Some of mine:
1. I think Imagine has a few stunning songs on it (like Imagine and Jealous Guy), but overall it's a pretty poor album. It's badly recorded, badly sung, has unimaginative arrangements, and Crippled Inside is one of the worst songs Lennon ever did. Plastic Ono Band is much much better.
2. Madonna>Michael Jackson. Sure, he can dance and sing better, but he repeats the same tricks over and over again whereas she experiments more and has an overall more interesting back catalogue. MJ never made anything as sophisticated and artistically-daring as the albumErotica. Her videos are better too.
3. Ray of Light>Thriller. Ray of Light is an atmospheric masterpiece with a mystical feeling to it that is truly captivating. Thriller is just a collection of good to great pop songs.
4. Nicki Minaj is actually pretty talented as a rapper, but chooses, for reasons known to herself, to devote her talents to really sh!tty music with the exception of a few songs.
5. U2 is boring and Bono is a boring vocalist. Same goes for Coldplay outside of a few songs.
6. Paul McCartney, as brilliant as he was, is not really worth seeing live. His live performances of Bealtes songs are pretty poor.
7.The Verve is pretty boring with the exception of Bittersweet Symphony. I'm not saying they're bad, just that none of their other songs stand out to me.
8. As bad as Katy Perry sounds live, I think her recorded voice is quite sexy.
9. With the exception of rap, lyrics don't matter that much. What is more important is how the words fit the melody.
10. Sgt. Pepper is one of the weaker great Beatles albums. Revolver, Rubber Soul, The White Album, and Abbey Road are much stronger on a song-by-song basis.
11. I prefer Mozart over Beethoven.
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