In general, for ignorant reasoning.
"Does not explain the origin of the universe" Well, yeah. I think most "believers" of evolution would not disagree with you on that, because Evolution is just mainly dealing with certain accepts, some of which are very vague, in regards to life of the Universe, not birth.
"Goes goes against creationism" Who said it necessarily had to? This probably one of the biggest misconceptions on both sides. While Creationism does in-fact deal with the birth of the Universe, Evolution, as I said before, is just mainly looking into certain accepts of life on the Earth, of which, do not really deal with birth question. Beyond that, Evolution did not say it had all the answers, even to the ones it tries to answer. So, to put things in over-simplistic matter, while Evolution is just dealing with certain accepts of life, who said Creationism cannot, more or less, take care of the rest?
"I am not monkey!" Who said you were? Ignorant person, likely. Most people who have any legit knowledge will say to you that we just share common ancestry with Monkeys. The only thing it means is that we probably had the same origin, however, evolved into different creatures. In comparison, to be over-simplistic (again), sort of like the similarity and differences between Americans and the British.
"Evolution is just theory" If you are going to debate on that sort of logic, should you not debate against gravity? Because, do not forget, if you are going debate thing based on definition, gravity, otherwise know as the "theory of gravity," would as well, would have to go under same sort of criticism. Remember folks, theory gravity is probably one of the most common share believes in the entire world, and yet, its just theory.
Other than that, I think it is important note that Charles Darwin, Father of Evolution, when asked about his religious views, he wrote that he had never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God, and that generally "an Agnostic would be the more correct description of my state of mind."
Now, if Charles Darwin can (potentially) believe in both Evolution and Creationism, why can't you? Just thought...
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