[QUOTE="toast_burner"]I understand what you're asking. You want to know why some people hold theHadith so highly even if it contradicts what is said in the Qu'ran.I want to know why you listen to any of it. Cause I'm a Muslim. Not everyone on the internet is an atheist.[QUOTE="m25105"]Yes, Urban dictionary. The source of knowledge. The topic of this thread seems to fly over the head of many people here. m25105
I don't think you're over-intellectualising Islam and it's not going over my head.
You subscribe to prophetic inerrancy - just like many other religions do as well. This inevitably leads to all sorts of difficulty relating supposed "inerrancy" to reason and justification. This has already happened within Christianity (evangelicals, traditionalists, Catholics, etc) and exists within versions of Islam too.
Your difficulties seem to lie in justifying prophetic inerrancy with differing scholastic interpretations of it. I think you miss the whole point in ignoring the abject and inhumane cruelty of any Islamic solutions for adultery.
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