked on the Media but Palins crappy preformace at the interview and the Hurricane stopped people from taking notice.
Look both sides have made these types of ads, McCain more than Obama but they are still in the wrong.
Palin's hype may have died down a bit, but it has nothing to do with the interview. The interview was fine. Things have just settled. Obama will never get his momentum back. His campaign has seen it's glory days. I believe McCain's real glory days will come during the debates. He challenged Obama to 10 different town hall debates, but Obama is afraid of that true debate setting. That's like someone trying out for the swim team being afraid of pools. Anyway, I read that Obama did agree to have one of the 3 debates in a town hall setting. He better study.
No Obamas momentum will build up again, if he justs says 3 sentences
1st John McCain is Bush
2nd Republicans fixing the economy :lol:
3rd The Iraq war
The election is still in Obamas hands, McCain will win if only if Obama doesnt do the above
And yes the Palin madness has died down, because of the interview, rumors and skeletons in the closet
That's the same tired rhetoric he's used from the beginning. You think the same ol nonsense is just going to suddenly energize him again? You live in a dream. Palin's hype has settled just because hype settles. It has nothing to do with the interview or silly nonsense that the desperate left dug up. What does McCain have to do to win? He just needs to continue to be himself and talk about issues like he has. You havent noticed how weak the Obama campaign has gotten? theyre in serious danger and youre too blind to even realize it.
Has Palin made you blind? McCain never talks about the issues, he only talks about spending and that hes against earmarks. The debates will settle the issue and In my eyes Obama will win
Sure he talks about issues. Maybe you didn't see his last forum, but he answered every single policy questioned asked of him.
[QUOTE="SlorgieNel"][QUOTE="Heydanbud92"]"he suffers from include an inability to comfortably raise his arms very high (such as high enough to rest on a desk)" from the link in the OP.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure: *pic*
Did you miss the part where it said comfortably?
he could have his chair higher so his arms aren't so high.
and are you saying that this isn't BS? it's total BS. all of it, obama's ad too. that's my point.
Yes theyre all BS. Just cause he can raise them for a short time doesnt mean they wouldn't become painful if raised a length of time, even if raise just a bit. What President in their right mind would put vital info on a computer network anyway? Funny how Obama supporters try to claim that Wright and Obama's past are non issues, yet theyre making a big deal about him using a computer. This is totally laughable.
There is a difference from being physically impaired from using a computer, and mentally not knowing how to use one. That Senator McCain is not currently knowledgeable about basic mainstream technologies like computers and email is a relevant point towards his qualifications for the office of which he is seeking. It's like someone not being aware of the significance of the Industrial Revolution twenty years after it happened. Edit: Pointing out this lack of knowledge is also very different from making fun of a physical impairment.nocoolnamejim
Well said sir, well said.
Some personal traits of candidates shouldn't have a role in presidental campaigns (sex, race, etc.), but there are characteristics of candidates that can be and need to be pointed out. Playing the devil's advocate, it's like the McCain campaign bashing Obama for being relatively inexperienced - us Obama fanboys think he has enough experience, but it's still a valid issue that should be debated in healthy political discourse.
And on the 8th day, God made armrests:|Yes theyre all BS. Just cause he can raise them for a short time doesnt mean they wouldn't become painful if raised a length of time, even if raise just a bit. Trashface
What President in their right mind would put vital info on a computer network anyway?I'm sure that at least Bush and Clinton have and the Pentagon does it all the time. It makes it much easier to store (instead of having tons of paper to go through) and access (instead of having to go though said papers).Trashface
Of course, all of this would have do be under (hopefully) the world's best network security.
First off, she has NEVER stated she does not believe in evolution. I believe evolution was a design and therefore I believe in both. Assumming all creationists disbelieve in evolution is stereotypical and ignorant. I wouldnt be surprised if leftist pundits like stewart knew this, but used it to add this stereotype into the mix with the gun toting racist redneck stereotypes. Their simpleton methods of attack through indoctrination are transparent. Also, she approved of an open debate between the 2. She has never called for creationism to actually be taught and yes evolution is a theory with a lot of sensible conclusions to back it. TrashfaceI was reffering primarily to her belief that the earth is 4K years old, which has been patently proven to be false. I also never said she called for creationism to be taught. Even if she did want to, she couldn't. The Supreme Court would pimp slap her so fast that it would like like Flash was the Chief Justice.
[QUOTE="Genetic_Code"]Why do people bring this up? What does someone's hobbies and their personal religious beliefs affect how they are going to be in political office? She's even said that she isn't sure how life came to be about. VandalvideoIt is a pundett gaffee to prove a point. I find it hard to place my faith in a leader who can't accept proven scientific phenomenon and clings to some false sense of security based on wrong beliefs. This isn't a matter of whether or not she can believe in god, its a matter of whether or not she is objective enough to listen to reason, pay attention to the facts, and act in a dignified manner becoming of a president. If she can't accept something as established as the earth being 4.6 billion years old then she doesn't have a place in the white hosue.
May I ask what does "pundett gaffee" mean?
May I ask what does "pundett gaffee" mean?unholymightPundett was a mispell. I mean't Pundit. Basically someone who knows alot about the field making an offcolor, improper remark. A faux pas.
[QUOTE="Trashface"]First off, she has NEVER stated she does not believe in evolution. I believe evolution was a design and therefore I believe in both. Assumming all creationists disbelieve in evolution is stereotypical and ignorant. I wouldnt be surprised if leftist pundits like stewart knew this, but used it to add this stereotype into the mix with the gun toting racist redneck stereotypes. Their simpleton methods of attack through indoctrination are transparent. Also, she approved of an open debate between the 2. She has never called for creationism to actually be taught and yes evolution is a theory with a lot of sensible conclusions to back it. VandalvideoI was reffering primarily to her belief that the earth is 4K years old, which has been patently proven to be false. I also never said she called for creationism to be taught. Even if she did want to, she couldn't. The Supreme Court would pimp slap her so fast that it would like like Flash was the Chief Justice.
When did she actually state that she thought the earth was 4000 years old?
I was reffering primarily to her belief that the earth is 4K years old, which has been patently proven to be false. I also never said she called for creationism to be taught. Even if she did want to, she couldn't. The Supreme Court would pimp slap her so fast that it would like like Flash was the Chief Justice.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Trashface"]First off, she has NEVER stated she does not believe in evolution. I believe evolution was a design and therefore I believe in both. Assumming all creationists disbelieve in evolution is stereotypical and ignorant. I wouldnt be surprised if leftist pundits like stewart knew this, but used it to add this stereotype into the mix with the gun toting racist redneck stereotypes. Their simpleton methods of attack through indoctrination are transparent. Also, she approved of an open debate between the 2. She has never called for creationism to actually be taught and yes evolution is a theory with a lot of sensible conclusions to back it. Trashface
When did she actually state that she thought the earth was 4000 years old?
She never stated that? Then it's just another non issue.
[QUOTE="mfacek"]As embarressing and wrong as the ad was. It isn't intentionally making fun of disabled people. If that's true about Mccain, it was purely an error, not some spiteful hurtful attack, so don't make it sound like such.mysterylobster
We're talking about a man who called the woman running against him a pig.
he said a pig with makeup which basically means that she may be a new person but it's still the old polocies and McCain has used it before too
[QUOTE="k_smoove"]They mentioned McCain's disabilities? That's not right. I don't support Republicans, but I think it's unfair for the ad to say McCain's unfit for the job because he's crippled. That crosses the line.VandalvideoDo you want a soccer mom who believes in creationism and the earth being 5K years old to be president once McCain croaks? I don't.When you put it like that...
When did she actually state that she thought the earth was 4000 years old?TrashfaceOf course she never explicitly stated that, but in the 2006 Alaska governor race she did state something along similar lines. She stated something to the effect that fossil ages are in dispute, and that young earth is possible. It has since been reported that she is an avid young earth believer in a number of different media sources, none of which have ever been discredited. "Among other things, she declared that she was a young earth creationist, accepting both that the world was about 6,000-plus years old, and that humans and dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time. I asked how she felt about the second coming and the end times. She responded that she fully believed that the signs of Jesus returning soon "during MY lifetime," were obvious. "I can see that, maybe you can't - but it guides me every day." - Philip Munger.
[QUOTE="Trashface"]When did she actually state that she thought the earth was 4000 years old?VandalvideoOf course she never explicitly stated that, but in the 2006 Alaska governor race she did state something along similar lines. She stated something to the effect that fossil ages are in dispute, and that young earth is possible. It has since been reported that she is an avid young earth believer in a number of different media sources, none of which have ever been discredited. "Among other things, she declared that she was a young earth creationist, accepting both that the world was about 6,000-plus years old, and that humans and dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time. I asked how she felt about the second coming and the end times. She responded that she fully believed that the signs of Jesus returning soon "during MY lifetime," were obvious. "I can see that, maybe you can't - but it guides me every day." - Philip Munger.
Even if she did, as long as she didn't advocate teaching this in schools, I don't see how it would effect her politically.
Even if she did, as long as she didn't advocate teaching this in schools, I don't see how it would effect her politically.TrashfaceLike I had pointed out earlier. I don't care if she believes in god. I care if she can listen to the overwhelming ammount of evidence present that young earth is WRONG. I care if she can listen to reason and throw away her prejudices instead of making bad decisions based on them.
If people serioulsy think that Obama was making fun of disabled people from that ad.. Then you honestly shouldn't be voting, this clear lack of education and interpretation shows you have little to no clue when it comes to rhetoric and can be easilly manipulated to vote for things you may not neccesarly agree with if you understood it, but sense it sounded nice you will vote for it anyways
Doesn't it bother any one that the last election was won by Bush making his main concern of not allowing gay marriage? He swung something like 10 states doing this, clearly it may be a issue for some.. But there are seriously more important things to go on about it..
If people serioulsy think that Obama was making fun of disabled people from that ad.. Then you honestly shouldn't be voting, this clear lack of education and interpretation shows you have little to no clue when it comes to rhetoric and can be easilly manipulated to vote for things you may not neccesarly agree with if you understood it, but sense it sounded nice you will vote for it anywayssSubZerOo
Now, to be clear, the ad itself did not make fun of disabled people. I maintain that the Obama camp simply didn't know McCain was disabled in this way.
But to let this go on without an apology after it's been proven that McCain can't use a computer without pain is an insult, not just to Senator McCain, but to all disabled people.
There is a difference from being physically impaired from using a computer, and mentally not knowing how to use one. That Senator McCain is not currently knowledgeable about basic mainstream technologies like computers and email is a relevant point towards his qualifications for the office of which he is seeking.nocoolnamejim
If one has little experience with something (i.e. computer), one is unlikely to have knowledge about it (i.e. how to use a computer). For example, Obama has little experience with political office, therefore, he is unlikely to have knowledge of what to do in office. ;)
Obama's ad is essentially an ad hominem attack. McCain's inability to check his own email or google for pictures of lolcats has no impact on his ability to negotiate with leaders of Iran and China, where the internet is pretty much banned anyway.
[QUOTE="k_smoove"]They mentioned McCain's disabilities? That's not right. I don't support Republicans, but I think it's unfair for the ad to say McCain's unfit for the job because he's crippled. That crosses the line.VandalvideoDo you want a soccer mom who believes in creationism and the earth being 5K years old to be president once McCain croaks? I don't.
She's a hockey mom, she does not believe in Creationism, and according to standard rhetoric, Creationists believe the earth is 4K years old. Could you fill that sentence with any more inaccuracies?
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]If people serioulsy think that Obama was making fun of disabled people from that ad.. Then you honestly shouldn't be voting, this clear lack of education and interpretation shows you have little to no clue when it comes to rhetoric and can be easilly manipulated to vote for things you may not neccesarly agree with if you understood it, but sense it sounded nice you will vote for it anywaysmysterylobster
Now, to be clear, the ad itself did not make fun of disabled people. I maintain that the Obama camp simply didn't know McCain was disabled in this way.
But to let this go on without an apology after it's been proven that McCain can't use a computer without pain is an insult, not just to Senator McCain, but to all disabled people.
What apology is needed? If people are so uptight and problematic by a gross misinterpretation of something that was not said or ment, then they need to seek a pyscho therapist. The ad was clear in its speech, the only misintpretation is on the viewers fault, not the person who made the ad. Top that off, wth is with this over sensitivity where we must have public apologies all the time.. It sickens me that people are so hurt from the smallest slip up or misinterpretation.. Such a small slip up has costed people their careers, and the ironic thign is these people are attacked by the media with just as much if not more malcontent then the actual slip up caused..
Top that off I would like to understand how McCain can not use a computer, I could understand if he couldn't use one for a extended period of time.. But if its that bad, he must not be even capable of writing then.
Sorry, but that is stupid. Why would he apologize when he has done nothing wrong? The comment meant that McCain can't keep up with the times and nothing else. Where is your proof otherwise?
And why do you keep saying that having bad arms or fingers can prevent you from using a computer? That is no excuse. If this guy can use a computer, then anyone can.
And why do you keep saying that having bad arms or fingers can prevent you from using a computer? That is no excuse. If this guy can use a computer, then anyone can.
How do you know that guy can use a computer?
Sorry, but that is stupid. Why would he apologize when he has done nothing wrong? The comment meant that McCain can't keep up with the times and nothing else. Where is your proof otherwise?bdever32
Did I say the comment was made to make fun of disabled people? No, I didn't. In fact, if you bothered to read my previous post, you would see I clearly stated that the ad did not make any jabs at people with disabilities. So I have no clue why you're asking me to prove something I've already said is not true.
What I did say was that the message was sloppily researched, and while 0bama wasn't making fun of McCain's disability in the ad, he should apologize for the unfortunate mistake.
And why do you keep saying that having bad arms or fingers can prevent you from using a computer? That is no excuse. If this guy can use a computer, then anyone can.
Oh gosh, I can't believe people are trying to use this argument. He says it's painful for him, so drop it. Don't try to tell this 72 year-old war hero, who had his arms repeatedly broken by the Vietcong, what he can and cannot do with his body.
[QUOTE="bdever32"]And why do you keep saying that having bad arms or fingers can prevent you from using a computer? That is no excuse. If this guy can use a computer, then anyone can.
How do you know that guy can use a computer?
[QUOTE="bdever32"]Sorry, but that is stupid. Why would he apologize when he has done nothing wrong? The comment meant that McCain can't keep up with the times and nothing else. Where is your proof otherwise?mysterylobster
Did I say the comment was made to make fun of disabled people? No, I didn't. In fact, if you bothered to read my previous post, you would see I clearly stated that the ad did not make any jabs at people with disabilities. So I have no clue why you're asking me to prove something I've already said is not true.
What I did say was that the message was sloppily researched, and while 0bama wasn't making fun of McCain's disability in the ad, he should apologize for the unfortunate mistake.
I still don't see why you think he should apologize. There was no mistake made as far as I can see. The ad says John McCain hasn't learned to use a computer, and AFAIK that is true.
[QUOTE="bdever32"]And why do you keep saying that having bad arms or fingers can prevent you from using a computer? That is no excuse. If this guy can use a computer, then anyone can.
How do you know that guy can use a computer?
If you ever watch one of his speeches, he demonstrates how he uses one. He has some sort of gripping device that goes onto one of his "feet" and he uses that to type. So I was just saying that if McCain wanted to learn to use a computer he could pretty easily.
[QUOTE="clicketyclick"][QUOTE="bdever32"]And why do you keep saying that having bad arms or fingers can prevent you from using a computer? That is no excuse. If this guy can use a computer, then anyone can.
How do you know that guy can use a computer?
If you ever watch one of his speeches, he demonstrates how he uses one. He has some sort of gripping device that goes onto one of his "feet" and he uses that to type. So I was just saying that if McCain wanted to learn to use a computer he could pretty easily.
Its true, but if he plays the POW card the Obama ad doesn't look right
[QUOTE="clicketyclick"][QUOTE="bdever32"]And why do you keep saying that having bad arms or fingers can prevent you from using a computer? That is no excuse. If this guy can use a computer, then anyone can.
How do you know that guy can use a computer?
If you ever watch one of his speeches, he demonstrates how he uses one. He has some sort of gripping device that goes onto one of his "feet" and he uses that to type. So I was just saying that if McCain wanted to learn to use a computer he could pretty easily.
So McCain should cut off his arms and replace them with mechanical devices so that he won't feel pain?
if you're gonna do some negative campaigning, At least do it properly John McCain called his wife a ****
Warning- naughty language
[QUOTE="bdever32"][QUOTE="clicketyclick"][QUOTE="bdever32"]And why do you keep saying that having bad arms or fingers can prevent you from using a computer? That is no excuse. If this guy can use a computer, then anyone can.
How do you know that guy can use a computer?
If you ever watch one of his speeches, he demonstrates how he uses one. He has some sort of gripping device that goes onto one of his "feet" and he uses that to type. So I was just saying that if McCain wanted to learn to use a computer he could pretty easily.
Its true, but if he plays the POW card the Obama ad doesn't look right
Which is sad.. People are taking this completely out of view.. This is a job people, its not ment to give fair light on each person.. We are tryign to find which person is best for the job.. Most understand McCain's PoW stuff.. We all respect his service to the country. But that does not give him some kind of excuse on why he shouldn't be able to know computers.. Lets face it this is a job, I want the best leader that has knownledge in multiple fields including technology.. If his supposed injuries makes him unable to understand tehcnology such as computers, well thats a fault.. There is no excuse about it.. Are we suppose to accept if McCain makes some kind of grevious error on a policy due to no knowledge of technology because of his supposed inability to operate or undestand technology? Though i am not quite sure how big of a issue is in leading, it may be huge who knows.
Do you think NFL football take speciail interest in people who have say for instance a malformed hand that as a running back they can't catch a ball, though they can carry it just fine? No, they pick the best person for the job.. No one should get special treatment for this.
The only thing that should be argued is not excuses for his disabilities, but how much does this affect a candiate in leadership with the supposed lack of understanding with technology?
if you're gonna do some negative campaigning, At least do it properly John McCain called his wife a ****
Warning- naughty language
Show me the video or audio.
[QUOTE="clicketyclick"]So McCain should cut off his arms and replace them with mechanical devices so that he won't feel pain?
Did you know there are many hands free devices/programs for typing?
They frequently get words wrong. The tech is not quite there yet. Perhaps why the limbless guy you linked to prefers to use a mechanical extension to type.
That is the problem. McCain releases ad after ad of lying crap about Obama, and somehow that is perfectly acceptable. Everytime Obama has an ad, McCain pulls out one of his many cards and throws it on the table.
Oh boy, you're going to have to explain this one. Which ads have been lies, exactly?
[QUOTE="bdever32"]That is the problem. McCain releases ad after ad of lying crap about Obama, and somehow that is perfectly acceptable. Everytime Obama has an ad, McCain pulls out one of his many cards and throws it on the table.
Oh boy, you're going to have to explain this one. Which ads have been lies, exactly?
In my opinion a huge one would be the fact McCain calling himself and Pallin, "mavricks".. Which is complete bs, the last thing McCain did against the republican party was going against torture.. Which he quickly bent over to and stopped going on abou tit.. Where the republican party "welcomed" back into their arms.. But lets not overstretch it, all political ads by really any politician regardless of party are lies, attacks, misintpretations, stretched truth etc etc.. The point is, if you base who you are going to vote for off 1 minute political ads, then you should not be voting.
[QUOTE="Mr_sprinkles"]if you're gonna do some negative campaigning, At least do it properly John McCain called his wife a ****
Warning- naughty language
Show me the video or audio.
you think they would've used the c-word on tv in 1992?[QUOTE="mfacek"]As embarressing and wrong as the ad was. It isn't intentionally making fun of disabled people. If that's true about Mccain, it was purely an error, not some spiteful hurtful attack, so don't make it sound like such.mysterylobster
We're talking about a man who called the woman running against him a pig.
And McCain used the exact same phrase to describe Clinton's healthcare plan. But, conveniently, nobody seems to mention that...[QUOTE="mysterylobster"][QUOTE="bdever32"]That is the problem. McCain releases ad after ad of lying crap about Obama, and somehow that is perfectly acceptable. Everytime Obama has an ad, McCain pulls out one of his many cards and throws it on the table.
Oh boy, you're going to have to explain this one. Which ads have been lies, exactly?
In my opinion a huge one would be the fact McCain calling himself and Pallin, "mavricks".. Which is complete bs
Even if you consider it to be a lie, that is not a lie about Obama.
(And by the way, I think you have to research McCain's stance on torture a little more thoroughly.)
[QUOTE="mysterylobster"][QUOTE="mfacek"]As embarressing and wrong as the ad was. It isn't intentionally making fun of disabled people. If that's true about Mccain, it was purely an error, not some spiteful hurtful attack, so don't make it sound like such.Bourbons3
We're talking about a man who called the woman running against him a pig.
And McCain used the exact same phrase to describe Clinton's healthcare plan. But, conveniently, nobody seems to mention that...That's because the proximity to Palin's own "lipstick" comment makes it clear who the target was.
This has been discussed here already. Please read before responding.
[QUOTE="Bourbons3"][QUOTE="mysterylobster"][QUOTE="mfacek"]As embarressing and wrong as the ad was. It isn't intentionally making fun of disabled people. If that's true about Mccain, it was purely an error, not some spiteful hurtful attack, so don't make it sound like such.mysterylobster
We're talking about a man who called the woman running against him a pig.
And McCain used the exact same phrase to describe Clinton's healthcare plan. But, conveniently, nobody seems to mention that...That's because the proximity to Palin's own "lipstick" comment makes it clear who the target was.
This has been discussed here already. Please read before responding.
You can't prove it.. It is completey circumstantial.. Its a commonly used term, for him to mean any different he would have to go more into depth.. This is hypocritical and stupid.
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