Actually, you don't even need to make an argument against the third one. The third one is an argument in favor of the Big Bang. I imagine that he just posted it because of the title.
I remember the days when one actually had to have knowledge of a subject in order to discuss it, rather than just going to Google and pasting links whose page titles sound good... :(
Did you even read the Third link? Element-abundance predictions using the Big Bang require too many adjustable parameters to make them work. Static-universe models fit the data better than expanding-universe models This statement is blatantly false. The universe has too much large-scale structure (interspersed "walls" and voids) to form in a time as short as 10-20 billion years. The amount of matter – both baryonic and dark matter – is sufficient to account for the large-scale structure of the universe. Those are but a few of the points brought up.I remember the days when users could actually argue without attempting to belittle the other user. Good Old days indeed.
"and to have knowledge of a subject in order to discuss it"
Yes, I read the third link. The third link presents ten attempted arguments against the Big Bang, and then rebuts them. You would have known this if you had read the third link. You obviously didn't. No offense, but lying on top of posting links whose contents you didn't read or understand is not very becoming.
OK since this seems to have been ignored for obvious reasons, let's go through the third link and show its structure, so those at home can see just how this link you posted was in fact an argument in favor of the Big Bang.
For reference, here's the link again:
Now let's look at the structure.
At the top, we first note the title of the article that this person posted: "Rebuttal to 'Ten Problems Against the Big Bang'". Note how it's called a "rebuttal". Note that it's rebutting "ten problems against the big bang". "Ten problems against the big bang" would naturally be an article against the big bang, so it would of course follow that a rebuttal to this would be an argument against the big bang.
Next up is the format, which looks like this:
This is the format that every entry in this article takes. There is a number; there is a claim; and then there is the truth posted as a rebuttal to that claim. Let's look at the first one to give an example of this:
Static-universe models fit the data better than expanding-universe models
This statement is blatantly false. The static universe model is accepted by virtually no cosmologists or astronomers, since it fails to correctly predict what the universe should be like. In particular, it would predict that galaxies would be in all stages of development – forming, young, middle age, and old. However, the universe contains only middle-age galaxies. There are no old galaxies, and the only young galaxies we see are those that are 10-13 billion light years away –at a time that was only 0.5 billion years after the Big Bang event."
There's a number 1 at the top there, indicating that this is the first claim in question. Then, following that, there is the claim, that being "Static-universe models fit the data better than expanding-universe models". Then, after that, there is the rebuttal, beginning with "This statement is blatantly false" - "this statement" of course being the statement that static-universe models fit the data better an expanding-universe models, a criticism against the big bang - and then followed by an explantion regarding why it is wrong, and why the big bang is correct.
The other nine entries are the same - there is a number, a claim against the big bang, and then a rebuttal in support of the big bang, the final word of course being the rebuttal.
So you see, you have indeed not only posted a link to an argument in favor of the big bang, but also have then argued both that you read this link and that this link is in opposition to the big bang. That you would do all of this would be staggering were it not for the fact that, again, it is evident that you know nothing about any of the links you posted, and indeed likely nothing about the big bang as a whole, either.
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