Gas the bastards and move in with the rubber bullets. Their silly little movement should have come to an end weeks ago.
Look, I'm no fan of OWS, but you serious?These whiny little ******* are a pestilence. I have to put up with these punks here in Oakland. And what I get are disease-ridden, smelly hippies infesting my neighborhood, committing vandalism of small businesses (I guess they're the evil 1% too), theft, and violent crime (despite what you've been hearing about their allegedly peaceful demonstrations). They're not achieving anything, they're costing us millions for law enforcement sweeping the city, dispersing their encampments and bringing small businesses to a standstill with all the ruckus, interfering with mass transit, while drawing lawless lunatics from all corners of the Bay Area.
I want these people gone by any means necessary. They've had their say, the party is over. This isn't about ideology, it's about returning to civilized society.
I agree with you, these people are doing no good (many have never done anything productive for society) and are now whining about not having a decent income or even a job, and blaming that its the fault of Wall Street and big businesses that they dont have a job, rather than looking inside of them and realizing that it is in fact their own fault, because they never put in the effort in school and never bothered to get a decent education or even bothered to work hard. There are individuals in 3rd world countries who cant get an education even if they want to, because the system is not there or they need to help their parents so that the family does not starve to death, yet in the US the infrastructure is there, getting a Uni/college education is not expensive and can be done through student loans if need be, yet these people never bothered...
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