[QUOTE="toast_burner"]We do have the right to bear arms in the uk. It's a very old law that was written back when guns were greatly different to modern guns.
This should help
In the US, I can own a hand gun, carry it concealed, go the shooting range and fire it off, and purchase rounds for it. I can also modify it if I so choose, with having single action trigger instead of double action. I can fully own the gun and no one can take it from me as long as I am a law abiding citizen.
You cannot do this in the UK. Your right to bear arms is a joke compared to ours.
5 minutes ago you said it wasn't there at all, now you're saying it's a joke.I think you have no idea what you're talking about.
It's not really there, you don't have any real gun rights there. Your countries laws make it next to impossible to own any kind of gun, and handguns (which are essential to self defense) are not allowed at all.
You do not have a right to bear arms, you have a nanny state that tells you that you have no right to protect yourself without their consent.
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