Ok, I'll take a shot at this topic. "Whydo the innocent suffer""
First off, I think one has to decide if they truly believe that there is a "God" or Creator".and be able to intelligently explain whyand reasonably support their belief. For the record I do believe that there is a Creator, a God of Love. The question of the "suffering of innocents" is a fair one to ask of someone who belieives in a God Of Love.
I believe God is Love and that's why God "created" in the first place. Love desires to be expressed and shared.People are known as "loving" because of there acts of charity, sacrifice, unselfishness, compassion.... towards others.I believe the same is true for God. I believe one reasonGodcreated living beings was for them to be recipients of the expression of divine and truelove. I also believe God "desires"that love be returned as well.
But, God is also "wise". What good is love if it's not freely given from the heart of the giver? Love cannot be forced and God did not want "robots".So, the problem, (as stated in one of the Matrix movies) is"CHOICE".If Love is the goal and Love can only be"freely" given, how do you create a free-will being, then limit the choice to do evil? If God limits our choices (or consistently intervenes to change a negative reslut to positive)then we are not truly free. Some free-will beings will choose evil, and pain and suffering will follow, even for the innocent.Evil, pain and suffering are natural results of free-will.
This fact doesn't make me dis-believe in a loving God it makes me believe that somewhere, some way, some how God'slove, wisdom, compassion, power...etc. has a plan to deal with all those who cause suffering and those who suffer, especially the innocent. I may not and cannot understand it all here and now, but I believe at some point during "eternity"it will all be made "right".
Personalyy I believe Goddoes have a master plan to deal with eviland sin and did from the"beginning". I believe their is a time limitfor evil. I believe more is at stake than we know, I believe God was challenged by a free-will being on a higher "plane"and the scenario is playing out here on earth while the whole universe watches. It may appear that God is oblivious to the happenings herebut, imo, that is far from the truth. God's master plan to deal with"all this" will be as brilliant as the workings of the human body or the universe and all it contains
One other point, and this is not meant to be a"smart aleck" remark. I believe the question God would ask us is "What have we done to relieve the suffering of others? Even one person can make a difference...Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Harriet Tubbman....etc.
1 word...Wow...that speech was epic
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