[QUOTE="Gambler_3"][QUOTE="F1_2004"]Just to skip 38 pages and get right down to it; has anyone yet presented an explanation for how something can come out of nothing? If one doesn't believe in a divine being creating the universe, there must either be proof that the universe was created out of nothing, or that it has always existed. If not, believing in no god is just as ridiculous as believing in a god. (As far as I know, in the field of physics, there hasn't been an observed case of something being created out of nothing)F1_2004
First of all there is a thing called "lack of belief". Just because someone doesnt believe in God doesnt mean that they believe to the contrary. I dont believe in God but it's as much a "belief" as not playing video games is a hobby.Now onto your question,
This is one of the most downright silliest argument which seems to come up everytime in these discussions.
If one believes in a divine being creating the universe, there must either be proof that God was created out of nothing, or that he has always existed.
See what I did there? Why is God given such exemplary status? Why should his existence not demand an explanation? If god exists then he must have come out of nothing or would always been there, what difference does it make if we apply that to the universe?
Secondly the God of the bible and other religions have many attributes associated with him. He apparamtly has power over all things and cares for human beings, there is plenty of evidence that no one cares for human beings except human beings themselves. Why do you assume that the only God which can exist is someone who cares for human beings? What if a god exists who indeed created the universe but could care less about humans and doesnt even know whether they exist? Given the sheer size that humans occupy of our tiny universe, it is very much possible that god doesnt even know about humans as long as he is not omniscient.
This is stupid, you didn't do anything. Belief in a divine being does not require a physical explanation of how he came to be, it simply requires belief in a divine being that is beyond physics and chemistry. Also, don't confuse belief in a particular religion's God with belief in a divine being of some sort. The idea of God and the Bible is essentially a fabrication of the human mind. The belief in a divine being is the belief that something supernatural (for lack of a better word) that can't be explained by physical processes caused the creation of a universe. And finally, it is in fact silly of you to dismiss belief in a god without having any belief to the contrary. Imagine if I tossed a coin right now and told you that it landed on heads. If you somehow knew for certain, or had significant proof to suggest that it landed on tails, you could rightfully argue that I am full of ****. But since you have absolutely no flippin clue as to what the coin landed on, it would be utterly ridiculous for you to argue about the outcome one way or another. Huh so belief in God requires no rationality or "proof"? Now why am I not surprised from that response.:roll:Yes I will laugh at it cuz you have no means of knowing that the coin will land on heads. Now if I was a 3 year old and didnt know that coin toss is a blind chance then I may not laugh at you.
Oh and I am fairly atheistic of the abrahimic god, agnostic for all other gods.
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