the US government is as of 2 days ago tossing around a bill. this bill would allow the justice department of the US of A effectively kill access to any filesharing, torrenting or piracy website regardless of country of origin if it is found necissary and has breached a copyright of any kind that is followed up on by its owner.
known (in short form) as the coic act this and i quote
"amounts to the Holy Grail of intellectual-property enforcement. The recording industry and moviestudioshave been clamoring for such a capability since the George W. Bush administration. If passed, the Justice Department could ask a federal court for an injunction that would order a U.S. domain registrar or registry to stop resolving an infringing site's domain name, so that visitors to, for example, would get an error message."in short ISP's would have to board up these sites, so even if the site is based in say spain.. you would still get a 404 error when attempting to access the sites in question.note however this does have a silver lining anyone bearing a .net, .com, .org are is vulnerable to this but those from other nation such as canada's .ca or china's .cn are untouchable.and while the justice department has many supporters of this bill. i dont see it going down well publicly.. will probably lead to alot of stinging if/when this one hits
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