[QUOTE="MrGeezer"]Let's say this...if there IS a God, and God somehow DOES have a plan for all of this, then the existance of the tooth fairy is more believable than the notion that God really gives a flying fart about two women having sex with each other. What if he is a personal God like the one in the Bible which actually cares about and is involved in his creation?
If God has a plan for the UNIVERSE, chances are that WE don't have jack squat to do with it. Then why would he create us in the first place?
There MAY be a God, and he MAY have a vested interest in humanity if he even exists. But there ARE gays, gays ARE social organisms with the exact same emotional needs that I have, I do not disagree in many ways but I believe God calls us to be holy. Even a person with homosexual tendencies can be used by God. and social acceptance is an ENORMOUS fundamental human need that needs to be addressed. A person does not have to be sexually active to be socially accepted. If following God is going to come in conflict with me accepting two guys just because they voluntarily love each other and have sex with each other, Maybe God expects people to at least seek to live by a standard he created... then I'll side with human compassion and understanding EVERY SINGLE TIME. So human emotion is better to follow than fact? Assuming God to be true of course. God MAY be real, but gay love IS real. I do not deny whether the emotion is there, I just do not support homosexual relationships morally. And if God wants me to vote against true love just because the lovers happen to both be dudes (or chicks), then I demand a REASON. Read Romans 1? How about the beginning of Genesis? Otherwise, I'm siding with the gays, and I don't give a rat's ass what God thinks about that. My parents explained stuff to me when I was confused. My teachers explained stuff to me when I was confused. I expect the same from God. What if he's using people like me to basicaly shout at you these issues. Not to mention the Bible.
So can you sum all of that up and tell me WHY god supposedly hates homosexuality?
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