To answer TC's question completely unbiased, I would say both the US and UK make a great argument, here's the comparison:
In terms of sports performance, military power, science & technology, business, Forbes 2000 companies, amount of billionaires, amount of millionaires, air force, GDP, finance, standard of living, purchasing power, exports, imports, and pretty much every other factor.
in the "modern era" say the 90s until 2012 the USA wins and is the greatest country in the world right now, with the UK in second, and Japan / Germany behind them.
If we look at it from histrorical terms, especially the century dedicated to Britain; the 1800s post-Napoleon and pre- German revolution the British Empire stood once behind around 50% of the world's production and their naval fleet was so vast and powerful their military force was estimated to be equal to up to 70% of the rest of the worlds, or around 2 USA's today.
I'd say the greatest civilizations of all time are:
1. the British (modern day Britain; peak = victorian era British Empire)
2. the Romans (modern day Italy; peak = Roman Empire during first few centuries post A.D.)
3. the French (modern day France; peak = Second French Empire)
Nominees: The Chinese civilization that's been great for thousands of years, the ancient greeks who dominated before the Romans came, The Spanish who once had a vast empire almost as big as Britain's, and the Germans and Americans.
So historically, due to hundreds of years of military dominance, economic dominance, the world's largest empire, putting down large empires (like netherlands) the most succesful military history, a role model in politics, the greatest literature of all time, the greatest revolution in human history, the industrial revolution thanks partly to two different British inventions; Spinny Jenny and the steam engine. Before that Britain was equal to around 2% of the world's production, 100 years later they were behind 50% of it!, a single "tiny nation". That also led to one of the reasons why Britain could have a military so powerful it could take on the rest of the world and win.
now = USA
all time = Britain
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