[QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"] Ummm. ok? Why are you telling me what I wrote? . What am I unaware of about prescription drug abuse? Doctor gives person pain killers. Person decides to use pain killers for more than just alleviating pain. Person overdoses and a life is lost to another damn drug and you and others want more deadly versions of these drugs available to all? I just can't see America being responsible enough to handle such a thing.
I think plenty before I type! Locking them up is a perfectly valid solution. They dont wanna follow the law then they go to prison. Of course thats not to say that prison cant be a place for redemption and resolution. As I said before the prison should show them what went wrong and what they need to do and guide them towards a better life. There doesnt need to be a cycle of drug abuse, prison, get out, abuse more drugs, go back in. Theres a lot of factors that go into incarceration rates btw. Not daft, this is Justice.
You said that prescription drugs are only given to people with legit conditions. It stuck out as a typically intelligent post of yours.
If you think before you type, I suggest avoiding typing and thinking. Sending people to prison simply for "breaking the law" isn't useful and can actually be quite detrimental. Sending people to prison is not an effective method to fight illicit drug use. It simply destroys the same people you pretend to care about (but don't actually give a sh!t, you fvcking sociopath). You are correct; it doesn't need to be this cycle, but the system in place makes it so. The system needs a thorough reevaluation based upon pragmaticallyand humanely dealing with the drug problem. What you propose has a relatively minimal impact WRT reducing use, but is atrociously expensive, increases crime (other than drug use), creates massive criminal organizations, reduces the likelihood for troubled people to seek help, and destroys lives,
Captain, it is daft, inhumane, unjust, and straight up tyrannical. You are a stupid sh!t.
What?!A doctor has to give you a prescription to get a prescription drug. Thats how it works. Are you saying there are other ways?
Also are you seriously telling me that drug possessors and/or dealers shouldn't go to prison for such a heinous crime? Especially scumbag dealers? Those dealers deserve much more than that. Prison is a fvcking courtesy for them. If not prison then what? What else is there to do with them? They broke the law. A price must be paid. I do care about the people, I want them to change their ways and become well adjusted happy members of society. Drugs get in the way of that. This isn't tyranny, it's a solution. No need to get your knickers in a bunch if you don't like it. If you have a better idea then say it.
Ideally, that is how it works, but I am past trying to explain simple things to you.
Possessors shouldn't go to jail. Possessing isn't really a heinous crime, and in many cases under current legal provisions isn't harmful. Dealers of what? A guy dealing weed? No big deal. The ones in cartels that are armed to the teeth and regularly commit other crimes because we created them with our laws? Yeah, those guys suck (and the law is largely to blame for that). There are instances where they should be imprisoned, but others where they shouldn't (see: dime bag dealer). What to do with people who use drugs? Depending on the drug, nothing. Some of the laws are dumb and should be done away with. Moreover, in terms of making people who have abused drugs, IDK, PRODUCTIVE, HEALTHY AND HAPPY again, rehab is pretty useful. Drug users in Portugal were apparently a bit more likely to seek help after decriminalization, so if you actually give a sh!t about people instead of this sadistic expressed desire of yours to wreck their entire lives, you might want to consider that before locking them up.
It isn't a solution, you idiot. A solution solves a problem. The war on drugs has not solved drug abuse. It barely brings use rates down, doesn't help addicts (the situations we are actually trying to prevent here), in many cases imprisons people for victimless crimes, and it is a never-ending cash sink. The war on drugs is a problem. That has a pretty clear solution: End it.
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