[QUOTE="chat2"][QUOTE="killtactics"][QUOTE="lovemenow"][QUOTE="funnymario"][QUOTE="lovemenow"][QUOTE="SpaceMoose"] [QUOTE="ManILoveSony"]God is real. He wants you to have faith. He sends some people to Hell. Because they do horrible deeds. Such as Hitler you think God would send Hitler to heaven? No he sent him to hell for all the horrible and evil deeds he done.killtactics
Maybe God should send himself to Hell for being all-poweful and yet doing nothing to stop it. How about that? Whoops, guess I'm going there now for questioning "His" divine wisdom.
ahh yes the simple question why cant God do it..Why cant people do it:|..stop being evil and stupid and follow God laws and maybe God would do something..
Why not god? Humans have a track-record of needing extra help.
and God has a track record for helping those who follow him..this thread is a fine example of why many people in this thread see little of Gods divine intervention..ya'll want God to be a friend you leech off of only when you need him, when everything is find you pay him no mind...but if you have a belief in him as i do you'll see that he created you and that you should give him all the praise and not just use him as some atm to withdraw favors from when you need him...religion doesn't cause wars people do..Guns dont kill people do...video games dont make people cut people heads off people do...but guess what, people dont like to take the blame NO ONE DOES so they blame every thing on something else...when will everyone see that man is just evil and until everyone stop being effing dumb asses killing each other in the name of religion, country, hell even video games the the world would be a better place..
does't God have a plan for everyone? maybe this is his plan... maybe he just loves seeing kids in Africa stave to death..... who knows...so are you saying for God to really love us then he must control everytrhing we dolike robots so we dont harm ourselves? does your mother loves you? does she lock youin your room and dont give you any money so wont go outside in which you can be harmed; Is your mother wont allow you to interact with other people because they might be a bad influence or does your mother show her love for you by giving you liberty to do things on your own and told you the consequenses of your action? so what kind of love do you prefer?
how do kids who are starving harm themselves? im just saying that maybe it was God's plan that children in Africa be born to parents that can't feed them thus they starve... After all God does have a plan for all and it is perfect.....No, you said that God loves to see the children in africa starve, if God loves to see poeple starve then He might as well put poison on every edible things on earth so everyone of us starve, if you want to mock people who believes in God then try harder coz this one fails.
If you believe in God then what do you want God to do!?He gave us theuniverse and still you want God tospoon feed you, Starvation is not like a chronic illness which a uncurable, 60% of american is overweight, 50% of chinese is overwieght, we send the man on the moon, we spent billion of dollars on armaments, in short we a lot of resources, starvation can be stop if we want to but man choose to be greedy.
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