Hey everyone. Some of you may or may not remember a similar thread I made a year ago. If not, then it was basically a giant rant box that allowed everyone in the OT community to complain about their lives. Sounds jolly doesn't it?... Well to add more excitement this time, why not make it a game!
Rate above user's life problem out of 10 in terms of how much it sucks (0 = that doesn't suck at all. 10 = holy cow it sucks to be you) and then post your own depressing story. Also, feel free to give suggestions to help a member solve their problems. If there's anything good that comes out of this, I guess it would be that everyone would understand each other better. :)
I'll start...
During the other depressing thread, I explained how I was worried that I might not make it to university, and that it would really disappoint my mom.. Gladly, I eventually got accepted to the University of Toronto and that made her really happy! However, now the problem is trying to STAY in university and not get kicked out. Unfortunately my first year isn't looking too good since I've been struggled in every exam so far...
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