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[QUOTE="kingkong0124"] By the way, MLK was a social conservative and would most likely identify himself with the Republican party if he was alive today. GreySeal9
You'll NEVER convince anyone of that here, espeically in this thread.
Be prepared to read a ton of quotes and a ton of links. You'll probably end up being a called a 'birther' if you argue long enough.
Then if you dig up some links supporting your claim, the sources will be attacked and discredited
Just sayin,,,,
Yeah, cause it's not true. Later in his life, MLK fought for economic justice. When has any Republican ever done that? :?
"Economic justice" is a nonsense term invented by Marxists. MLK certainly never advocated for that. What "economic justice" essentially means is forking over more economic control to the state, essentially destroying wealth and impoverishing more people. Ironically, the leftist economic polices that leftists like you push for hurt the very people that you claim to care about the most. In other words, rather than standing up for the so-called "little guy", you stand ON the "little guy" in order to engage in political verbal virtuosity and moral grandstanding. You exploit the abstract concept of the person in hardship for such purposes.Who said Republicans aren't for fighting poverty and helping the poor? Once again, you're making generalizations.[QUOTE="kingkong0124"][QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"] The leader of the Poor People's Campaign would identify with the Republican party?GreySeal9
The Poor People's Campaign was a leftist movement, genius.
Leftist economic policies (essentially, more of governmental role in the economy via taxation, regulation, and direct ownership) disproportionately hurt the poor, despite your false belief in taking from some to give to others in the name of "economic justice" (i.e. Marxism).[QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"]hitchenskraychikYou're obviously not familiar with contemporary Hitchens, are you? His Marxist days were decades ago.
Even if tamer in his old age, he was still a leftist at his core. A self-avowed Marxist, even.
[QUOTE="GreySeal9"][QUOTE="kingkong0124"] Who said Republicans aren't for fighting poverty and helping the poor? Once again, you're making generalizations. kraychik
The Poor People's Campaign was a leftist movement, genius.
Leftist economic policies (essentially, more of governmental role in the economy via taxation, regulation, and direct ownership) disproportionately hurt the poor, despite your false belief in taking from some to give to others in the name of "economic justice" (i.e. Marxism). Regardless, those are the policies that MLK supported.You're obviously not familiar with contemporary Hitchens, are you? His Marxist days were decades ago.[QUOTE="kraychik"][QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"]hitchenscoolbeans90
Even if tamer in his old age, he was still a leftist at his core. A self-avowed Marxist, even.
I stand corrected, but what I've seen and read from Hitchens was sort of his in-between phase, as it were. Apparently he self-identified with Marxism in recent years, and even stated ridiculous things such as the Bolshevik Revolution being essential for Russia's modernization. Ah well, he was entertaining, at times.[QUOTE="kraychik"][QUOTE="GreySeal9"]Leftist economic policies (essentially, more of governmental role in the economy via taxation, regulation, and direct ownership) disproportionately hurt the poor, despite your false belief in taking from some to give to others in the name of "economic justice" (i.e. Marxism). Regardless, those are the policies that MLK supported. No, they're not. But don't let the truth interfere with your historical revisionism.The Poor People's Campaign was a leftist movement, genius.
I'm gonna say this[QUOTE="TacticalDesire"]
for some reason it seems appropriate.
As expected, the left wants to hijack Jesus. It's hilarious how they just claim that this and that historical figure were of the same mind as a demented leftist. As if Jesus, who by most accounts was an observant Jewish man, was a leftist. Rabbinical Judaism, which Jesus apparently adhered to, is not Marxist or Socialistic. I'm sure you'll still find a way to reconcile your fantasies about Jesus with the reality of Jesus (primarily by ignoring the reality and focusing on your fantasies). Too funny.[QUOTE="Fightingfan"]Plato.-Sun_Tzu-
Well he did want an authoritarian society where only th elite are in charge. Sounds left to me.
[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"][QUOTE="kraychik"][QUOTE="GreySeal9"]Leftist economic policies (essentially, more of governmental role in the economy via taxation, regulation, and direct ownership) disproportionately hurt the poor, despite your false belief in taking from some to give to others in the name of "economic justice" (i.e. Marxism). Regardless, those are the policies that MLK supported. No, they're not. But don't let the truth interfere with your historical revisionism. "the solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income."The Poor People's Campaign was a leftist movement, genius.
"The contemporary tendency in our society is to base our distribution on scarcity, which has vanished, and to compress our abundance into the overfed mouths of the middle and upper classes until they gag with superfluity. If democracy is to have breadth of meaning, it is necessary to adjust this inequity. It is not only moral, but it is also intelligent. We are wasting and degrading human life by clinging to archaic thinking.
The curse of poverty has no justification in our age. It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism at the dawn of civilization, when men ate each other because they had not yet learned to take food from the soil or to consume the abundant animal life around them. The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abolition of poverty."
If you saw someone post that on OT, how would you respond to it?
I'm guessing you would call them a communist.
I'm a moderate, generally conservative Republican, but if I had to choose my favorite left-wingers, I'd say Rachel Maddow, Barack Obama, and the fine Democrats controlling our state legislature here in CA who have yet to do anything significant about our being 13-16 billion dollars in the hole.
Well he did want an authoritarian society where only th elite are in charge. Sounds left to me.
People like you are so dumb. An authoritarian society can be created through either political view. Left and right. It doesn't sun
Partial list: Noam Chomsky, Mikhail Bakunin, Karl Marx, Erich Fromm, George Orwell, Errico Malatesta, Peter Kropotkin, and Emma Goldman.
I haven't read every page in this thread, but Kraychik seems to be owning everyone, lol.
On topic, I don't have a favorite leftist. Most left-wingers I've met are borderline deranged if you ask me.
So leftwingers are borderline deranged yet you think a guy who said that he would round up leftists and let people shoot them is owning everybody? :lol:
Anyway, he's not owning anyone but himself. You just happen to agree with him.
[QUOTE="Serraph105"]I'm gonna say this[QUOTE="TacticalDesire"]
for some reason it seems appropriate.
As expected, the left wants to hijack Jesus. It's hilarious how they just claim that this and that historical figure were of the same mind as a demented leftist. As if Jesus, who by most accounts was an observant Jewish man, was a leftist. Rabbinical Judaism, which Jesus apparently adhered to, is not Marxist or Socialistic. I'm sure you'll still find a way to reconcile your fantasies about Jesus with the reality of Jesus (primarily by ignoring the reality and focusing on your fantasies). Too funny.We'll stop hijacking Jesus once you rightwing chuckleheads quit tying to hijack MLK.
I'm gonna say this[QUOTE="TacticalDesire"]
for some reason it seems appropriate.
I like this one.
I'm a conservative and I won't pander to liberal hippies.SolidSnake35I thought you were homosexual, no offense if you aren't. Conservatives don't usually like homosexuals.
I'm gonna say this[QUOTE="Serraph105"]
for some reason it seems appropriate.
I like this one.
Can agree with almost everything. However on sexual immorality, Jesus also taught this:
Matthew 5:27-28
27 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit aadultery:
28 But I say unto you, That whosoever alooketh on a bwoman to clust after her hath committed dadultery with her already in his heart.
I haven't read every page in this thread, but Kraychik seems to be owning everyone, lol.
On topic, I don't have a favorite leftist. Most left-wingers I've met are borderline deranged if you ask me.
So leftwingers are borderline deranged yet you think a guy who said that he would round up leftists and let people shoot them is owning everybody? :lol:
Anyway, he's not owning anyone but himself. You just happen to agree with him.
He's most likely a political version of a fakeboy. I feel kind of bad for the actual conservatives around here. Some people may assume deranged beliefs are more common than they actually are amongst the left because of the perceived insanity of a troll. Not that I really care, I'm finding it entertaining enough.youre slightly wrong, in Israel its not "only the Jews matter" , its "the Jews should care about the Jews first, just like the Germans care about themselves first, for instance( sadly Jews didn't apply that philosophy for the last 1900 years,[QUOTE="Darkman2007"][QUOTE="ZombieKiller7"]
The left hates strong identification in general, that leads to "we're better than you, our blood is more valuable" thinking.
Which I understand would be a dangerous idea in Israel because the whole state is built on the idea that only Jews matter.
Leftists think "people are people, everybody should have a voice and a stake in the system."
To answer the thread my favorite leftist is Michael Moore, I think he's brilliant.
The equivalent of Germans caring about Germans would be Israelis caring about Israelis.
The equivalent of Jews caring about Jews would be......pretty complicated. You'd either have to be born of a German mother or take paganism classes and have your conversion to German Paganism recognized by an authorized figure before you were considered German. Even then some Germans still wouldn't consider you German.
Jewish is a very old culture, very strong culture, it's not "modern friendly." (Real Judaism I mean, not the fake ass reform bullschit.)
It doesn't translate well to the modern concept of a nation (multiculturalism.)
And furthermore I get the impression that Jews want every other culture to go multicult except their own.
They want other cultures to mix and be destroyed, but they don't want their culture to ever mix and be destroyed.
the problem with your argument is that youre defining Jews as a culture , and frankly its more complex than that, but its not too hard to compare it to other diasporas such as Tibetans (who despite being an ethnicity, are also united by a religion), when one looks at it from that perspective, its easier to understand and a more correct way of looking at things.
and I really don't understand what "real Judaism" means, if youre meaning the ultra orthodox , then youre wrong, because frankly they are quite a new thing in the Jewish world , only really arriving as a result of the enlightenment and secularization in Europe in the 18th Century, they didn't exist beforehand, nor did they exist among Jews outside Europe , since they didn't experience the enlightenment.
lastly, Im not sure what Jews you talked too , but generally the klnd of Jews who would want this kind of multi culturalism are the liberal kind, and really have views similar to other liberals, in fact , its one of the reasons why the intermarriage rate is fairly high in the US.
if you were to look a bit outside what the US community thinks (don't forget there are 13-14 million Jews in the world, with 5 million living in the US, its not a majority), you would find much more variety in opinions regarding this issue., in fact , in terms of ideology , that is one of the things that seperate the Jews of Israel from the Jews of the US (culture is another thing)
I haven't read every page in this thread, but Kraychik seems to be owning everyone, lol.
On topic, I don't have a favorite leftist. Most left-wingers I've met are borderline deranged if you ask me.
So leftwingers are borderline deranged yet you think a guy who said that he would round up leftists and let people shoot them is owning everybody? :lol:
Anyway, he's not owning anyone but himself. You just happen to agree with him.
Whats wrong with that? Deranged people should be put out of there misery somehow... Leftists tend to be a miserable and hateful people, case in point half the "experts" here on OT. ;)
I haven't read every page in this thread, but Kraychik seems to be owning everyone, lol.
On topic, I don't have a favorite leftist. Most left-wingers I've met are borderline deranged if you ask me.
So leftwingers are borderline deranged yet you think a guy who said that he would round up leftists and let people shoot them is owning everybody? :lol:
Anyway, he's not owning anyone but himself. You just happen to agree with him.
Whats wrong with that? Deranged people should be put out of there misery somehow... Leftists tend to be a miserable and hateful people, case in point half the "experts" here on OT. ;)
People on this forum are hateful? :lol: Wow, you must be such a little b!tch IRL.
The only person being particularly hateful is the guy that you're dickriding.
[QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"]hitchenskraychikYou're obviously not familiar with contemporary Hitchens, are you? His Marxist days were decades ago. Yes, but the only modern conservative viewpoint that he held was the Iraq war.
As a typical leftist, a joke I made is taken seriously because it's not a leftist joke. Continue describing me as "hateful","twisted", and "angry" with your one-liner troll posts while deluding yourself into thinking you actually make worthwhile contributions to this forum.[QUOTE="KamuiFei"]
So leftwingers are borderline deranged yet you think a guy who said that he would round up leftists and let people shoot them is owning everybody? :lol:
Anyway, he's not owning anyone but himself. You just happen to agree with him.
I haven't read every page in this thread, but Kraychik seems to be owning everyone, lol.
On topic, I don't have a favorite leftist. Most left-wingers I've met are borderline deranged if you ask me.
So leftwingers are borderline deranged yet you think a guy who said that he would round up leftists and let people shoot them is owning everybody? :lol:
Anyway, he's not owning anyone but himself. You just happen to agree with him.
Translation - A joke isn't to be perceived as a joke unless it's made by a leftist and unless it attacks conservatives. Continue trolling these threads with your one-liner text snipes while deluding yourself into thinking you make worthwhile contributions to this forum.I love how people here talk about labels with no regards to each groups activity and whether they advocate rights and equality or not. Mind you, not every "lefitist" care about human rights and equality. A lot of NGOs are there to protect corporate interests.
So leftwingers are borderline deranged yet you think a guy who said that he would round up leftists and let people shoot them is owning everybody? :lol:
Anyway, he's not owning anyone but himself. You just happen to agree with him.
Whats wrong with that? Deranged people should be put out of there misery somehow... Leftists tend to be a miserable and hateful people, case in point half the "experts" here on OT. ;)
People on this forum are hateful? :lol: Wow, you must be such a little b!tch IRL.
The only person being particularly hateful is the guy that you're dickriding.
Ahh name calling now is it? Thanks for proving my point. ;)
You have issues bro, seriously, seek some help.
[QUOTE="KamuiFei"] As a typical leftist, a joke I made is taken seriously because it's not a leftist joke. Continue describing me as "hateful","twisted", and "angry" with your one-liner troll posts while deluding yourself into thinking you actually make worthwhile contributions to this forum.
I haven't read every page in this thread, but Kraychik seems to be owning everyone, lol.
On topic, I don't have a favorite leftist. Most left-wingers I've met are borderline deranged if you ask me.
So leftwingers are borderline deranged yet you think a guy who said that he would round up leftists and let people shoot them is owning everybody? :lol:
Anyway, he's not owning anyone but himself. You just happen to agree with him.
Translation - A joke isn't to be perceived as a joke unless it's made by a leftist and unless it attacks conservatives. Continue trolling these threads with your one-liner text snipes while deluding yourself into thinking you make worthwhile contributions to this forum. yeah I'm convinced this is an act.[QUOTE="GreySeal9"]
Whats wrong with that? Deranged people should be put out of there misery somehow... Leftists tend to be a miserable and hateful people, case in point half the "experts" here on OT. ;)
People on this forum are hateful? :lol: Wow, you must be such a little b!tch IRL.
The only person being particularly hateful is the guy that you're dickriding.
Ahh name calling now is it? Thanks for proving my point. ;)
You have issues bro, seriously, seek some help.
Actually in your own quote chain you started the personal attacks. If joking about exterminating an entire group with an extremely broad range of views is your sense of humour I actually really do suggest that you seek help. Partially unrelated: This entire topic in general actually bring me back to the sole reason I have for disliking trolls. The actual idiots or deranged end up thinking they're in good company.[QUOTE="KamuiFei"][QUOTE="GreySeal9"]
People on this forum are hateful? :lol: Wow, you must be such a little b!tch IRL.
The only person being particularly hateful is the guy that you're dickriding.
Ahh name calling now is it? Thanks for proving my point. ;)
You have issues bro, seriously, seek some help.
Actually in your own quote chain you started the personal attacks. If joking about exterminating an entire group with an extremely broad range of views is your sense of humour I actually really do suggest that you seek help.Partially unrelated: This entire topic in general actually bring me back to the sole reason I have for disliking trolls. The actual idiots or deranged end up thinking they're in good company.
An opinion about a group who proven themselves as such isn't a personal attack, hence the term "group". GreySeal however made it personal by directly calling me a little b!tch. Perhaps you should reread it, and get a better idea of a "personal attack".
Yea, I was joking, perhaps it wasn't a good joke. But the people here who are easily offended take it way too far sometimes. I could care less what a bunch of nerds on a game site think about me. The people who need help around here are the butthurt individuals who think their opinion matters.
Actually in your own quote chain you started the personal attacks. If joking about exterminating an entire group with an extremely broad range of views is your sense of humour I actually really do suggest that you seek help.[QUOTE="Ace6301"][QUOTE="KamuiFei"]
Ahh name calling now is it? Thanks for proving my point. ;)
You have issues bro, seriously, seek some help.
Partially unrelated: This entire topic in general actually bring me back to the sole reason I have for disliking trolls. The actual idiots or deranged end up thinking they're in good company.
An opinion about a group who proven themselves as such isn't a personal attack, hence the term "group". GreySeal however made it personal by directly calling me a little b!tch. Perhaps you should reread it, and get a better idea of a "personal attack".
Yea, I was joking, perhaps it wasn't a good joke. But the people here who are easily offended take it way too far sometimes. I could care less what a bunch of nerds on a game site think about me. The people who need help around here are the butthurt individuals who think their opinion matters.
You sound like your feelings were hurt :) And your just as nerdy as anyone else on this site. Why can't we all just get along?
Actually in your own quote chain you started the personal attacks. If joking about exterminating an entire group with an extremely broad range of views is your sense of humour I actually really do suggest that you seek help.[QUOTE="Ace6301"][QUOTE="KamuiFei"]
Ahh name calling now is it? Thanks for proving my point. ;)
You have issues bro, seriously, seek some help.
Partially unrelated: This entire topic in general actually bring me back to the sole reason I have for disliking trolls. The actual idiots or deranged end up thinking they're in good company.
An opinion about a group who proven themselves as such isn't a personal attack, hence the term "group". GreySeal however made it personal by directly calling me a little b!tch. Perhaps you should reread it, and get a better idea of a "personal attack".
Yea, I was joking, perhaps it wasn't a good joke. But the people here who are easily offended take it way too far sometimes. I could care less what a bunch of nerds on a game site think about me. The people who need help around here are the butthurt individuals who think their opinion matters.
Are you by chance describing yourself with that last sentence? Because I don't see others riding a high horse or acting butthurt.[QUOTE="KamuiFei"][QUOTE="Ace6301"] Actually in your own quote chain you started the personal attacks. If joking about exterminating an entire group with an extremely broad range of views is your sense of humour I actually really do suggest that you seek help.
Partially unrelated: This entire topic in general actually bring me back to the sole reason I have for disliking trolls. The actual idiots or deranged end up thinking they're in good company.Ace6301
An opinion about a group who proven themselves as such isn't a personal attack, hence the term "group". GreySeal however made it personal by directly calling me a little b!tch. Perhaps you should reread it, and get a better idea of a "personal attack".
Yea, I was joking, perhaps it wasn't a good joke. But the people here who are easily offended take it way too far sometimes. I could care less what a bunch of nerds on a game site think about me. The people who need help around here are the butthurt individuals who think their opinion matters.
Are you by chance describing yourself with that last sentence? Because I don't see others riding a high horse or acting butthurt.Nope, but it sounds like I touched a nerve, lol.
Clearly, we're just gonna disagree each time, so its w/e. ;)
Are you by chance describing yourself with that last sentence? Because I don't see others riding a high horse or acting butthurt.[QUOTE="Ace6301"][QUOTE="KamuiFei"]
An opinion about a group who proven themselves as such isn't a personal attack, hence the term "group". GreySeal however made it personal by directly calling me a little b!tch. Perhaps you should reread it, and get a better idea of a "personal attack".
Yea, I was joking, perhaps it wasn't a good joke. But the people here who are easily offended take it way too far sometimes. I could care less what a bunch of nerds on a game site think about me. The people who need help around here are the butthurt individuals who think their opinion matters.
Nope, but it sounds like I touched a nerve, lol.
Clearly, we're just gonna disagree each time, so its w/e. ;)
You shouldn't become upset over an internet forum, little bit of advice: it's all just fun and games. Not sure what to make of that second sentence though. Why would I agree with you? What fun is there in that?[QUOTE="KamuiFei"][QUOTE="Ace6301"] Are you by chance describing yourself with that last sentence? Because I don't see others riding a high horse or acting butthurt.Ace6301
Nope, but it sounds like I touched a nerve, lol.
Clearly, we're just gonna disagree each time, so its w/e. ;)
You shouldn't become upset over an internet forum, little bit of advice: it's all just fun and games. Not sure what to make of that second sentence though. Why would I agree with you? What fun is there in that?I'm not upset. For me internet forums and people who take them seriously is one big joke. If anything I'm one of the few around here who will never get upset about anything. I don't understand what vibe your getting that you think I'm upset.
Unless of course your just trolling me. :P
You shouldn't become upset over an internet forum, little bit of advice: it's all just fun and games. Not sure what to make of that second sentence though. Why would I agree with you? What fun is there in that?[QUOTE="Ace6301"][QUOTE="KamuiFei"]
Nope, but it sounds like I touched a nerve, lol.
Clearly, we're just gonna disagree each time, so its w/e. ;)
I'm not upset. For me internet forums and people who take them seriously is one big joke. If anything I'm one of the few around here who will never get upset about anything. I don't understand what vibe your getting that you think I'm upset.
Unless of course your just trolling me. :P
I suggest you alter your phrasing then, it comes off as rather "involved"Please Log In to post.
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