I actually think that Christians would want "in god we trust" off the dollar... (that is if they even bothered to read the red words in their book, instead of just blindly following.[QUOTE="Lach0121"]
Probably because they are almost as bad as racial minorities in the area of political correctness. I don't have a problem with them taking out the "Under God" in the pledge (I'm talking about America here) nor do I have a problem taking out the "In God we Trust" off the dollar, but that represents a huge logistical undertaking if we are to completely eradicate the In God We Trust bills. Anyway, I don't have anything against athiests myself, I actually like them a lot more than the overly religious people, but I can see why some people would hate them.
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into the kingdom" (so why is In God We Trust, still on the dollar? because sadly most people are in a state of oblivion.
I find the concept of a capitalist jesus, actually ironically funny.
The camel analogy is misapplied here...nonetheless you may recall Jesus telling people to render unto caesar what is caesars....ie tax money.;)No I do not think it is misapplied here. lqtm (you mean the tax money to create an empire, fund wars, and kill millions of people, much like how the tax dollars are spent here in the U.S.)though I guess your statements justifies it... for you.
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