Technically the Bible is evidence, just as any testimony is evidence. But more is required to determine the truth.atheist THINK theres no evidence because they never bothered to look
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Technically the Bible is evidence, just as any testimony is evidence. But more is required to determine the truth.atheist THINK theres no evidence because they never bothered to look
Sounds like alot of Atheists have comments or problems about The Bible and God but they choose not to take the time out to find the answers. And alot are subdued by Evolution which says we live we die and evolve. Of course none of this scientific data is proven. Don't go quoting this post and saying it is either because its not. It's so unproven to the point some schools stamp "this is not fact" on those books of science for students. And some states are teaching Creationism along side Evolution now, and Creationism is gaining speed every day. And don't bother quoting and telling me its not a science either. Thousands of PH.D scientist now support Creationism, and losts were former Evolution believers. The last things holding most back is they don't want to believe in a God because they feel the things they do in life are not consistant with Gods law and don't care to change their ways. aka being gay thief, adulter etc. And don't want a heavy burden cause they love what they do. They believe in world view not God's view.
Anyway I understand it can be very difficult to find knowledge of God on the internet because lets face it the Net if filled with lots of crap thats either half way right or totally false. And that would just make me want to give up my self.
This is all fluff and no actual evidence. Scientific data, by definition, is proven accurate beyond reasonable doubt. Schools are putting "this is not fact" on textbooks. States are teaching creationism as well as evolution. So what? This has nothing to do with the validity of the theory of evolution itself. In the same way, the fact that thousands (out of millions, mind you) of scientists support creationism has nothing to do with its validity as a scientific theory. Creationism has not yet been tested and there is no physical evidence supporting it so it can't even be considered a scientific theory. It's just a random unsubstantiated claim that hasn't been subject to the scientific method.
My take is that only knowledge can bring us the truth, because anything you say that can't be proved is just opinion. Since no one can prove god's existence or god's non-existance, whatever you believe in is right.
You're thinking of "wishful thinking". And that's not evidence.There is evidence. One just has to take the time to look.
[QUOTE="solid_mario"]No empirical evidence.SpartanNapoleonThere is no Empirical Evidence for consciousness but you obviously believe you are conscious although you could never prove it to anyone.You're right. I for one believe I don't even really exist.
You're thinking of "wishful thinking". And that's not evidence. In all honestly.. lack of evidence is not evidence against something. Of course it's neither evidence for something either. SO, great, we're agreed.. no conclusion can be reached and we must all admit that nobody knows for sure. I'm glad I solved this debate for everyone.. no thanks is necessary.[QUOTE="J-man45"]
There is evidence. One just has to take the time to look.
Theory of no god? there's no such thing. There is the theory of a god, or theories like the big bang theory and other alternate explanations. I don't believe in the theory of god because I see no evidence for it. I find the big bang theory plausible because there is some evidence for it, but I do not take it as fact, simply the most logical explanation.
There is evidence for God; how much value you place on that evidence though, is indeed up for grabs. The impact religion has in peoples' lives, various declared miracles by the church, the innate predisposition of humans to believe, and other things do give some evidence to God. To say that there is absolutely no evidence is sophist beyond belief.Theory of no god? there's no such thing. There is the theory of a god, or theories like the big bang theory and other alternate explanations. I don't believe in the theory of god because I see no evidence for it. I find the big bang theory plausible because there is some evidence for it, but I do not take it as fact, simply the most logical explanation.
[QUOTE="Brendissimo35"]There is evidence for God; how much value you place on that evidence though, is indeed up for grabs. The impact religion has in peoples' lives, various declared miracles by the church, the innate predisposition of humans to believe, and other things do give some evidence to God. To say that there is absolutely no evidence is sophist beyond belief.The impact religion has on peoples lives has more to do with psychology than the possibility that there is a God. Religion gives some people hope. what are these decalred miracles by the church and how can I see these miracles for myself? The predisposition for humans to believe has absolutely nothing to do with evidence foe there beign a God. Humans are curious about the world around them. IF things are unknown, such as how the universe came to be, people will often fill those questions in with some type of story. Do you remember all those stories that the Greeks and Romans had for each of their Gods? They were attempting to explain the unknown.Theory of no god? there's no such thing. There is the theory of a god, or theories like the big bang theory and other alternate explanations. I don't believe in the theory of god because I see no evidence for it. I find the big bang theory plausible because there is some evidence for it, but I do not take it as fact, simply the most logical explanation.
I can fully see why poeple have no belief or willingness to find themselfs with a relationship with God, when theres no supporting evidence. Before I became a Christian there was always a wonder why, if God IS real, why does he not just come down and prove himself. I then took a step to put my faith in that he was real, and had all the hope i'd do good and feel fufilled in what i want outta life. After i took this step my life turned around and it felt like things were coming together and this puzzle piece is finally here to help me on a path i'd be most happy on. Now without that faith i wouldnt be here where i am today. So i suppose were stupid for this belief in something thats not right in front of us, or that God can'y directly talk or counscel us, but I can tell you, I kno this belief, or leap of faith i suppose, has made only good things surrond me and my whole life. It was the weirdest thing how it nearly magically turned around my life into something so much better. Now i suppse if it hadnt, i would be a full supporter in the no evidence side of this forum but i have it, and i have alot of evidence, God isnt here for the human race in a whole God's made for each individual in a differnt way. without that faith he'll never step into anyones life. And support that person where he needs the most support. Alot of people feel this way with out God so i wont argue that with them, I'm happy theyre happy and hope they can stay that way forever, to say theres no evidence is garbage, God's not a tablet buried in earth for years, or a object floating inspace waiting to be discovered, its not matiriel or a living person who pulls levers day and night to make things work, God is a way of life, a supporter of anyone who wants to be happy.
The impact religion has on peoples lives has more to do with psychology than the possibility that there is a God. Religion gives some people hope. what are these decalred miracles by the church and how can I see these miracles for myself? The predisposition for humans to believe has absolutely nothing to do with evidence foe there beign a God. Humans are curious about the world around them. IF things are unknown, such as how the universe came to be, people will often fill those questions in with some type of story. Do you remember all those stories that the Greeks and Romans had for each of their Gods? They were attempting to explain the unknown.BumFluff122I did not try to claim that the evidence I spoke of was good evidence. It is merely evidence. You have presented how much value you place on the evidence, but that most assuredly does not change their state of being evidence. There is evidence for god. How much value you place on that is entirely up to you. But to claim there is no evidence? That is sophistry. And if anything, the predisposition to believe is great evidence for there being god. It is a sesnsory perception, like that of sight, smell, sound, taste, and feeling. There isn't any reason to doubt it any more than the other senses.
Because we have found just as much evidence to suggest numerous other possibiilities as well.. Religion likes to say how important we are one way or the other.. When I think thats clearly not the case.. Not only is half our population suffering from hunger and other things around the world, but we have no real evidence beyond a reasonable doubt for the miracles.. Say god existed, what makes people think that the being cares or even knows our existence? Our universe or even our galaxy makes us on one small planet extremely insignifcant.. Which is at best a understatement.. We can't even effect any of the planets with in are own solar system.. sSubZerOoWhy are you trying to apply the limitations of humans onto God? If god is truly all powerful and all knowing, then he would definitely be in a position to help us. For all you know, he could even be doing so. The world which we live in could be the best of all possible worlds; even with the suffering within it. It could have the greatest amount of good and least amount of evil.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]Because we have found just as much evidence to suggest numerous other possibiilities as well.. Religion likes to say how important we are one way or the other.. When I think thats clearly not the case.. Not only is half our population suffering from hunger and other things around the world, but we have no real evidence beyond a reasonable doubt for the miracles.. Say god existed, what makes people think that the being cares or even knows our existence? Our universe or even our galaxy makes us on one small planet extremely insignifcant.. Which is at best a understatement.. We can't even effect any of the planets with in are own solar system.. VandalvideoWhy are you trying to apply the limitations of humans onto God? If god is truly all powerful and all knowing, then he would definitely be in a position to help us. For all you know, he could even be doing so. The world which we live in could be the best of all possible worlds; even with the suffering within it. It could have the greatest amount of good and least amount of evil. We are most definitely not the best place in the universe.. We infact have a star's axis looking nearly straight at us, that if it would go super nova it would cause a gamma burst which would wipe us out.. We also have the Keplar belt that usually sends a rock every 150 million years causing mass extinction on our planet.. Furthermore the earth has only been able to sustain life a short amount of time outside of its existence.. Yes the being could be do so.. So could the boogey man every night come out to lay a arm pit hair on your tongue.. Its beyond a reasonable doubt.. This is not suggesting the being exists or doesn't exist.. Just don't try to argue rationally for its existence when its a matter of faith.
We are most definitely not the best place in the universe.. We infact have a star's axis looking nearly straight at us, that if it would go super nova it would cause a gamma burst which would wipe us out.. We also have the Keplar belt that usually sends a rock every 150 million years causing mass extinction on our planet.. Furthermore the earth has only been able to sustain life a short amount of time outside of its existence.. Yes the being could be do so.. So could the boogey man every night come out to lay a arm pit hair on your tongue.. Its beyond a reasonable doubt.. This is not suggesting the being exists or doesn't exist.. Just don't try to argue rationally for its existence when its a matter of faith.sSubZerOoHow do you not know that, even with our current situation, this isn't the best place in the universe? The mere fact that our universe is dangerous does NOT mean it is not the best possible.
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]The impact religion has on peoples lives has more to do with psychology than the possibility that there is a God. Religion gives some people hope. what are these decalred miracles by the church and how can I see these miracles for myself? The predisposition for humans to believe has absolutely nothing to do with evidence foe there beign a God. Humans are curious about the world around them. IF things are unknown, such as how the universe came to be, people will often fill those questions in with some type of story. Do you remember all those stories that the Greeks and Romans had for each of their Gods? They were attempting to explain the unknown.VandalvideoI did not try to claim that the evidence I spoke of was good evidence. It is merely evidence. You have presented how much value you place on the evidence, but that most assuredly does not change their state of being evidence. There is evidence for god. How much value you place on that is entirely up to you. But to claim there is no evidence? That is sophistry. And if anything, the predisposition to believe is great evidence for there being god. It is a sesnsory perception, like that of sight, smell, sound, taste, and feeling. There isn't any reason to doubt it any more than the other senses.People psychological feelings when they believe in God and how it lifts their spirits is not evidence for God. It is evidence that a belief in something can bring warmth into their lives. Many beliefs do that, not just the belief in God. So you are trying to say that not only do we have the five sense commonly known to all men but we have a 6th weird sense that allows us to believe in a God? Ok. You have to understand man is not driven to believe in a God. What he is driven for is knwoledge of the world around him. As soon as we are out of our mothers womb and have our eyes wide open to the world we begin taking in sensory perception and we begin tryign to learn more about the world around us. It has nothing to do with God. You're trying to claim and thought evidence for something else is evidence for there beign a God.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]Because we have found just as much evidence to suggest numerous other possibiilities as well.. Religion likes to say how important we are one way or the other.. When I think thats clearly not the case.. Not only is half our population suffering from hunger and other things around the world, but we have no real evidence beyond a reasonable doubt for the miracles.. Say god existed, what makes people think that the being cares or even knows our existence? Our universe or even our galaxy makes us on one small planet extremely insignifcant.. Which is at best a understatement.. We can't even effect any of the planets with in are own solar system.. VandalvideoWhy are you trying to apply the limitations of humans onto God? If god is truly all powerful and all knowing, then he would definitely be in a position to help us. For all you know, he could even be doing so. The world which we live in could be the best of all possible worlds; even with the suffering within it. It could have the greatest amount of good and least amount of evil. God is all powerful, and all knowing. At least all knowing that just about the vast majority of the problems in the world today are man made. To blame God for war, famine, rape and death is as ridiculous as blaming your parents for giving birth to you so that you can have an addiction. If God is truly omnipotent and omniscient, who are you, a finite and mortal being who's limited to time and space can question him? I cannot question God because of my limitations, but I do not dismiss God either. Believing in God is one of many risks in life, and probably the safest one to bet. Even if God doesn't exist, then the most I lose is nothing. Life is full of risks, sooner or later, someone will force you to take one.
There is no Empirical Evidence for consciousness but you obviously believe you are conscious although you could never prove it to anyone. Just before someone starts posting that you can prove consciousness go research the term and meaning in wikipedia or any other source.Consciousness isn't a physical thing. It is a word used to describe physical things. It may not be physical but its the basis of everything we do its always experienced and its known as the only reason why we experienced everything. Its basically our life as we know it. And even thought we know its true we can never prove it by any means. So if there is just one thing that cannot be proven ever and still be known to be absolutly true then you don't think that there is many more things that we will never be able to prove and they can still be true. Its important to recognize that we are limited in our understanding and the truth we know is just a subset of the total truth that we may not even be aware is possible.[QUOTE="SpartanNapoleon"][QUOTE="solid_mario"]No empirical evidence.BumFluff122
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]Because we have found just as much evidence to suggest numerous other possibiilities as well.. Religion likes to say how important we are one way or the other.. When I think thats clearly not the case.. Not only is half our population suffering from hunger and other things around the world, but we have no real evidence beyond a reasonable doubt for the miracles.. Say god existed, what makes people think that the being cares or even knows our existence? Our universe or even our galaxy makes us on one small planet extremely insignifcant.. Which is at best a understatement.. We can't even effect any of the planets with in are own solar system.. VandalvideoWhy are you trying to apply the limitations of humans onto God? If god is truly all powerful and all knowing, then he would definitely be in a position to help us. For all you know, he could even be doing so. The world which we live in could be the best of all possible worlds; even with the suffering within it. It could have the greatest amount of good and least amount of evil.
Assuming that God would stop human suffering is also projecting human qualities and limitations upon Him. Good and evil may be meaningless or irrelevant to God, as could our suffering. Such a being may not see things in human terms or just may simply not care. If there is an omniscient, omnipotent God, then yes, he would be able to prevent our suffering, but would he?
Assuming that God would stop human suffering is also projecting human qualities and limitations upon Him. Good and evil may be meaningless or irrelevant to God, as could our suffering. Such a being may not see things in human terms or just may simply not care. If there is an omniscient, omnipotent God, then yes, he would be able to prevent our suffering, but would he?HomicidalCherry
Ifwe take alook at the world around us, we can see that God cannot be all-powerful and all-knowing. If he is, then there are some serious contradictions.
So let's look at the world around us: We see suffering. People are starving to death because they have no jobs and hence no money to buy food. Why does God permit over 2,000,000 innocent children to die of starvation every year? Also animals are being painfully eaten by other animals.There are about 12,000 diseases known to man and this includes serious body malfunctions. Many people are born lacking eyesight, deaf and dumb or with missing limbs. There are natural disasters which destroy the lives of thousands of people like droughts, earthquakes, heatwaves, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados and volcanos.
An all-powerful, all-loving and all-knowing God would not have created all these things or at least not allow these things to occur. If there is a god that created everything, then he is obviously not an all-powerful and benevolent god, nor is he an intelligent designer. The objective evidence is if there is a god creator, he seems quite POWERLESS or simply has NO concern about the welfare of the creatures on Earth.
[QUOTE="HomicidalCherry"]Assuming that God would stop human suffering is also projecting human qualities and limitations upon Him. Good and evil may be meaningless or irrelevant to God, as could our suffering. Such a being may not see things in human terms or just may simply not care. If there is an omniscient, omnipotent God, then yes, he would be able to prevent our suffering, but would he?X4D
Ifwe take alook at the world around us, we can see that God cannot be all-powerful and all-knowing. If he is, then there are some serious contradictions.
So let's look at the world around us: We see suffering. People are starving to death because they have no jobs and hence no money to buy food. Why does God permit over 2,000,000 innocent children to die of starvation every year? Also animals are being painfully eaten by other animals.There are about 12,000 diseases known to man and this includes serious body malfunctions. Many people are born lacking eyesight, deaf and dumb or with missing limbs. There are natural disasters which destroy the lives of thousands of people like droughts, earthquakes, heatwaves, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados and volcanos.
An all-powerful, all-loving and all-knowing God would not have created all these things or at least not allow these things to occur. If there is a god that created everything, then he is obviously not an all-powerful and benevolent god, nor is he an intelligent designer. The objective evidence is if there is a god creator, he seems quite POWERLESS or simply has NO concern about the welfare of the creatures on Earth.
Why wouldn't God allow millions to die of starvation? We always assume that God wants to alleviate suffering and help people, but he could very easily be indifferent. I never mentioned an all-loving God in my post and I just don't understand why a loving God is more likely than an indifferent or cruel God.
Only your assumption that God is good contradicts the idea of an omnipotent and omniscient God.
Oh, by the way, when I said to show me the facts supporting evolution, I was talking about evolution like going from one species to another. I definitely believe in adaptations and whatnot, but evolution from one species to another? Nuh-uh.
So please, present to me the concrete facts supporting the theory of evolution.
P.S. Don't expect a reply 'till Tuesday.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"] We are most definitely not the best place in the universe.. We infact have a star's axis looking nearly straight at us, that if it would go super nova it would cause a gamma burst which would wipe us out.. We also have the Keplar belt that usually sends a rock every 150 million years causing mass extinction on our planet.. Furthermore the earth has only been able to sustain life a short amount of time outside of its existence.. Yes the being could be do so.. So could the boogey man every night come out to lay a arm pit hair on your tongue.. Its beyond a reasonable doubt.. This is not suggesting the being exists or doesn't exist.. Just don't try to argue rationally for its existence when its a matter of faith.VandalvideoHow do you not know that, even with our current situation, this isn't the best place in the universe? The mere fact that our universe is dangerous does NOT mean it is not the best possible. Because we have found other solar systems through out our galaxy alone.... We have found far less active areas than ours as well.. Our positioning in the Galaxy and such is nothing new what so ever..
the better question is: why do atheists feel that people are really interested in their argument about god? whenever they get the chance they will start talking **** about how science did this, and research did that, and homosexuality has been observed in 10000000 species.GazaAliactually only dolphins and a few forms of monkeys, they're the only ones where it's possible as dolphins monkey's and humans are the only ones that feel pleasure during breeding.
Oh, by the way, when I said to show me the facts supporting evolution, I was talking about evolution like going from one species to another. I definitely believe in adaptations and whatnot, but evolution from one species to another? Nuh-uh.
So please, present to me the concrete facts supporting the theory of evolution.
P.S. Don't expect a reply 'till Tuesday.
This should do.
You don't believe in evolution. God damn it.Oh, by the way, when I said to show me the facts supporting evolution, I was talking about evolution like going from one species to another. I definitely believe in adaptations and whatnot, but evolution from one species to another? Nuh-uh.
So please, present to me the concrete facts supporting the theory of evolution.
P.S. Don't expect a reply 'till Tuesday.
[QUOTE="Stanley09"]theres no proof. and all the bible stories are beyond ridiculousmattbbplI don''t see how they're ridiculous if you believe in a higher power. They're only ridiculous from an atheistic point of view, I think.
They're only ridiculous if you are non-biased and don't already assume that everything in the Bible is true and that God can do anything. Any kind of object observer (that is, one who is neither atheist nor Christian) would find the stories in the Bible ridiculous.
I don''t see how they're ridiculous if you believe in a higher power. They're only ridiculous from an atheistic point of view, I think.[QUOTE="mattbbpl"][QUOTE="Stanley09"]theres no proof. and all the bible stories are beyond ridiculousHomicidalCherry
They're only ridiculous if you are non-biased and don't already assume that everything in the Bible is true and that God can do anything. Any kind of object observer (that is, one who is neither atheist nor Christian) would find the stories in the Bible ridiculous.
Don't most who are neither Christian nor atheist believe in other religions with stories that are equally as "ridiculous"? There are a lot of intelligent and accomplished inidividuals who don't find those stories ridiculous, whether we're talking about the ones from Christianity or other religions.[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]Consciousness isn't a physical thing. It is a word used to describe physical things. It may not be physical but its the basis of everything we do its always experienced and its known as the only reason why we experienced everything. Its basically our life as we know it. And even thought we know its true we can never prove it by any means. So if there is just one thing that cannot be proven ever and still be known to be absolutly true then you don't think that there is many more things that we will never be able to prove and they can still be true. Its important to recognize that we are limited in our understanding and the truth we know is just a subset of the total truth that we may not even be aware is possible.I'm aware that we know very little about the universe. However merely because we know very little about the universe does not mean God exists. What makes you think conciousness, or that which gives us conciousness, isn't material? Consciousness is basically merely the ability to perceieve. All animals and life are conscious to some degree due to synaptic firing in our brains.[QUOTE="SpartanNapoleon"] There is no Empirical Evidence for consciousness but you obviously believe you are conscious although you could never prove it to anyone. Just before someone starts posting that you can prove consciousness go research the term and meaning in wikipedia or any other source.SpartanNapoleon
[QUOTE="HomicidalCherry"][QUOTE="mattbbpl"] I don''t see how they're ridiculous if you believe in a higher power. They're only ridiculous from an atheistic point of view, I think.mattbbpl
They're only ridiculous if you are non-biased and don't already assume that everything in the Bible is true and that God can do anything. Any kind of object observer (that is, one who is neither atheist nor Christian) would find the stories in the Bible ridiculous.
Don't most who are neither Christian nor atheist believe in other religions with stories that are equally as "ridiculous"? There are a lot of intelligent and accomplished inidividuals who don't find those stories ridiculous, whether we're talking about the ones from Christianity or other religions.Then those people are biased. The fact that intelligent people believe in Christianity or any oher religion for that matter, does not mean that the stories are not ridiculous to the non-biased observer. Biblical literalism is ridiculous unless you read the Bible with the pre-conceived notion that it is true.
Even if there is no God, I don't find the stories of the bible ridiculous. Many of the stories in the bible could serve asa basis for human morality: don't kill, don't steal, do not envy etc...
There was an interview with well-renowed physicist Steven Weinberg who also wrote several books on quantum field theory and on the general theory of relativity.
Interview with Physicist Steven Weinberg
QUESTION: You have written that the more comprehensible theuniverse becomes the more pointless it seems. Could you explainwhat you mean by that?
DR. WEINBERG: Years ago I wrote a book about cosmology, and near the end I tried to summarize the view of the expanding universe and the laws of nature. And I made the remark - I guess I was foolish enough to make the remark - that the more the universe seems comprehensible the more it seems pointless. And that remark hasbeen quoted more than anything else I've ever said. It's even in Bartlett's Quotations. I think it's been the truth in the past that it was widely hoped that by studying nature we will find the sign of a grand plan, in which human beings play a particularly distinguished starring role. And that has not happened. I think that more and more the picture of nature, the outside world, has been one of an impersonal world governed by mathematical laws thatare not particularly concerned with human beings, in which human beings appear as a chance phenomenon, not the goal toward which the universe is directed. And for some this has no effect on their religion. Their religion never looked for any kind of point in nature. For others this is appalling, the idea that all of thestars and galaxies and atoms are going about their business, andit's just by accident that here on this solar system the peculiar chemical properties of DNA acting over billions of years have produced these people who have been able to talk and look aroundand enjoy life. For some people that picture is antithetical to theview of nature and the world that their religion had given them.
QUESTION: Do you believe then there is no overall point to theuniverse?
DR. WEINBERG: I believe that there is no point in the universe that can be discovered by the methods of science. I believe that what we have found so far, an impersonal universe in which it is not particularly directed toward human beings is what we are going to continue to find. And that when we find the ultimate laws of nature they will have a chilling, cold impersonal quality about them.
I don't think this means [however] there's no point to life. Usually the remark is quoted just as it stands. But if anyone read the next paragraph, they would see that I went on to say that if there is no point in the universe that we discover by the methods of science, there is a point that we can give the universe by theway we live, by loving each other, by discovering things about nature, by creating works of art. And that -- in a way, although weare not the stars in a cosmic drama, if the only drama we're starring in is one that we are making up as we go along, it is not entirely ignoble that faced with this unloving, impersonal universe we make a little island of warmth and love and science and art for ourselves. That's not an entirely despicable role for us to play.
Even if there is no God, I don't find the stories of the bible ridiculous. Many of the stories in the bible could serve asa basis for human morality: don't kill, don't steal, do not envy etc...
You are treating them as parables then, and I was referring to Biblical literalists in my last post.
They're only ridiculous if you are non-biased and don't already assume that everything in the Bible is true and that God can do anything. Any kind of object observer (that is, one who is neither atheist nor Christian) would find the stories in the Bible ridiculous.
Don't most who are neither Christian nor atheist believe in other religions with stories that are equally as "ridiculous"? There are a lot of intelligent and accomplished inidividuals who don't find those stories ridiculous, whether we're talking about the ones from Christianity or other religions.Then those people are biased. The fact that intelligent people believe in Christianity or any oher religion for that matter, does not mean that the stories are not ridiculous to the non-biased observer. Biblical literalism is ridiculous unless you read the Bible with the pre-conceived notion that it is true.
Well, sure, if you treat every verse of the Bible in a literal manner you'll ultimately be disappointed. But I don't think that means that the core meaning of the stories are lost/unimportant/unbelievable.[QUOTE="HomicidalCherry"][QUOTE="mattbbpl"] Don't most who are neither Christian nor atheist believe in other religions with stories that are equally as "ridiculous"? There are a lot of intelligent and accomplished inidividuals who don't find those stories ridiculous, whether we're talking about the ones from Christianity or other religions.mattbbpl
Then those people are biased. The fact that intelligent people believe in Christianity or any oher religion for that matter, does not mean that the stories are not ridiculous to the non-biased observer. Biblical literalism is ridiculous unless you read the Bible with the pre-conceived notion that it is true.
Well, sure, if you treat every verse of the Bible in a literal manner you'll ultimately be disappointed. But I don't think that means that the core meaning of the stories are lost/unimportant/unbelievable.Well not everything is beyond reasonable belief, but I would think that any of the supernatural parts would be beyond reason to the impartial reader.
Then those people are biased. The fact that intelligent people believe in Christianity or any oher religion for that matter, does not mean that the stories are not ridiculous to the non-biased observer. Biblical literalism is ridiculous unless you read the Bible with the pre-conceived notion that it is true.
Well, sure, if you treat every verse of the Bible in a literal manner you'll ultimately be disappointed. But I don't think that means that the core meaning of the stories are lost/unimportant/unbelievable.Well obviously not everything is beyond reasonable belief, but I would think that any of the supernatural parts would be beyond reason to the impartial reader.
I'm not sure what you mean by supernatural, but I certainly believe in miracles. I see no reason why God incarnate being able to perform miracles wouldn't be believable. Most of the supernatural parts, if I understant you correctly, are said to have been performed by God either directly or through others.Please Log In to post.
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