im not really educated enough on the subject and after watching videos on youtube ive come back with lots of questions
First, people often toss the defense that evolution by way of no god is real because virus's in a lab were grown and shown to form traits generations later that were not present in the original batch. How can this at all be a valid excuse or defense? Those are lab conditions and are absolutely unnatural. They are presented with a fantastic and perfect environment to adapt. How can someone justify that? If I toss a group of humans into the ocean with no food, water or gear to keep them floating, they are all going to die very very soon and never have the chance to have kids and hope that generations down the line the offspring will form adaptations suited for life on the water. They are all dead in that generation because there were no defenses or adaptations prior to the situation presenting itself that would force life to adapt to it.
Take a look at the first appearance of life, it was likely a single cell life form that sprouted from a vent of some type deep in the ocean. What I do not understand is that this thing perhaps billions of years ago was subjected immediately to a barrage of immensely harsh conditions that it had no defense for. Some people will defend this idea in that this life form was born out out a harsh condition, therefore it will have traits to help it. Well thats just not true at all in my view. If your mom gave birth to you in a pit of fire, you are going to die because you never had time to evolve traits to defend against it. The chemicals that created it have absolutely nothing to do with it being able to protect itself against so much right off the bat. But this absolute first formation of life on earth somehow had defenses against not only immense water pressure, immense heat, drowning in the water, immense radiation if it ever made it near the surface, acid rain, large comets and impacts, and a huge list of other crazy things. This first appearance of life was basically jesus in single cell form? How could it possibly have survived? More over, how could it have known how to split itself and make copies? That information was not encrypted at the very start. How could that even be remotely possible?
I don't understand the reason people are atheist. To me, atheists believe in magic just as those who are religious do. To an atheist who thinks there is no god, the universe magically sprouted into existence, that the singularity that housed all existence was eternal and then 14 or so billion years ago started to expand, forming amazingly complex structures, bonds and what looks just like building blocks logically thought out and put together. Im not denouncing their beliefs, I just dont see the proof that god doesnt exist, or a good excuse for the beliefs. I see much more evidence proving a god exists and denying it. I simply fail to get it, as no atheist ive ever spoken to will give me a straight answer. How can you believe the universe sprouted into existence and so many amazingly complex things exist, and so many elements are found right here as well as 14 billion light years away in the exact same quantity.
I've a lot of questions, I apologize if i come off throwing down to some peoples views, but every time I ask an atheist questions, I get the silent treatment or the reply "oh ya? well how did god come into existence, how did he do this or that." Once I sat in the theater and watched Superman. One guy in the theater yelled out WHAT!!! NOBODY CAN DO THAT! THATS IMPOSSIBLE" to which I replied " he is superman..." It's kind of how i view atheists now. You can believe in things sprouting into existence with absolutely no creator or reason for it, but I cant believe in a God that came into existence the same way and created everything else.
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