[QUOTE="freham2001"][QUOTE="MrGeezer"] And...?
Are condoms part of God's design?
Thats not what i meant. Im talking about sexual preference. Guys are supposed to like girls and vice versa. Thats how God designed it. Homosexuality is a human made perversion. Human made perversions?
You mean like CLOTHES?
If God wanted us to wear fur and leather and cotton, even so much as to cover our "naughty parts", then why did he design us to be NAKED? I mean, surely he could have done the same thing that he did with the duck and the lizard, and given is retractable penises. After all, he's GOD.
Hey, if we're really gonna get all upset about "human made perversions", then why are Christians and Muslims so upset about seeing the ocasional female nipple on television? God didn't intend for us to wear FREAKING CLOTHES, and yet public nudity is frowned upon by the fundies and sometimes women resort to covering up their goddamn FACES.
Selective logic at work here. Sure, god even got mad at Adam and Eve when they became aware of their nakedness and shunned nudity out of shame. And yet people have the goddamn NERVE to say that homosexuality is a "sin" simply because same-sex copulation doesn't result in pregnancy?
Unnatural my butt. Look at goddamn CLOTHING the same way you look at homosexuality, and you'll see the selective hypocrisy inherent in the claim that gay sex is wrong simply because "it's not what god intended".
If God intended me to not walk around with my penis exposed all day long, then he would have made me like a duck and given me a retractable penis that only emerges from my body cavity when I am about to have sex.
If God wanted my penis to be covered up by fur, he would have designed a layer of fur to be present over my penis.
And if God intended people to only be able to live in climates in which people can survive without the added advantage of clothing, then why pick on the gays for "going against nature"? What about the people in goddamn Alaska who would ****ing FREEZE TO DEATH if they didn't rely on a "human made perversion" such as ****ing coats?
Again, the question of whether or not homosexuality is the result of choice is IRRELEVANT. The real question is WHY God gives a flying **** if you or I or my neighbor decides to engage in homosexuality. If we're talking about what's "natural" (and homosexuality is natural as many will attest to, but let's for the moment pretend that it isn't), then there are apparently a LOT of sinners out there.
Did God design us to be covered with fur coats?
Did God design us to be able to live in the goddamn arctic?
Did God design us to be able to fly, or to be able to communicate with people living thousands of miles away at the speed of light?
We're pretty SELECTIVE about what kinds of "perversions" we are willing to tolerate, aren't we?
What?? No, youre looking too much into my posts. Yeah, originally before sin entered the world, we were naked, and thats how it was meant to be. However, once sin WAS in the world, mankind realized they were naked and became shameful of it, which is why they set out to hunt and kill to get fur as clothing, which is actually the first time anything was killed in the old testament. Really. And where did you get the idea of clothes being a perversion? I never said that, and they're not. ANd you cant compare clothing to homosexuality. Totally not related. Yeah, neither of them were originally intended by GOd, but God didnt condemn clothing! I mean hey, when Jesus walked the earth he was wearing clothing wasnt he? Why would the incarnate of God wear something that he didnt believe to be right?
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