I'm glad you posted this.
If we are going to argue I at least want everyone to have their facts straight.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
I'm glad you posted this.
If we are going to argue I at least want everyone to have their facts straight.
[QUOTE="TREAL_Since"]I'm glad you posted this.
If we are going to argue I at least want everyone to have their facts straight.
Yes. On Topic, who do think won the debate?
[QUOTE="Guybrush_3"][QUOTE="TREAL_Since"]I'm glad you posted this.
If we are going to argue I at least want everyone to have their facts straight.
Yes. On Topic, who do think won the debate?
Biden hands down. Palin did better than expected, but that is because she stuck to her talking points instead of the actual questions, and because she wasnt able to deviate from them well she missed many opportunities to rebut or defend things that Biden said. While Biden was able to jump all over some of the things that Palin said, and he was able to defend his points well.
[QUOTE="TREAL_Since"][QUOTE="Guybrush_3"]If we are going to argue I at least want everyone to have their facts straight.
Yes. On Topic, who do think won the debate?
Biden hands down. Palin did better than expected, but that is because she stuck to her talking points instead of the actual questions, and because of that she missed many opportunities to rebute or defend things that Biden said. While Biden was able to jump all over some of the things that Palin said, and he was able to defend his points well.
Great analysis :). I agree completely.
^ :lol:
I finally got a chance to watch it, and I thin Biden won hands down. Palin seemed to sidestep a lot of the questions and stick more to what she wanted to talk about. She failed numerous times to argue things that Biden said against Mccain. She did better than I expected, but she wasn't great.
i watched the debate at 3 o´clock last ight (i live in germany) and biden won hands down. it is sad that i wont be able to vote in this important ellection but all i can say who ever votes for mccain is voting for a third term of bush. and i think its so sad that americans ignore how for instance biden is throwing around facts and numbers and is actually talking about plans and how they are going to reach something while palin is just saying well lower taxes, well do oil drilling shes just promising a lot without even explaining how they are going to do it (shes like promising the world and at the end just says mccain can do it which is complete bs). i was watching the debate here in a bar with a couple of american friends and germans and we all want obama to win.
i also think palin is in no way vp material shes just an average american mom and doesnt have what it takes to be vp (anyone who thinks "wow we can relate to her" please dont vote for her because you guys need someone who actually has a clue to me it sounded like palin just learned how economy works and is trying to explain it to a third grader.
and palin is just pulling the family card, the EVIL people at wallstreet card (which is just pathetic) and the card where she says america will lose its freedom (which is just the most idiotic thing in no way will america lose its freedom if mccain doesnt get elected) and please as an american living in germany america is not the o so free country because here in europe there is at least 10 countries with the same freedom just not with as much opportunity
and who ever came up with the slogan that mccain will bring new wind to the white house is dumb because a normal thinking american should be able to tell that mccain is like bush hes alos republican so the only way the white house will be changed is if the democrats win this ellection.
^ :lol:
I finally got a chance to watch it, and I thin Biden won hands down. Palin seemed to sidestep a lot of the questions and stick more to what she wanted to talk about. She failed numerous times to argue things that Biden said against Mccain. She did better than I expected, but she wasn't great.
I agree. If she were forced to answer the actual question, rather than the question she wanted, then the debate would have been a massacre.
[QUOTE="d51man"]^ :lol:
I finally got a chance to watch it, and I thin Biden won hands down. Palin seemed to sidestep a lot of the questions and stick more to what she wanted to talk about. She failed numerous times to argue things that Biden said against Mccain. She did better than I expected, but she wasn't great.
I agree. If she were forced to answer the actual question, rather than the question she wanted, then the debate would have been a massacre.
Yeah, it's sort of like she had already thought of answers to questions she came up with, and only wanted to talk about those. If she had been forced to answer all of the questions presented to her, it would have been as you say a massacre.
Biden won... Palin did better than excepted but how many times are you gonna use the word Maverickbsman00
or "nucular"
So, anything interesting happen in the debate?Jandurinit was pretty mediocre on both sides....both stuck to talking points that had little to do with teh questions....if anything Palin came off slightly better due to her personality.....in teh end....meh...
[QUOTE="lilburtonboy748"]wow....joe biden is dumb
he says that taxing exon mobil and using it to pay for things for other people isn't the redistribution of wealth....
Let Exxon Mobil price gouge you. If that's what you want, fine. Let the middle class of America continue to suffer as Exxon Mobil's profits reach billions upon billions of dollers.
Im middle class. We're FAR from suffering. Quit being a fear monger.
And the whole "bridge to no where" was just a lame way to make people think mccains plan was evil. All he basically said is that insurance check you're going to get is going straight to the insurance company. No **** thats what its for. Thats like saying your mortgage loan payment goes straight to the bank.
[QUOTE="Jandurin"]So, anything interesting happen in the debate?Omni-Slashit was pretty mediocre on both sides....both stuck to talking points that had little to do with teh questions....if anything Palin came off slightly better due to her personality.....in teh end....meh... Well, I'm glad I forgot it was on, I guess, then.
People say drill baby drill because they are being missled about how long it will take. and why doesnt anyone ever mention the haynsville slate?Guybrush_3
who the hell cares how long it would take. Bush was for drilling but was stopped dead by congress every time and look at that. 8 Years ago. We'd be seeing a difference in gas prices and dependancy on foreign oil very very soon. Too bad Dems cant handle waiting.
The Democratic Philosophy "If it takes too long then its not even worth it anyway, who gives a damn how many jobs it would create and how much it would benefit our country"
[QUOTE="Jandurin"]So, anything interesting happen in the debate?Omni-Slashit was pretty mediocre on both sides....both stuck to talking points that had little to do with teh questions....if anything Palin came off slightly better due to her personality.....in teh end....meh...
Oh you mean the hokey mom, I mean Hockey mom, "Gee whiz, golly, gosh darn it" nonsense?
Biden answered every single question that was put to him. He gave solid information which, while not incredibly entertaining at least proved he had a solid grasp of the facts. It is incredibly sad that this was the best a presidential candidate could come up with as a running mate, in the midst of a global economic crisis.
The funniest thing about the whole debate was the incredible notion that Governer Palin knows more about McCain than Biden who has known and worked with him for 25 years.
Incredible. Mavericks? LOL.
His "facts" were as slanted as her "facts".....you call it hokey?...many people call it normal.....Biden doesn't know crap about an economy.....and neither does Obama....(not saying McCain and Palin does)....someday people will get their heads out of their collective arses and put people in charge who know what's going on.....until then be happy thinking that "your person" won and put your head further in the sand.....Oh you mean the hokey mom, I mean Hockey mom, "Gee whiz, golly, gosh darn it" nonsense?
Biden answered every single question that was put to him. He gave solid information which, while not incredibly entertaining at least proved he had a solid grasp of the facts. It is incredibly sad that this was the best a presidential candidate could come up with as a running mate, in the midst of a global economic crisis.
The funniest thing about the whole debate was the incredible notion that Governer Palin knows more about McCain than Biden who has known and worked with him for 25 years.
Incredible. Mavericks? LOL.
Biden won the debate because he pointed out all McCain's flaws and that fact that he voted with Bush on EVERYTHING.
All Palin did was impress people who thought she was a dim-wit. For god's sakes, she spent a week in "debate school" just so she didn't look like an idiot on national TV.
But I honestly don't care about the VP's - Obama is more promising then the "old, white-haired dude"... ~Paris Hilton.
When McCain pulled that "suspending his campaign" stunt, it pretty much killed him.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="HiResDes"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="daveydark"]Palin comes from a freak religion with witchcraft.
And Obama came from a church, as a memeber of 20 years, which has a Reverand that is racist, anti-american, toxic filth. Obama liked Rev. Wright so much that he named a book after one of this sermons. Here's a quote from that sermon; "white peoples greed runs a world in need."
Palin's church still is the more nonsensical IMO. I mean c'mon replace the terminology "white peoples" with "white Americans", and the majority of the world would agree with the reverend.
Palin got exorcised from "demons" in her church. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jmp_S9YSKJ8
at least obama is not apart of that church anymore, i say no to witchcraft in our government please
and he belonged to a church where their preacher preached something along the lines of "murder rich white people, kill them in the streets, rip them out of their cars and kill them"
[QUOTE="heretrix"]His "facts" were as slanted as her "facts".....you call it hokey?...many people call it normal.....Biden doesn't know crap about an economy.....and neither does Obama....(not saying McCain and Palin does)....someday people will get their heads out of their collective arses and put people in charge who know what's going on.....until then be happy thinking that "your person" won and put your head further in the sand.....Oh you mean the hokey mom, I mean Hockey mom, "Gee whiz, golly, gosh darn it" nonsense?
Biden answered every single question that was put to him. He gave solid information which, while not incredibly entertaining at least proved he had a solid grasp of the facts. It is incredibly sad that this was the best a presidential candidate could come up with as a running mate, in the midst of a global economic crisis.
The funniest thing about the whole debate was the incredible notion that Governer Palin knows more about McCain than Biden who has known and worked with him for 25 years.
Incredible. Mavericks? LOL.
Here's the problem: I don't have a "person". I am fiercely independent and at one time would have considered McCain for the White House with no problem. But I know when someone is full of crap and when someone actually knows what the hell they are talking about.
Sarah Palin is a millionaire and far from "normal". I'm sure she hasn't had a problem wondering about how food is going to wind up on her table...It's hokey because gosh darn it (wink), it's fake and it's a damn shame that some people don't see through it (big smile).
It is absolutely insulting to the American people and the Republican party that she is the best they could come up with.
Here's the problem: I don't have a "person". I am fiercely independent and at one time would have considered McCain for the White House with no problem. But I know when someone is full of crap and when someone actually knows what the hell they are talking about.If you know when someone is full of crap than you can't be voting for anyone :|....amazing how everyone is independent.....yet horribly partisen.....Palin comes of as normal to anyone not voting dem from the get go...does that mean one should vote for her?...no necessarily.......but money doesn't make one not normal.....class envy FTL....Sarah Palin is a millionaire and far from "normal". I'm sure she hasn't had a problem wondering about how food is going to wind up on her table...It's hokey because gosh darn it (wink), it's fake and it's a damn shame that some people don't see through it (big smile).
It is absolutely insulting to the American people and the Republican party that she is the best they could come up with.
[QUOTE="heretrix"]Here's the problem: I don't have a "person". I am fiercely independent and at one time would have considered McCain for the White House with no problem. But I know when someone is full of crap and when someone actually knows what the hell they are talking about.If you know when someone is full of crap than you can't be voting for anyone :|....amazing how everyone is independent.....yet horribly partisen.....Palin comes of as normal to anyone not voting dem from the get go...does that mean one should vote for her?...no necessarily.......but money doesn't make one not normal.....class envy FTL....Sarah Palin is a millionaire and far from "normal". I'm sure she hasn't had a problem wondering about how food is going to wind up on her table...It's hokey because gosh darn it (wink), it's fake and it's a damn shame that some people don't see through it (big smile).
It is absolutely insulting to the American people and the Republican party that she is the best they could come up with.
Class Envy? Really? LOL.
[QUOTE="heretrix"]His "facts" were as slanted as her "facts".....you call it hokey?...many people call it normal.....Biden doesn't know crap about an economy.....and neither does Obama....(not saying McCain and Palin does)....someday people will get their heads out of their collective arses and put people in charge who know what's going on.....until then be happy thinking that "your person" won and put your head further in the sand.....Oh you mean the hokey mom, I mean Hockey mom, "Gee whiz, golly, gosh darn it" nonsense?
Biden answered every single question that was put to him. He gave solid information which, while not incredibly entertaining at least proved he had a solid grasp of the facts. It is incredibly sad that this was the best a presidential candidate could come up with as a running mate, in the midst of a global economic crisis.
The funniest thing about the whole debate was the incredible notion that Governer Palin knows more about McCain than Biden who has known and worked with him for 25 years.
Incredible. Mavericks? LOL.
How in the hell do you know what they know about the economy, are you in fact an expert economist? Are you able to predict the future results of their policies, with some sort of cystal ball? If I remember correctly you are a libertarian, which sounds great in name, but is one of the most impractical forms of government...The Privatization of social security, healthcare, and welfare (I know healtcare is already privatized btw) would only worsen our economy, further separating the rich from the poor, and slowly downgrading what use to be middle class into in the lower. Capitalism should have its limit, and most people are too stubborn to admit it.
[QUOTE="heretrix"]Here's the problem: I don't have a "person". I am fiercely independent and at one time would have considered McCain for the White House with no problem. But I know when someone is full of crap and when someone actually knows what the hell they are talking about.If you know when someone is full of crap than you can't be voting for anyone :|....amazing how everyone is independent.....yet horribly partisen.....Palin comes of as normal to anyone not voting dem from the get go...does that mean one should vote for her?...no necessarily.......but money doesn't make one not normal.....class envy FTL....Sarah Palin is a millionaire and far from "normal". I'm sure she hasn't had a problem wondering about how food is going to wind up on her table...It's hokey because gosh darn it (wink), it's fake and it's a damn shame that some people don't see through it (big smile).
It is absolutely insulting to the American people and the Republican party that she is the best they could come up with.
Having or not having money makes up more of a person's idenity than race, and it always has, don't be so shortsighted.
If you break it all down to simple politics:
Obama is the young, popular, different candidate. He's getting votes from people fed-up with Bush.
McCain has Bush stigma. He picked Palin because: 1. She's young 2. She's a woman. Has nothing to do with experience or qualifications. It was purely a stunt for poll boosting. He picked her with hopes of matching Obama's youth and stealing Hillary Clinton's unhappy supporters.
McCain is desperate at this point. He's already given up on Michigan and re-directing his campaign to other states, which he's losing.
I expect lots of negativity and more stunts from McCain through October because his name and experience alone are not good enough to win people over. McCain has to pull out the swift-boat ads and dig up dirt from 20 years on Obama and Biden, if they can find any, to try and scare people to get back into the race.
All Obama and Biden have to do, from here on out, is look forward. They don't need to attack anyone anymore - they should simply act as if they already ARE in the White House and give opinions on how to fix things.
They don't even have to acknowledge McCain or Palin anymore - all they have to do is continue to point out all the flaws of Bush - because McCain has Bush stigma and attacking Bush is also indirectly attacking McCain.
Palin comes of as normal to anyone not voting dem from the get go...Omni-Slash
To me, she comes off as someone trying really hard to be normal, with her "I betcha"s, "Darn right", and talking about going to a kid's soccer game just to appeal to the regular person.
I think it's interesting that people are talking about how great Biden did, but, when you boil it down to the raw meaning of what was said, all he did was a better job of avoiding the questions. He spent more time pointing fingers at McCain, Bush, and Cheney than answering the questions. Palin may not have been factual but she was more straightforward about her views.Thyeora
Not to mention how Biden blatantly lied about their tax plan and clean coal. Also, he was busy trying not to be himself and brag about his IQ as he has in the past or be a bully. He seemed almost afraid to address Palin directly. He would barely look at her. Most of the media spin after the debate was hilarious. MSNBC especially had become a joke. From Chris Matthews saying Obama gives him tingles up his leg to that homely girl that follows him sneering every time she mentions McCain or Palin. Theyve become cartoon characters.
[QUOTE="H8sMikeMoore"]palin was sexy tonight.Zentrenius
Biden's thoughts during the debate:
Thank God this podium is here. The American people may have otherwise noticed the tent being constructed.
She's like the ultimate woman. Smart, hot, succesfull and still gives time to her husband and kids. No wonder liberal "feminists hate her". She shows that you don't need liberalism to become a successful woman. Feminists pretty much showed their true motives during this campaign. Not all, but many.
[QUOTE="Omni-Slash"]Palin comes of as normal to anyone not voting dem from the get go...JML897
To me, she comes off as someone trying really hard to be normal, with her "I betcha"s, "Darn right", and talking about going to a kid's soccer game just to appeal to the regular person.
Yeah it's not like she has a family or has ever been a part of her local community or anything.
If you break it all down to simple politics:
Obama is the young, popular, different candidate. He's getting votes from people fed-up with Bush.
McCain has Bush stigma. He picked Palin because: 1. She's young 2. She's a woman. Has nothing to do with experience or qualifications. It was purely a stunt for poll boosting. He picked her with hopes of matching Obama's youth and stealing Hillary Clinton's unhappy supporters.
McCain is desperate at this point. He's already given up on Michigan and re-directing his campaign to other states, which he's losing.
I expect lots of negativity and more stunts from McCain through October because his name and experience alone are not good enough to win people over. McCain has to pull out the swift-boat ads and dig up dirt from 20 years on Obama and Biden, if they can find any, to try and scare people to get back into the race.
All Obama and Biden have to do, from here on out, is look forward. They don't need to attack anyone anymore - they should simply act as if they already ARE in the White House and give opinions on how to fix things.
They don't even have to acknowledge McCain or Palin anymore - all they have to do is continue to point out all the flaws of Bush - because McCain has Bush stigma and attacking Bush is also indirectly attacking McCain.
Hey, I wanna play. Obama is basically a mailroom worker who is applying for the CEO position in the most powerful force in the world.
He has no froreign policy experience, so he brought Biden in to try and supress those who have enough sense to be nervous.
Obama was amember of a church for 20 years that has a pastor who constantly slamdered and attacked the US, white people, and Jews. He named the man his mentor, yet claims to not agree. Hmmmm..attended the church for 20 years and named the guy his mentor, yet doesnt agree with his core values. Sensible people would be sceptical.
Obama's positions have always shifted with whatever position is popular at the time.
In his "community activist" days, he worked in Acorn which basically practiced voter fraud. Bill Clinton himself called Obama a thug politician in regards to this.
Obama is also the second largest recipient of dopnations from Freddy Mac and fanny Mae. Of course no one is calling for investigations because McCain is trying to have an honorable campaign and 95% of the media might as well be on Obama's staff.
[QUOTE="Omni-Slash"]Palin comes of as normal to anyone not voting dem from the get go...JML897
To me, she comes off as someone trying really hard to be normal, with her "I betcha"s, "Darn right", and talking about going to a kid's soccer game just to appeal to the regular person.
[QUOTE="Omni-Slash"]Palin comes of as normal to anyone not voting dem from the get go...JML897
To me, she comes off as someone trying really hard to be normal, with her "I betcha"s, "Darn right", and talking about going to a kid's soccer game just to appeal to the regular person.
Yeah it's not like she has a family or has ever been a part of her local community or anything.
Biden won the debate because he pointed out all McCain's flaws and that fact that he voted with Bush on EVERYTHING.
All Palin did was impress people who thought she was a dim-wit. For god's sakes, she spent a week in "debate school" just so she didn't look like an idiot on national TV.
But I honestly don't care about the VP's - Obama is more promising then the "old, white-haired dude"... ~Paris Hilton.
When McCain pulled that "suspending his campaign" stunt, it pretty much killed him.
The fact that you're are quoting parris hilton is reason enough for no one to take you seriously, ever, about anything.
After watching the re-run of the debate I must say I was right from the part I had seen before: Biden just kept knocking Palin back down everytime she tried gaining ground.
Palin will end up costing Mccain the election. Anyone with half a brain can completely see through her BS and realize she is nothing mroe than a puppet who is suppossed to sit there, be pretty, and try to act as if Mccains campaign understands what it is like being an average American. Best moment of the debate was easily when Biden went on to talk about his hardships of raising kids and such after Palin went on for the billionth time about how she is a mom.
Palin, I don't give 2 ****** if you are a mom. It's nice and all, but it means nothing. What matters are your views and quite frankly they SUCK. Not to mention you are a freaking borderline extremist Christian who is talking about the War as God's plan, you are easily the LAST person I would ever want NEAR the White House.
Mccain choosing Palin was probably the biggest example of how the man doesn't take the American public seriously. It is just plain insulting and WRECKLESS that he would make his VP choice based ENTIRELY on trying to play with peoples emotions rather than put an ounce of thought into the fact that his VP will RUN THE COUNTRY SHOULD SOMETHING HAPPEN TO HIM!!!! He chose someone he THOUGHT would get votes and at the same time chose a complete IDIOT who not only lacks in experience but lacks in intelligent views and keeps proving she has no idea what the **** is going on in the country and our government.
I am just glad that Mccain has pretty much lost the election at this point as I do believe that people see through his campaigns BS. Yes Obama has his flaws but at the same time he seems to be someone who is always right there talking to the experts to help make his decisions, such as when Mccain and Hillary were calling for the gas tax holiday and he was the only standing there telling the American people how POINTLESS it was and how the experts agreed it wasn't a good idea.
Palin comes of as normal to anyone not voting dem from the get go...Omni-Slash
To quote my female conservative Christian friend "She kinda scares me." and that's not the only conservative christian that I know that doesnt like her and thinks that something is off about her. She most definitly does not come off normal to everyone.
[QUOTE="Omni-Slash"]Palin comes of as normal to anyone not voting dem from the get go...Guybrush_3
To quote my female conservative Christian friend "She kinda scares me." and that's not the only conservative christian that I know that doesnt like her and thinks that something is off about her. She most definitly does not come off normal to everyone.
But one person can represent everyone else?
[QUOTE="Guybrush_3"][QUOTE="Omni-Slash"]Palin comes of as normal to anyone not voting dem from the get go...kingyotoX
To quote my female conservative Christian friend "She kinda scares me." and that's not the only conservative christian that I know that doesnt like her and thinks that something is off about her. She most definitly does not come off normal to everyone.
But one person can represent everyone else?
he said "anyone" and like I said she isnt the only person that I have heard that thinks like that. So it is not "anyone" it is just some people.
well in reality it is 40% biden, 54% palin, 6% undecided
according to whom?
[QUOTE="willtsherman"]well in reality it is 40% biden, 54% palin, 6% undecided
according to whom?
Fox News.[QUOTE="Guybrush_3"][QUOTE="willtsherman"]well in reality it is 40% biden, 54% palin, 6% undecided
according to whom?
Fox News.From a Fox news article.
Two quick polls indicated that Biden fared better in the debate. A CBS News/Knowledge Networks Poll found that 46 percent of uncommitted voters who watched the debate thought Biden won, with 21 percent siding with Palin. A CNN poll found respondents judging Biden the winner by a margin of 51 percent to 36 percent but calling Palin more likable by 54 percent to Biden's 36 percent.
Even they can admit that biden won.
[QUOTE="Guybrush_3"][QUOTE="willtsherman"]well in reality it is 40% biden, 54% palin, 6% undecided
according to whom?
Fox News.Fox News, HAHAHHA:lol:
Fox News is the most neo conservative tv station on the entire network, all of their news is extremely biased, we are talking about the station that enabled O'Reilly to spout his filth on the airwaves.
[QUOTE="Omni-Slash"]Palin comes of as normal to anyone not voting dem from the get go...Jandurinno she doesn't
She comes off as fake to most people who aren't republicans. Which she is. Anyone who is really not an insider or a everyday person doesn't have to push that as much she does which is ALOT. That poll on CNN was interesting during the debate as the women could see through her BS and alot of the times they weren't agreeing with her.
I think people who are gullable and easy to fool I guess would see her as normal and not see the obvious show she is putting on to pretend she's one of the everyday people when she's anything but. Everyday people don't play spin games like her, they don't lie and spread so many false truths in a single debate like she did. The list goes on
[QUOTE="pyromaniac223"][QUOTE="Guybrush_3"][QUOTE="willtsherman"]well in reality it is 40% biden, 54% palin, 6% undecided
according to whom?
Fox News.Fox News, HAHAHHA:lol:
Fox News is the most neo conservative tv station on the entire network, all of their news is extremely biased, we are talking about the station that enabled O'Reilly to spout his filth on the airwaves.
He was spinning fox news (now thats bad) the statistic he quoted was "likability" but people see that biden won the debate and that he is more qualified.
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