I personally think he wants to leave humans to sort out their own problems, kind of the deal we broke when Eve ate the apple: stuff won't be given to us on a silver platter now, we have to earn it.
We have to earn life? I thought it was a "God-given" right in our (America's) Constitution to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Why shouldn't it be the right of starving children?
I don't remember breaking any deal either. Why didn't I get a chance in the Garden of Eden? Adam and Eve screwed up and now the rest of humanity has to pay for it?
First of all, Adam and Eve aren't real.
Secondly, God gave us minds and hands to think and do labor to take care of ourselves.
Why do you think Jesus broke wine and bread at the last supper instead of grapes and wheat? It's because bread and wine take human labor to make, wheras wheat and grapes are just natural happenings. Humans have to grind the wheat to make the meal and eventually the bread. Humans have to crush the grapes and ferment the juice to become the wine. God made us in his image, he gave us a mind to praise him, but he also gave us our hands to use and do things with. Being a Christian isn't just about what we think, it's also about what we do.
Now it says "ask and you shall recieve," and since we are made in God's image, if there is something like a hurricane and God doesn't 'spread the waters' and cause all the damage to cease, it's up to us to use our human hands to get ourselves out of the mess.
And what about this argument: "Some people aren't able to help themselves in a bad situation, like those who are disabled and such." Well, when God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, he banished them to a land of toil and labor, of suffering and disease and death.
"Well, that isn't my fault. That's Adam and Eve's fault."
Yes, but as their children, we all inherit Original Sin and are born with sin.
"Well, why can't God save us from this sin that I didn't even 'pluck from the tree?'"
He did. He sacrificed his own child to die for our sins.
To bad he didn't do it sooner. Like before he wiped out the Earth with the great big flood.
Anyways, this is my argument. Children are suffering from starvation. Children don't choose to starve. So why are they suffering. It's not right. Even if it's all they know, it's not right. You'd have to be heartless to say otherwise.
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