@sSubZerOo said:
@Seiki_sands said:
@sSubZerOo: When it comes to believing society fosters an undue and negative burden on women regarding body image there is no clear distinction between second and third wave feminism. The first two of those women pictured helped foster those ideas. What did you guys think that whole burning bras thing was about in the 70s, showing you their pokies? It's about getting rid of things that make women feel inadequate or beholden to someone else's idea of their worth (like say...a scale). If anything second wave feminists were more radical on this front, with many third wave feminists being more vocal about recapturing and expressing their sexuality if they feel like it.
You really don't know what third wave feminism or the SJW movement is than in the college campus because it rarely has to do with breaking from sexual repression.. These aren't women trying to fight oppression like in the 1960s from Mad Men like culture environments.. Its a bunch of twats saying everything is being ruined by the patriarchy, that everything is racist and sexist.. The exact same group that claims to be marginalized, trivialized, and attacked, meanwhile they are doing the EXACT SAME THING to the opposing side..
You know like Bahar Mustafa, a well known third wave feminist in the UK that was arrested for hate speech.. With hasttag KILLALLWHITEMEN.. Claiming she wasn't sexist or racist when she had a conference that banned white men from..
The same group that say that your not a feminist if you don't vote for Hillary because she has a vagina..
A Prime example of this brain damage is the recent cringe worth Cracked article in which it says Dirty Harry was a horrible person who hated all non whites.. Using a line in the movie that uses a bunch of slurs, in which over half encompassed WHITE PEOPLE..
I have no problem with second wave feminism and support it.. And I have no problem with the bra burning protest what so ever.. That is not what is being discussed here. And your doing a disservice comparing those women to the current SJW's of today.. Same goes for the civil rights movement.. MIZZ SJW protestors, blacks, declared that they wish to have BLACK only areas.. Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling in his freaking grave right now.
No, I think I have a pretty good grasp on third wave feminism and I don't think it's about sexual freedom of expression anymore, that war has largely been won in the transition from second to the third wave, I think it's largely about individualism as a right for women. I suspect you absorb too many outrage right-wing click-bait articles that try to make you fear feminazis, having likely never taken classes in feminism;
This is the funny thing.. I consistently vote democrat, I support Roe V Wade and a woman's right to get abortion.. I support a woman being drafted in the military and being able to serve in the military.. This is exactly my point.. You can't see past your head in your ass before trying to claim every one critical is a right winger sexist/racist..
nor likely having read many scholarly articles on the topic that social media and right-wing sites didn't direct you toward. Just because a few people, or even a few thousand, out of millions are crackpots means absolutely nothing as almost all of them are powerless and inconsequential. Yes, let's all get outraged over a cracked.com (the humor website?) article and pretend it means anything, shall we?
You mean the "scholarly article" that declares that carbon fiber is sexist and apart of the patriarchy? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273793754_CARBON_FIBRE_MASCULINITY
That is a scholarly article from the University of London that was published..
Bahar Mustafa was not a "well known" third wave feminist, she was a student diversity officer almost no-one had heard of before the right wing media blew her up. And the key to the story was she was arrested for that hashtag, which is absurd because obviously no one was promoting the actual genocide of white men by using it, but a culture warrior of the right decided to report her to the police anyways, but it's only the PC obsessed that overreact to speech, right?
Oh I see so doing a hashtag of suggesting KILLALLWHITEMEN is completely harmless.. Lets start doing hashtags for KILLALLBLACKS or KILLALLJEWS.. And what? The UK freedom of speech works differently from the United States.. That is pretty freaking hilarious your now saying PC is too much, when it is a tool of the SJW movement..
Many second wave feminists are alive and happily still associate themselves with modern feminism, I'm doing them no disservice. Trying to attack feminism as a whole because of a tiny minority does do them a disservice.
Well your freaking minority is taking over campus's and has hijacked intellectual movements such as Atheist movements.. And to top off the HILARIOUSNESS of this, feminists are defending ISLAMIC CULTURES, a culture that treats women as second class citizens at best.. Ironic. Please go back to Tumblr.
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