We just don't have all the peices of the puzzle, there are things we just don't know. I had all the questions you have which made leave the church I attended and go on a life long search for the "truth" and "God". I searced within and without for answers. Read several books on the subject, The Bible, The Urantia Book (brilliant. much more detailed than the Bible), The Kolbrin Bible (wonderful book, full of wisdom),The Koran....etc. I've always tried to be fair, objective, willing to listen to all view points.What did I find: I put "I" in bold, because it's what I found on my personal search for "truth". You may not come to the same conclusions
1) To be comfortable with your own belief system you have to put effort into the search. Only you can walk that path. And you have to be willing to go where honest, sound research leads you, even if it means abandoning previously held beliefs, I did. You can't totally rely on the Church, Pastor, Parents, ...etc, you have to QUESTION, then search.
2) There is a God, and the best concept of God is that of "Creator". For a minute put aside all the pain and suffering in the world and ask yourself if the things around you (including "you")appear to be the product of intelligent design or not. My answer was yes, no doubt about. I simply couldn't get around it. In my mind there has to be a Creator. Given that, the next question was: Why so much pain and suffering? Why does the earth appear to flawed (killer hurricanes, earth quakes...etc). Why is man capable of great good as well as evil?...etc. But I couldn't go backwards and conclude there is no God because of those things.I went forward and reasoned there must be things I don't understand, as with a child who doesn't understand the wisdom of a decison his parents made. So I searched for more answers and found that right, the earth is not perfect,...... but it's perfect for it's purpose, to be a training ground for humankind. For example, maybe human kind is supposed to work together to fiqure out how to control the weather and natural disasters (don't laugh, Nikola Tesla was doing just that in the early 1900's, look him up).
If you had a son and you wanted him to become a great automobile mechanic you wouldn't just give him perfect cars to work/train on. You would have to give him a flawed one at some point, so he could struggle, have to work at figuring things out, have set backs, learn, gain experience and grow towards being a great mechanic. If God wants humans to grow towards perfection and of their own free-will then there has to be trial and error, pain, suffering..etc. If patience is adesirable quality then we must be put in situations that demand or try our patience. If compassion is desirable then we must have situations that require it.....etc. So Ibelieve that the same wise God that created all this has a wise plan for any/all problems that arise from it, someof which will beresolved beyond this life.
3) The Bible is a great Book, full of knowledge, wisdom...etc.,but theBible is not God.It has been touched by "man", therefore it can't be the percfect 100% word of God. I like what Bill Maur said. "God doesn't write books, men write books, God makes trees".Many have made the Book their god but have no clue how it was even put together. How many books are in it? What original languages it was written in? How men sat down and decided which books to include and which to leave out. How men decided on the divinity of Christ. How men translated and mistranslated it. Were they all inspierd by God?? There are some groups who lived during and shortly after Biblical times who believed that the "God" of the Old testament was actually an imposter, a fallen being acting as God. They believe that angry, vengeful, full of wrath God was not consistent with a God of love, (Gnostics,Essenes, Cathars), look them up. Some of them went to there death rather thna give up those beliefs...What did they know?? What about "The Lost Books of the Bible", what do they say. What does quiet meditation on the subject say to me, from the place where God really is....?
4) This is already too long but I'll say this. I believe God is not only dealing with us, but with a rebellion of spiritual beings in high places. If they have free will then at some point over eternity one of them challenged God's supremecy. Yes, God could have squashed the rebellion immediately, but I believe God's wisdom said "There are other beings watching this who may have doubts about the way of Love also, if I end the rebellion now with my power they will still have doubts, and I will have to deal with this again and again. I will give evil a certain time limit to play out so all can see that Love is the best way......" I may be all wrong, partially right...etc. But I think there is more going on than we can know at this point.
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