I want to ride a bus full of marshmallows to uni instead of the one I get. Sadly the choice isn't there. I could put it in a request, though... so I suggest you could write a letter to the government stating that you particularly wish to get content from a site bearing your desired name of choice (because the available ones aren't to your taste). If that bus full of marshmallows existed, would you allow the bus to be taken away by the government because some of the passengers use the marshmallows to throw at people? Depends on the scale of marshmallow throwing. If almost everyone did it and the driver didn't care, then yes. That would be comparable to the Pirate Bay. Ff only some did and the driver kicked them off, then no... that would be like banning YouTube.[QUOTE="SolidSnake35"][QUOTE="jaydough"] But if I want the choice, I should be able to get the choice.
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