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No empirical evidence.solid_marioYou got your answer on the first post. The only thing to prove the bible isn't the bible.
What evidence do people have that there is only 1 being existing outside space and time? Why not millions or billions?
How do people even know that a being that exists outside space and time is needed to create our universe? We simply don't know (yet) what was there before the big bang happened, to just insert "it's god's work" is a little too easy for me.
And which god(s) should I believe in then? There are all these cultures that believe or used to believe in all of these gods. Why should only 1 of them exist and the others not? The ancient Egyptians believed in their gods for thousands of years (for a longer period than Christianity even exists), and now we can say that they were wrong? Maybe in a couple of thousand years, people will view Christianity as a bunch of myths as well.
Does anyone have suggestions for me which god I should believe in?
Agdistis or Angdistis Ah Puch Ahura Mazda Alberich Allah Amaterasu An Anansi Anat Andvari Anshar Anu Aphrodite Apollo Apsu Ares Artemis Asclepius Athena Athirat Athtart Atlas Baal Ba Xian Bacchus Balder Bast Bellona Bergelmir Bes Bixia Yuanjin Bragi Brahma Brigit Camaxtli Ceres Ceridwen Cernunnos Chac Chalchiuhtlicue Charun Chemosh Cheng-huang Cybele Dagon Damkina (Dumkina) Davlin Dawn Demeter Diana Di Cang Dionysus Ea El Enki Enlil Eos Epona Ereskigal Farbauti Fenrir Forseti Freya Freyr Frigg Gaia Ganesha Ganga Garuda Gauri Geb Geong Si Hades Hanuman Hathor Hecate (Hekate) Helios Heng-o (Chang-o) Hephaestus Hera Hermes Hestia Hod Hoderi Hoori Horus Hotei Huitzilopochtli Hsi-Wang-Mu Hygeia Inanna Inti Iris Ishtar Isis Ixtab Izanaki Izanami Jesus Juno Jupiter Juturna Kagutsuchi Kartikeya Khepri Ki Kingu Kinich Ahau Kishar Krishna Kukulcan Lakshmi Liza Loki Lugh Luna Magna Mater Maia Marduk Mars Medb Mercury Mimir Minerva Mithras Morrigan Mot Mummu Muses
And this is only the first half of the alphabet.
Agdistis or Angdistis Ah Puch Ahura Mazda Alberich Allah Amaterasu An Anansi Anat Andvari Anshar Anu Aphrodite Apollo Apsu Ares Artemis Asclepius Athena Athirat Athtart Atlas Baal Ba Xian Bacchus Balder Bast Bellona Bergelmir Bes Bixia Yuanjin Bragi Brahma Brigit Camaxtli Ceres Ceridwen Cernunnos Chac Chalchiuhtlicue Charun Chemosh Cheng-huang Cybele Dagon Damkina (Dumkina) Davlin Dawn Demeter Diana Di Cang Dionysus Ea El Enki Enlil Eos Epona Ereskigal Farbauti Fenrir Forseti Freya Freyr Frigg Gaia Ganesha Ganga Garuda Gauri Geb Geong Si Hades Hanuman Hathor Hecate (Hekate) Helios Heng-o (Chang-o) Hephaestus Hera Hermes Hestia Hod Hoderi Hoori Horus Hotei Huitzilopochtli Hsi-Wang-Mu Hygeia Inanna Inti Iris Ishtar Isis Ixtab Izanaki Izanami Jesus Juno Jupiter Juturna Kagutsuchi Kartikeya Khepri Ki Kingu Kinich Ahau Kishar Krishna Kukulcan Lakshmi Liza Loki Lugh Luna Magna Mater Maia Marduk Mars Medb Mercury Mimir Minerva Mithras Morrigan Mot Mummu Muses
And this is only the first half of the alphabet.
Amun Ra is displeased he is not on that list. :(
Agdistis or Angdistis Ah Puch Ahura Mazda Alberich Allah Amaterasu An Anansi Anat Andvari Anshar Anu Aphrodite Apollo Apsu Ares Artemis Asclepius Athena Athirat Athtart Atlas Baal Ba Xian Bacchus Balder Bast Bellona Bergelmir Bes Bixia Yuanjin Bragi Brahma Brigit Camaxtli Ceres Ceridwen Cernunnos Chac Chalchiuhtlicue Charun Chemosh Cheng-huang Cybele Dagon Damkina (Dumkina) Davlin Dawn Demeter Diana Di Cang Dionysus Ea El Enki Enlil Eos Epona Ereskigal Farbauti Fenrir Forseti Freya Freyr Frigg Gaia Ganesha Ganga Garuda Gauri Geb Geong Si Hades Hanuman Hathor Hecate (Hekate) Helios Heng-o (Chang-o) Hephaestus Hera Hermes Hestia Hod Hoderi Hoori Horus Hotei Huitzilopochtli Hsi-Wang-Mu Hygeia Inanna Inti Iris Ishtar Isis Ixtab Izanaki Izanami Jesus Juno Jupiter Juturna Kagutsuchi Kartikeya Khepri Ki Kingu Kinich Ahau Kishar Krishna Kukulcan Lakshmi Liza Loki Lugh Luna Magna Mater Maia Marduk Mars Medb Mercury Mimir Minerva Mithras Morrigan Mot Mummu Muses
And this is only the first half of the alphabet.
Amun Ra is displeased he is not on that list. :(
And Kali, Bubona, Boann?[QUOTE="deadevil666"]
Agdistis or Angdistis Ah Puch Ahura Mazda Alberich Allah Amaterasu An Anansi Anat Andvari Anshar Anu Aphrodite Apollo Apsu Ares Artemis Asclepius Athena Athirat Athtart Atlas Baal Ba Xian Bacchus Balder Bast Bellona Bergelmir Bes Bixia Yuanjin Bragi Brahma Brigit Camaxtli Ceres Ceridwen Cernunnos Chac Chalchiuhtlicue Charun Chemosh Cheng-huang Cybele Dagon Damkina (Dumkina) Davlin Dawn Demeter Diana Di Cang Dionysus Ea El Enki Enlil Eos Epona Ereskigal Farbauti Fenrir Forseti Freya Freyr Frigg Gaia Ganesha Ganga Garuda Gauri Geb Geong Si Hades Hanuman Hathor Hecate (Hekate) Helios Heng-o (Chang-o) Hephaestus Hera Hermes Hestia Hod Hoderi Hoori Horus Hotei Huitzilopochtli Hsi-Wang-Mu Hygeia Inanna Inti Iris Ishtar Isis Ixtab Izanaki Izanami Jesus Juno Jupiter Juturna Kagutsuchi Kartikeya Khepri Ki Kingu Kinich Ahau Kishar Krishna Kukulcan Lakshmi Liza Loki Lugh Luna Magna Mater Maia Marduk Mars Medb Mercury Mimir Minerva Mithras Morrigan Mot Mummu Muses
And this is only the first half of the alphabet.
Amun Ra is displeased he is not on that list. :(
And Kali, Bubona, Boann?and the aboriginal, oceanic and hawaiian ones ;)
There is no Empirical Evidence for consciousness but you obviously believe you are conscious although you could never prove it to anyone. Just before someone starts posting that you can prove consciousness go research the term and meaning in wikipedia or any other source.Consciousness isn't a physical thing. It is a word used to describe physical things. what gives you the conclusion that GOD is a physical thing ?[QUOTE="SpartanNapoleon"][QUOTE="solid_mario"]No empirical evidence.BumFluff122
You got your answer on the first post. The only thing to prove the bible isn't the bible. bible is false ,and corrupted , and the story of jesus is wrong[QUOTE="solid_mario"]No empirical evidence.Bluestorm-Kalas
First off, let me get this straight: I am not trying to prove anyone wrong by going into some big debate with you guys. I do this only for research purposes. I'm merely wondering what you guys believe backs up your theory of no god. That is all.
There being not a single shred of evidence for the existence of a god to start with. And yes, I've read into the pseudo-science that is Intelligent Design, but it only confirmed said statement.
Other than that, the belief in a god and indeed religion is general is very easy to explain from psychological and cultural structures, making it hard to take serious from a rational point of view.
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]Consciousness isn't a physical thing. It is a word used to describe physical things. what gives you the conclusion that GOD is a physical thing ?God reacts with the physical world. When was the last time yoru conciouce dances a ballad or killed some heathen who didn't believe in it?[QUOTE="SpartanNapoleon"] There is no Empirical Evidence for consciousness but you obviously believe you are conscious although you could never prove it to anyone. Just before someone starts posting that you can prove consciousness go research the term and meaning in wikipedia or any other source.gubrushadow
Are you completely oblivious to what many religions teach?!? Geesh.
I thought you would know this, but whatever: many religions teach that you live your life in order to prove yourself worthy of entering heaven, an eternal paradise of joy and happiness. With this belief taught to people, why in the world would they want to die earlier and not take care of themselves? They want to utilize every possible moment of their lives to prove themselves worthy of heaven's citizenship.
Of course I understand that, but the dominant religion in the US is Christianity, so its sort of a moot point considering everyone is Heaven-certified every time they confess and say a couple hail marry's
furthermore, you can prove yourself worthy in a matter of a few years simply by being a good person. IF you argue otherwise, then I guess anyone that lived a good life, yet a short one, didnt have ample time to "prove themselves" and is thus doomed to hell or purgatory.
Yeah, I get what you mean. The thing is, though, I think suicide is considered a sin by Christians. Not sure if that's true, but if it is, that would seriously mess up your heavenliness, if you ask me.:P
To an extent, yes, I would argue otherwise. Unificationists, like myself, believe that there are actually multiple levels of spirit world; not just heaven, hell, purgatory, (what the heck is that?:(), and paradise, (yes, paradise and heaven are two completely different places). We also believe that heaven's citizenship is actually not attainable to the common person as of now, and that the Messiah, who we believe is Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, has to open up the way to Heaven after completing physical and spiritual salvation for the world, something Jesus was only able to get half-done, because of his untimely death on the cross. For those people who have been dieing before him, they enter whatever level of spirit world, depending on how good a person they became. Also, even after Rev. Moon's passing, you have to spiritually perfect yourself in order to enter heaven, something only Rev. Moon and his wife have been able to accomplish. Only when you spiritually perfect yourself and the necessary salvation Rev. and Mrs. Moon need to do is done, will anyone be able to enter the long-yearned heaven.
There is no evidence to prove the existence of God; Nor is there any evidence to disprove the existence of God, anybody who says otherwise is wrong.Im_single
[QUOTE="RearNakedChoke"]A scientific theory does not nor will it ever become a scientific law. A Scientific Law is how things happen, such as the law of gravity. A scientific theory is why things happen, such as the theory of gravity. They are two completely different things. One does not become the other.
I was using the word "law" figuratively: by law, I basically meant "fact". I wasn't trying to actually use it's scientific definition.
And yah know what? I'm just gonna' be blunt and brave the negativity and say it: there are no facts supporting the theory of evolution.
lol I'm lucky I'm on the Internet; if I wasn't, I don't think I'd wake up tomorrow.:P
And that right there shows how much you have been brainwashed by those that were brainwashes themselves. Instead of shoving away all the evidence and proof there is so you can meet your own personal goals and definitions of life why not try and look at the facts that evolutionists have brought forward?Please name a few of the facts that prove the theory of evolution. Any. I'm game.
And that right there shows how much you have been brainwashed by those that were brainwashes themselves. Instead of shoving away all the evidence and proof there is so you can meet your own personal goals and definitions of life why not try and look at the facts that evolutionists have brought forward?[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]
I was using the word "law" figuratively: by law, I basically meant "fact". I wasn't trying to actually use it's scientific definition.
And yah know what? I'm just gonna' be blunt and brave the negativity and say it: there are no facts supporting the theory of evolution.
lol I'm lucky I'm on the Internet; if I wasn't, I don't think I'd wake up tomorrow.:P
Please name a few of the facts that prove the theory of evolution. Any. I'm game.
Don't you know how to use Google?
And that right there shows how much you have been brainwashed by those that were brainwashes themselves. Instead of shoving away all the evidence and proof there is so you can meet your own personal goals and definitions of life why not try and look at the facts that evolutionists have brought forward?[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]
I was using the word "law" figuratively: by law, I basically meant "fact". I wasn't trying to actually use it's scientific definition.
And yah know what? I'm just gonna' be blunt and brave the negativity and say it: there are no facts supporting the theory of evolution.
lol I'm lucky I'm on the Internet; if I wasn't, I don't think I'd wake up tomorrow.:P
Please name a few of the facts that prove the theory of evolution. Any. I'm game.
I'll name some justifications of evolution-
*The CLEAR evidence of a homo-sapien/monkey relationship.
Every species is fertile enough that if all offspring survived to reproduce the population would grow (fact).
Do these NOT look related?
I was using the word "law" figuratively: by law, I basically meant "fact". I wasn't trying to actually use it's scientific definition.
And yah know what? I'm just gonna' be blunt and brave the negativity and say it: there are no facts supporting the theory of evolution.
lol I'm lucky I'm on the Internet; if I wasn't, I don't think I'd wake up tomorrow.:P
And that right there shows how much you have been brainwashed by those that were brainwashes themselves. Instead of shoving away all the evidence and proof there is so you can meet your own personal goals and definitions of life why not try and look at the facts that evolutionists have brought forward?Please name a few of the facts that prove the theory of evolution. Any. I'm game.
The fact that human chromosome two is a proven merger of two chromosomes also found in chimpanzees. This prooves chimps and humans share a common ancestor. Just read the wikipedia page and you'll get a taste of all the proof. More proof? H1N1, mad cow disease, SARS, all of these are proof of evolution, a population of organisms changing (even though H1N1 is a virus) into something unlike anythign before. More proof? The fact that every animal living today was not here 60m years ago, and the animals alive 60m ago show no signs of being alive 120m years ago. Every era is occupied by different life forms, and unless you believe that every animals just magiically appears, it undeniably prooves that life is dynamic. Populations change over time. Reptiles--> dinosuars --> birds, etc.They have no rationale. We are not put on this earth for 50 years (maybe more orless)and then die and be burried for eternity with no form of existance of afterlife. Our life would have no->little meaning. In order to believe in the afterlife, we have to believe in a super natural world with a supernatural being i.e. God.
um no? There are many theories of afterlife that lack any god or supernatural being (reincarnation, Buddhist beliefs, The circular nature of time, etc), please do more reading, your knowledge of afterlives is very narrowThey have no rationale. We are not put on this earth for 50 years (maybe more orless)and then die and be burried for eternity with no form of existance of afterlife. Our life would have no->little meaning. In order to believe in the afterlife, we have to believe in a super natural world with a supernatural being i.e. God.
THere are many theologies that propose some sort of second life, yet are completely lacking in any supernatural being. Your statement: "In order to believe in the afterlife, we have to believe in a super natural world with a supernatural being i.e. God." is incredibly Christian/jewish/islam-centric.
Sounds like alot of Atheists have comments or problems about The Bible and God but they choose not to take the time out to find the answers. And alot are subdued by Evolution which says we live we die and evolve. Of course none of this scientific data is proven. Don't go quoting this post and saying it is either because its not. It's so unproven to the point some schools stamp "this is not fact" on those books of science for students. And some states are teaching Creationism along side Evolution now, and Creationism is gaining speed every day. And don't bother quoting and telling me its not a science either. Thousands of PH.D scientist now support Creationism, and losts were former Evolution believers. The last things holding most back is they don't want to believe in a God because they feel the things they do in life are not consistant with Gods law and don't care to change their ways. aka being gay thief, adulter etc. And don't want a heavy burden cause they love what they do. They believe in world view not God's view.
Anyway I understand it can be very difficult to find knowledge of God on the internet because lets face it the Net if filled with lots of crap thats either half way right or totally false. And that would just make me want to give up my self.
Want a really great scientific website they you will take the time out to read Creation side of the fence on life and its beginning and the origins of things. Visit:
Here is a more direct link. topics on anything you can think of.
Look up dinosaurs on the site and it will guide you to scriptor in the Bible that mentions them. Of course this would go against Evolution, and why I disagree as well as another million reasons.
Church wise for answers? I personally love Baptist because it follows King James Bible word for word to an extent. Methodist churches are ok too. And if a church requires eight words in its title, its probably no good. Because it's probably a church were a small part of a bigger churches congregation left due to an issue that was probably silly to begin with. aka church of christ don't believe in musical instructments in church. Silly I know. Musical instruments are in the bible, HELLO lol.
[QUOTE="KungfuKitten"]Is there evidence for science? I don't think so. KungfuKitten
People are often saying, that there is evidence for the world being a certain way and not for there being a God. That is not the real question. The question is whether there is proof for science, not for the things science proves.What?
Sounds like alot of Atheists have comments or problems about The Bible and God but they choose not to take the time out to find the answers. And alot are subdued by Evolution which says we live we die and evolve. Of course none of this scientific data is proven. Don't go quoting this post and saying it is either because its not. It's so unproven to the point some schools stamp "this is not fact" on those books of science for students. And some states are teaching Creationism along side Evolution now, and Creationism is gaining speed every day. And don't bother quoting and telling me its not a science either. Thousands of PH.D scientist now support Creationism, and losts were former Evolution believers. The last things holding most back is they don't want to believe in a God because they feel the things they do in life are not consistant with Gods law and don't care to change their ways. aka being gay thief, adulter etc. And don't want a heavy burden cause they love what they do. They believe in world view not God's view.
Anyway I understand it can be very difficult to find knowledge of God on the internet because lets face it the Net if filled with lots of crap thats either half way right or totally false. And that would just make me want to give up my self.
Want a really great scientific website they you will take the time out to read Creation side of the fence on life and its beginning and the origins of things. Visit:
Here is a more direct link. topics on anything you can think of.
Look up dinosaurs on the site and it will guide you to scriptor in the Bible that mentions them. Of course this would go against Evolution, and why I disagree as well as another million reasons.
Church wise for answers? I personally love Baptist because it follows King James Bible word for word to an extent. Methodist churches are ok too. And if a church requires eight words in its title, its probably no good. Because it's probably a church were a small part of a bigger churches congregation left due to an issue that was probably silly to begin with. aka church of christ don't believe in musical instructments in church. Silly I know. Musical instruments are in the bible, HELLO lol.
Thanks I just facepalmed myself into oblivion.
And that right there shows how much you have been brainwashed by those that were brainwashes themselves. Instead of shoving away all the evidence and proof there is so you can meet your own personal goals and definitions of life why not try and look at the facts that evolutionists have brought forward?[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]
I was using the word "law" figuratively: by law, I basically meant "fact". I wasn't trying to actually use it's scientific definition.
And yah know what? I'm just gonna' be blunt and brave the negativity and say it: there are no facts supporting the theory of evolution.
lol I'm lucky I'm on the Internet; if I wasn't, I don't think I'd wake up tomorrow.:P
Please name a few of the facts that prove the theory of evolution. Any. I'm game.
I've posted a link to my website before I believe in this very thread that list a number of facts and occurrences of evolution at work. You may have missed it so I'll post it again. Be sures to read the entire thread (It's only 4 or 5 very long posts long) and watch the 4 or 5 videos listed in the thread.
You can skim through it if you wish but I'm sure you won't get much out of it if you do.
Maybe because all of these are coincidentally linked to a bigger phenomenon of lack of belief in God? Just about every one of those problems you mentioned are man made, and thus, have nothing to do with God. God cannot start wars because wars are the result of man's hatred toward each other, with various ideologies to hide behind, including religion.I don't believe in God because He's supposed to be a higher being, yes? And if God is such a high being, why are there suicides and depression and hunger and war?
Now how did I know you were going to post a link from AnsweringGenesis? That site, as well as the Discovery Institute and almost every other religiously-based site flood the internet with the lie after lie after lie. If you want to look into what they are talkign about on that site you should look into actual scientific journals. All that site is is one big opinion. If you want to get actual data and facts look at the scientific journals. If what these people are saying is the truth then they should submit their findings to actual acredited scientific journals rather than postign their thought and opinions on a site that only caters to one specific type of person.Sounds like alot of Atheists have comments or problems about The Bible and God but they choose not to take the time out to find the answers. And alot are subdued by Evolution which says we live we die and evolve. Of course none of this scientific data is proven. Don't go quoting this post and saying it is either because its not. It's so unproven to the point some schools stamp "this is not fact" on those books of science for students. And some states are teaching Creationism along side Evolution now, and Creationism is gaining speed every day. And don't bother quoting and telling me its not a science either. Thousands of PH.D scientist now support Creationism, and losts were former Evolution believers. The last things holding most back is they don't want to believe in a God because they feel the things they do in life are not consistant with Gods law and don't care to change their ways. aka being gay thief, adulter etc. And don't want a heavy burden cause they love what they do. They believe in world view not God's view.
Anyway I understand it can be very difficult to find knowledge of God on the internet because lets face it the Net if filled with lots of crap thats either half way right or totally false. And that would just make me want to give up my self.
Want a really great scientific website they you will take the time out to read Creation side of the fence on life and its beginning and the origins of things. Visit:
Here is a more direct link. topics on anything you can think of.
Look up dinosaurs on the site and it will guide you to scriptor in the Bible that mentions them. Of course this would go against Evolution, and why I disagree as well as another million reasons.
Church wise for answers? I personally love Baptist because it follows King James Bible word for word to an extent. Methodist churches are ok too. And if a church requires eight words in its title, its probably no good. Because it's probably a church were a small part of a bigger churches congregation left due to an issue that was probably silly to begin with. aka church of christ don't believe in musical instructments in church. Silly I know. Musical instruments are in the bible, HELLO lol.
oh ! then you think GOD should be a superman rescuing people and giving them food , beggeng them not to suicide , that why there is something called judgment day , you do now whatever you want , and then you are judged , and its not GOD's fault people commit suicide and depression and war , its the human responsible for these thingsI don't believe in God because He's supposed to be a higher being, yes? And if God is such a high being, why are there suicides and depression and hunger and war?
Now how did I know you were going to post a link from AnsweringGenesis? That site, as well as the Discovery Institute and almost every other religiously-based site flood the internet with the lie after lie after lie. If you want to look into what they are talkign about on that site you should look into actual scientific journals. All that site is is one big opinion. If you want to get actual data and facts look at the scientific journals. If what these people are saying is the truth then they should submit their findings to actual acredited scientific journals rather than postign their thought and opinions on a site that only caters to one specific type of person. indeed you're the most one who posted in this thread :P you seem very seriouse about it , well i cant say anything about it , its your choice not mine[QUOTE="caseypayne69"]
Sounds like alot of Atheists have comments or problems about The Bible and God but they choose not to take the time out to find the answers. And alot are subdued by Evolution which says we live we die and evolve. Of course none of this scientific data is proven. Don't go quoting this post and saying it is either because its not. It's so unproven to the point some schools stamp "this is not fact" on those books of science for students. And some states are teaching Creationism along side Evolution now, and Creationism is gaining speed every day. And don't bother quoting and telling me its not a science either. Thousands of PH.D scientist now support Creationism, and losts were former Evolution believers. The last things holding most back is they don't want to believe in a God because they feel the things they do in life are not consistant with Gods law and don't care to change their ways. aka being gay thief, adulter etc. And don't want a heavy burden cause they love what they do. They believe in world view not God's view.
Anyway I understand it can be very difficult to find knowledge of God on the internet because lets face it the Net if filled with lots of crap thats either half way right or totally false. And that would just make me want to give up my self.
Want a really great scientific website they you will take the time out to read Creation side of the fence on life and its beginning and the origins of things. Visit:
Here is a more direct link. topics on anything you can think of.
Look up dinosaurs on the site and it will guide you to scriptor in the Bible that mentions them. Of course this would go against Evolution, and why I disagree as well as another million reasons.
Church wise for answers? I personally love Baptist because it follows King James Bible word for word to an extent. Methodist churches are ok too. And if a church requires eight words in its title, its probably no good. Because it's probably a church were a small part of a bigger churches congregation left due to an issue that was probably silly to begin with. aka church of christ don't believe in musical instructments in church. Silly I know. Musical instruments are in the bible, HELLO lol.
indeed you're the most one who posted in this thread :P you seem very seriouse about it , well i cant say anything about it , its your choice not minegubrushadowI'm trying to show you and others that evolution is a fact. The reason why those that say it isn;t haven't looked at the data. IF you want to believe in a God that also involves evolution be my guest. IF you want to believe in a God that enabled the Big Bang, and knowing from then on how each molecule in the universe would react, therefor having our entire existence planned otu for us, be my guest. But please don't disregard all the epistomological evidence that points towards somethign beign factual to support your personal views. I'm just trying to share knowledge :)
I'm trying to show you and others that evolution is a fact. The reason why those that say it isn;t haven't looked at the data. IF you want to believe in a God that also involves evolution be my guest. IF you want to believe in a God that enabled the Big Bang, and knowing from then on how each molecule in the universe would react, therefor having our entire existence planned otu for us, be my guest. But please don't disregard all the epistomological evidence that points towards somethign beign factual to support your personal views. I'm just trying to share knowledge :) YUSUFALI: Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? PICKTHAL: Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them, and we made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe? SHAKIR: Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed up, but We have opened them; and We have made of water everything living, will they not then believe? these are from our holy book the quran , which says that the BIG BANG is true and made by GOD , so we semi-guests , just cant believe the monkey part , well dude what you think till now ?? we even ??[QUOTE="gubrushadow"] indeed you're the most one who posted in this thread :P you seem very seriouse about it , well i cant say anything about it , its your choice not mineBumFluff122
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]I'm trying to show you and others that evolution is a fact. The reason why those that say it isn;t haven't looked at the data. IF you want to believe in a God that also involves evolution be my guest. IF you want to believe in a God that enabled the Big Bang, and knowing from then on how each molecule in the universe would react, therefor having our entire existence planned otu for us, be my guest. But please don't disregard all the epistomological evidence that points towards somethign beign factual to support your personal views. I'm just trying to share knowledge :) YUSUFALI: Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? PICKTHAL: Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them, and we made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe? SHAKIR: Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed up, but We have opened them; and We have made of water everything living, will they not then believe? these are from our holy book the quran , which says that the BIG BANG is true and made by GOD , so we semi-guests , just cant believe the monkey part , well dude what you think till now ?? we even ??[QUOTE="gubrushadow"] indeed you're the most one who posted in this thread :P you seem very seriouse about it , well i cant say anything about it , its your choice not minegubrushadow
Aww i'm too tired to make sense of any of this...i'm going to sleep.
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]I'm trying to show you and others that evolution is a fact. The reason why those that say it isn;t haven't looked at the data. IF you want to believe in a God that also involves evolution be my guest. IF you want to believe in a God that enabled the Big Bang, and knowing from then on how each molecule in the universe would react, therefor having our entire existence planned otu for us, be my guest. But please don't disregard all the epistomological evidence that points towards somethign beign factual to support your personal views. I'm just trying to share knowledge :) YUSUFALI: Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? PICKTHAL: Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them, and we made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe? SHAKIR: Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed up, but We have opened them; and We have made of water everything living, will they not then believe? these are from our holy book the quran , which says that the BIG BANG is true and made by GOD , so we semi-guests , just cant believe the monkey part , well dude what you think till now ?? we even ??I'm well aware of what the Koran says. There have been many people of the Islamic religion in this forum in the past who have attempted to show that the Koran contained some amazing scientific facts. That is your personal interpretation of the text, there are many possible interpretations. Why did they think people were made of water? when we cry water appears to come from out of nowhere from our eyes. Ancient people or philsophers woudl see this and come to the conclusion "HEy where is that water comign from? We must be made of it!"[QUOTE="gubrushadow"] indeed you're the most one who posted in this thread :P you seem very seriouse about it , well i cant say anything about it , its your choice not minegubrushadow
YUSUFALI: Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? PICKTHAL: Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them, and we made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe? SHAKIR: Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed up, but We have opened them; and We have made of water everything living, will they not then believe? these are from our holy book the quran , which says that the BIG BANG is true and made by GOD , so we semi-guests , just cant believe the monkey part , well dude what you think till now ?? we even ??I'm well aware of what the Koran says. There have been many people of the Islamic religion in this forum in the past who have attempted to show that the Koran contained some amazing scientific facts. That is your personal interpretation of the text, there are many possible interpretations. Why did they think people were made of water? when we cry water appears to come from out of nowhere from our eyes. Ancient people or philsophers woudl see this and come to the conclusion "HEy where is that water comign from? We must be made of it!" actually no , we believe that he human was created from clay and water , but thats not to discuss today , in modern world , if you didnt know , the first really giant source to produce electricity was water , we say that he atoms are living rite ?? cuz their electrons and these things rite ?? well as i do know , the thing when HE said about water giving life to everything , it was defently electricity if you wish to speak of science not religion , plus in the human , and every single creature , they cant live without water for 7 days , so basicly water is life , thats what it means[QUOTE="gubrushadow"][QUOTE="BumFluff122"]I'm trying to show you and others that evolution is a fact. The reason why those that say it isn;t haven't looked at the data. IF you want to believe in a God that also involves evolution be my guest. IF you want to believe in a God that enabled the Big Bang, and knowing from then on how each molecule in the universe would react, therefor having our entire existence planned otu for us, be my guest. But please don't disregard all the epistomological evidence that points towards somethign beign factual to support your personal views. I'm just trying to share knowledge :)
Sounds like alot of Atheists have comments or problems about The Bible and God but they choose not to take the time out to find the answers. And alot are subdued by Evolution which says we live we die and evolve. Of course none of this scientific data is proven. Don't go quoting this post and saying it is either because its not. It's so unproven to the point some schools stamp "this is not fact" on those books of science for students. And some states are teaching Creationism along side Evolution now, and Creationism is gaining speed every day. And don't bother quoting and telling me its not a science either. Thousands of PH.D scientist now support Creationism, and losts were former Evolution believers. The last things holding most back is they don't want to believe in a God because they feel the things they do in life are not consistant with Gods law and don't care to change their ways. aka being gay thief, adulter etc. And don't want a heavy burden cause they love what they do. They believe in world view not God's view.
Anyway I understand it can be very difficult to find knowledge of God on the internet because lets face it the Net if filled with lots of crap thats either half way right or totally false. And that would just make me want to give up my self.
Want a really great scientific website they you will take the time out to read Creation side of the fence on life and its beginning and the origins of things. Visit:
Here is a more direct link. topics on anything you can think of.
Look up dinosaurs on the site and it will guide you to scriptor in the Bible that mentions them. Of course this would go against Evolution, and why I disagree as well as another million reasons.
Church wise for answers? I personally love Baptist because it follows King James Bible word for word to an extent. Methodist churches are ok too. And if a church requires eight words in its title, its probably no good. Because it's probably a church were a small part of a bigger churches congregation left due to an issue that was probably silly to begin with. aka church of christ don't believe in musical instructments in church. Silly I know. Musical instruments are in the bible, HELLO lol.
Now how did I know you were going to post a link from AnsweringGenesis? That site, as well as the Discovery Institute and almost every other religiously-based site flood the internet with the lie after lie after lie. If you want to look into what they are talkign about on that site you should look into actual scientific journals. All that site is is one big opinion. If you want to get actual data and facts look at the scientific journals. If what these people are saying is the truth then they should submit their findings to actual acredited scientific journals rather than postign their thought and opinions on a site that only caters to one specific type of person. You should visit this site then, it has zero lie's. Why would a christian website lie?actually no , we believe that he human was created from clay and water , but thats not to discuss today , in modern world , if you didnt know , the first really giant source to produce electricity was water , we say that he atoms are living rite ?? cuz their electrons and these things rite ?? well as i do know , the thing when HE said about water giving life to everything , it was defently electricity if you wish to speak of science not religion , plus in the human , and every single creature , they cant live without water for 7 days , so basicly water is life , thats what it meansgubrushadowOne would think they would realize that we need water to drink when people around them who weren't drinkgin water were dying left and right.
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]Now how did I know you were going to post a link from AnsweringGenesis? That site, as well as the Discovery Institute and almost every other religiously-based site flood the internet with the lie after lie after lie. If you want to look into what they are talkign about on that site you should look into actual scientific journals. All that site is is one big opinion. If you want to get actual data and facts look at the scientific journals. If what these people are saying is the truth then they should submit their findings to actual acredited scientific journals rather than postign their thought and opinions on a site that only caters to one specific type of person. You should visit this site then, it has zero lie's. Why would a christian website lie?I have visited it. I've visited it often actually. Chrstian websites lie to further their goals. Christian websites lie to manipulate members into keeping the faith. This is very well known. I'll give an example of just exactly how certain believers lie to manipulate others into thinking their lies. Hugh Miller, a geologist and evangelical Christian, wanted to prove to the world that dinosaur bones weren't as old as scientists were sayign they are. The test he performed was from a 1990 study of four dinosaur bones that came from a museum. The bones were heavily coated in resin and Hugh Miller, the person performing the study, was warned that performing the tests on the dinosaur bones wouldn't actually be on the bones themselves but the resin surrounding them. Miller was also warned that there would be no carbon in the actual samples because the dinosaur bones were so old. Miller did the tests anyways and got the results he wanted, the age of the resin.[QUOTE="caseypayne69"]
Sounds like alot of Atheists have comments or problems about The Bible and God but they choose not to take the time out to find the answers. And alot are subdued by Evolution which says we live we die and evolve. Of course none of this scientific data is proven. Don't go quoting this post and saying it is either because its not. It's so unproven to the point some schools stamp "this is not fact" on those books of science for students. And some states are teaching Creationism along side Evolution now, and Creationism is gaining speed every day. And don't bother quoting and telling me its not a science either. Thousands of PH.D scientist now support Creationism, and losts were former Evolution believers. The last things holding most back is they don't want to believe in a God because they feel the things they do in life are not consistant with Gods law and don't care to change their ways. aka being gay thief, adulter etc. And don't want a heavy burden cause they love what they do. They believe in world view not God's view.
Anyway I understand it can be very difficult to find knowledge of God on the internet because lets face it the Net if filled with lots of crap thats either half way right or totally false. And that would just make me want to give up my self.
Want a really great scientific website they you will take the time out to read Creation side of the fence on life and its beginning and the origins of things. Visit:
Here is a more direct link. topics on anything you can think of.
Look up dinosaurs on the site and it will guide you to scriptor in the Bible that mentions them. Of course this would go against Evolution, and why I disagree as well as another million reasons.
Church wise for answers? I personally love Baptist because it follows King James Bible word for word to an extent. Methodist churches are ok too. And if a church requires eight words in its title, its probably no good. Because it's probably a church were a small part of a bigger churches congregation left due to an issue that was probably silly to begin with. aka church of christ don't believe in musical instructments in church. Silly I know. Musical instruments are in the bible, HELLO lol.
One would think they would realize that we need water to drink when people around them who weren't drinkgin water were dying left and right. well dude i dont want to list them all cuz it'll take forever , but i'll tell you one last thing , in arabic we have something called the letter math, it means every letter has its number , and if you wish to know the number of a sentence just add the number of the letters to each other , ok in Quran there is some saying by GOD : he Hour has drawn near and the moon has split (digging its soil) (sorry but its differnet in english) , well in the arabic translation we added the numbers up and it gave the number 1969 which is exactly the same year america went to the moon ! ( source : ) , plus i watched the evoliution you talked about on wiki pedia[QUOTE="gubrushadow"]actually no , we believe that he human was created from clay and water , but thats not to discuss today , in modern world , if you didnt know , the first really giant source to produce electricity was water , we say that he atoms are living rite ?? cuz their electrons and these things rite ?? well as i do know , the thing when HE said about water giving life to everything , it was defently electricity if you wish to speak of science not religion , plus in the human , and every single creature , they cant live without water for 7 days , so basicly water is life , thats what it meansBumFluff122
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]One would think they would realize that we need water to drink when people around them who weren't drinkgin water were dying left and right. well dude i dont want to list them all cuz it'll take forever , but i'll tell you one last thing , in arabic we have something called the letter math, it means every letter has its number , and if you wish to know the number of a sentence just add the number of the letters to each other , ok in Quran there is some saying by GOD : he Hour has drawn near and the moon has split (digging its soil) (sorry but its differnet in english) , well in the arabic translation we added the numbers up and it gave the number 1969 which is exactly the same year america went to the moon ! ( source : ) , plus i watched the evoliution you talked about on wiki pediaThere are many of these types of things floatign around. IF you came up with a 4 digit number and went lookign for somewthign that occurred on the Earth in the year of that 4 digit number chances are you would find at least 1 thing that occurred on the Earth in that year.[QUOTE="gubrushadow"]actually no , we believe that he human was created from clay and water , but thats not to discuss today , in modern world , if you didnt know , the first really giant source to produce electricity was water , we say that he atoms are living rite ?? cuz their electrons and these things rite ?? well as i do know , the thing when HE said about water giving life to everything , it was defently electricity if you wish to speak of science not religion , plus in the human , and every single creature , they cant live without water for 7 days , so basicly water is life , thats what it meansgubrushadow
well dude i dont want to list them all cuz it'll take forever , but i'll tell you one last thing , in arabic we have something called the letter math, it means every letter has its number , and if you wish to know the number of a sentence just add the number of the letters to each other , ok in Quran there is some saying by GOD : he Hour has drawn near and the moon has split (digging its soil) (sorry but its differnet in english) , well in the arabic translation we added the numbers up and it gave the number 1969 which is exactly the same year america went to the moon ! ( source : ) , plus i watched the evoliution you talked about on wiki pediaThere are many of these types of things floatign around. IF you came up with a 4 digit number and went lookign for somewthign that occurred on the Earth in the year of that 4 digit number chances are you would find at least 1 thing that occurred on the Earth in that year. well yeah dude but the point that it was speaking of the moon and digging its soil , thats what caught my attention , plus dude i enterd the website you gave me , why dont you enter the one i gave you ? we are sharing knowledge yes :D you are convincing me of the evolution , and i am convincing you of something else , there is nothing against it :D its an argument[QUOTE="gubrushadow"][QUOTE="BumFluff122"]One would think they would realize that we need water to drink when people around them who weren't drinkgin water were dying left and right.
well yeah dude but the point that it was speaking of the moon and digging its soil , thats what caught my attention , plus dude i enterd the website you gave me , why dont you enter the one i gave you ? we are sharing knowledge yes :D you are convincing me of the evolution , and i am convincing you of something else , there is nothing against it :D its an argumentgubrushadowAre you also aware that in certain parts of the new testament if you take the fourth letter of each word it forms sentences that tell the future? I've heard that oen as well and there were people who believed admanatly that it was proof the new testament was real. On a side note, the gregorian calendar is a calendar celebrating the birth of Christ. Why would a religion that is not Christianity use the Christian calendar to foretell what would occur on that date?
Are you also aware that in certain parts of the new testament if you take the fourth letter of each word it forms sentences that tell the future? I've heard that oen as well and there were people who believed admanatly that it was proof the new testament was real. On a side note, the gregorian calendar is a calendar celebrating the birth of Christ. Why would a religion that is not Christianity use the Christian calendar to foretell what would occur on that date? it didnt , if you looked itwas 1390 , which is in the islamic celendar , while that year , the gregorian year was 1969 , its the same but differenet counting you know , plus arabic differs from the english translation, the arabic words in that sentence form a full sentence in arabic , but cant in english unfortunaly[QUOTE="gubrushadow"]well yeah dude but the point that it was speaking of the moon and digging its soil , thats what caught my attention , plus dude i enterd the website you gave me , why dont you enter the one i gave you ? we are sharing knowledge yes :D you are convincing me of the evolution , and i am convincing you of something else , there is nothing against it :D its an argumentBumFluff122
Are you also aware that in certain parts of the new testament if you take the fourth letter of each word it forms sentences that tell the future? I've heard that oen as well and there were people who believed admanatly that it was proof the new testament was real. On a side note, the gregorian calendar is a calendar celebrating the birth of Christ. Why would a religion that is not Christianity use the Christian calendar to foretell what would occur on that date? it didnt , if you looked itwas 1390 , which is in the islamic celendar , while that year , the gregorian year was 1969 , its the same but differenet counting you know , plus arabic differs from the english translation, the arabic words in that sentence form a full sentence in arabic , but cant in english unfortunalyActually I noticed that after I made the original post. Why they have the 1969 listed at the top there right next to the other date is odd. However, as I stated, miracles of writing have been attributed to religious books other than the Koran. One I mentioned already. There are people who actually makes their lifes work studying these types of things in various religions, as that site you gave stated about Islamic believers. and they often find things much the same as what you're talking about. Nostrodamus is thought to have been sort of a prophet as well in that he could apparently tell time through his writings and quatrains. However, by most of the knowledgeable, it is regarded as a sham.[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]
[QUOTE="gubrushadow"]well yeah dude but the point that it was speaking of the moon and digging its soil , thats what caught my attention , plus dude i enterd the website you gave me , why dont you enter the one i gave you ? we are sharing knowledge yes :D you are convincing me of the evolution , and i am convincing you of something else , there is nothing against it :D its an argumentgubrushadow
Personally, I find that a simple book with rather common sense ideas used as a spiritual barrierand a group of people that would rather shelter themselves every Sunday instead of be the religious and political counselors that they are supposed be as an insult to the complexity of the universe. As well as,any given deity that happens to exist within it.
The human mind is capable of great things. Far, far greater things than the petty judgements and finger-pointing brought upon by the very fallible human interpretation of spiritual ideas.
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