The way the Bible predicts and talks about the "mark of the devil" relates to the RFID chip word by word..Acez626
I think that's a bit of a stretch.
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I don't believe in God because I don't see any reason to do so; the explanations it offers to some of the big questions of life do not satisfy me. I also disagree with a big chunk of the judeo-christian morality system, so it would be hard for me to identify myself with christianity even if there were logical, empirical evidence suggesting the existence of a christian god.
HOWEVER, why you should or should not believe in God is your own business. Contrary to what world religions often suggest, 'spirituality', or however you like to refer to it, is a very personal matter, hence why convincing you not to believe in God would feel wrong.
[QUOTE="Acez626"]The way the Bible predicts and talks about the "mark of the devil" relates to the RFID chip word by word..JML897
[QUOTE="RationalAtheist"][QUOTE="Acez626"]Also... Like I said Im not a "strong" Christian.. or else I wouldn't even be making this topic...I myself have a lot of doubts too But... One thing that makes me believe in the Bible, is its ability to predict the future... Bible talks about -the world being circle...when at those times clearly everyone thought it was flat... - about RIFD chips ( mark of the devil) - talks about one-world government...( a little more theory based ) and more... and there are historical facts that back up events that have occurred in the Bible ( the lake separating, and etc )Acez626
I think you read into the bible what you want to hear. There are no explicit predictions as you suggest there are in my reading of the Christian bible. Those are your interpretations that try to fit biblical doctrine into today's world. Its the same as claims made for the Koran, where nebulous statements are also twisted to fit with modern thinking.
What you said made perfect sense... But the question till rises...The way the Bible predicts and talks about the "mark of the devil" relates to the RFID chip word by word... If you havent yet...I highly suggest you reading the part of the Bible in which it talks about the end of the world and etc.I don't get what RFID chips have to do with the mark of the Devil? What part of the bible do you refer to?
I thought biblical "end times" were predicted to occur shortly after the resurrection. End times have been "predicted" throughout our history. It is a big reason, for example, why the Jehovas Witnesses lost over three quarters of their followers in 1925.
I just have never seen any reason to. I've just simply never had faith because I'm not the type of person who can have faith without having some sort of believable stimulus, experience, or explanation presented to me. I never have seen "God" nor heard/read a sound explanation for the existence of "God," so I can't see myself blindly believing in "God." I also have zero interest in forcing myself to believe because it simply wouldn't make my life any better or easier. There's nothing to gain.
If I ever were to become more spiritual or have any interest in believing in some sort of higher power, I would not follow any scripture or organized religion.
There is more evidence that the world was created by a designer...then through chanceMany scientist ( atheist ) agree on this..Acez626There are three things wrong with this incredibly short statement. 1. There is zero evidence to suggest design. In fact, the evidence we do have points to it being not designed. 2. "Chance" or randomness is not a variable in scientific thinking. Nothing happens "out of nowhere" or "by chance". Huge strawman. 3. No "scientist" who values his credibility would agree with such assertions (from an objective perspective). Even if God was proven to exist, I wouldn't want to worship such a cruel, vindictive being.
I concur. Spirituality sounds nice, but that's the only reason I'd ever accept it. And frankly, being an atheist is just fine and dandy to me.I just have never seen any reason to. I've just simply never had faith because I'm not the type of person who can have faith without having some sort of believable stimulus, experience, or explanation presented to me. I never have seen "God" nor heard/read a sound explanation for the existence of "God," so I can't see myself blindly believing in "God." I also have zero interest in forcing myself to believe because it simply wouldn't make my life any better or easier. There's nothing to gain.
If I ever were to become more spiritual or have any interest in believing in some sort of higher power, I would not follow any scripture or organized religion.
I don't use the word believe, it's a fact that god doesn't exist. Nothing has ever suggested the existence of a god, all I want is evidence.
Hmm, let's see:
Free will is a cop out to cover for the fact that God is a mortal construct to keep powerful men in check and the powerless in their place. It attempts to make magic the reason for everything since science did not exist thousands of years ago.
Superstitious, irrational rubbish.
A person is entitled to their faith, but I don't see how it can be right.
believe in what you want, realistically the concept of god is plausible but not all the **** details the bible and other writings teach. With such a large universe it just foolish to have so much detail about certain things that don't really even acknowledge what the rest of the universe can hold. Also why do you need to know the answer? Its like the meaning of life, Christians explain it as beyond our logic, but the truth is if we new it we'd be disappointed. Its either super specific and 90% of the population will kill themselves because they don't think that reason is worth living, or its going to be really general to allow for personal preference in which case 90% of people will kill themselves for not being the most right.
[QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]If there is some form of after-life, doesnt that mean there should a greater power out there? and if this greater-power is God...then making the universe in 7 days shoudnt be something big for a God.. Can god make a rock that even he can't lift??because a all loveing fairy in the sky that farted the universe in 7 days sounds BS? if you do bad he punishes you by sending you to satan being evil and whicked......why the hell would he punish the evil and wicked.....?hmmm?
as an athiest as i am i still believe in some form of after live.....the thought of just dead and buried just no we have to live on in some form or another
I concur. Spirituality sounds nice, but that's the only reason I'd ever accept it. And frankly, being an atheist is just fine and dandy to me.ghoklebutterI am of the belief that "spirituality" is merely the layman's way of explaining states of mind outside the "conscious" mind (i.e. the "normal" state of wakefulness). Places unlocked through religious ritual (such as prayer or fasting), meditation or psychoactive substance use. Places that are grossly under-studied by science and leaving the door wide open to newage charlatans out to capitalize on people's gullibility.
It does not feel real or believable to me. Religious people are too judgmental, and sometime very strange. If you can believe in a higher power without the trappings of religious doctrine, then maybe i would be more open. But all the holy rollers, bible thumpers, Evangelists, fanatics, zealots, Muslims, Christians, 7th day Adventists, Jews, etc, want to control your life with rules and their versions of morality. NOT FOR ME. Do i belive in God? No, not really. Do i want to believe there could be a God? Not really. It would be very scary to think such a cruel entity really existed.
Because it makes no sense for me to follow teachings that contradict themselves multiple times over with my moral code.
I don't believe in God because ...
Oh wait.
I do.
Perhaps I'll pretend. I don't believe in God because if many people have differing views of him then it is inconceivable for any of them to even be partially correct.
Am I doing it right?
You're getting there.
But then again perhaps not.
In this recent thread you wrote, you even relate "hero stories" like those in Mario to Jesus...
I don't believe in God because ...
Oh wait.
I do.
Perhaps I'll pretend. I don't believe in God because if many people have differing views of him then it is inconceivable for any of them to even be partially correct.
Am I doing it right?
You're getting there.
But then again perhaps not.
In this recent thread you wrote, you even relate "hero stories" like those in Mario to Jesus...
What can I say, I even see Jesus in my toast. He's there, man. I'm telling you.[QUOTE="RationalAtheist"][QUOTE="mindstorm"]
I don't believe in God because ...
Oh wait.
I do.
Perhaps I'll pretend. I don't believe in God because if many people have differing views of him then it is inconceivable for any of them to even be partially correct.
Am I doing it right?
You're getting there.
But then again perhaps not.
In this recent thread you wrote, you even relate "hero stories" like those in Mario to Jesus...
What can I say, I even see Jesus in my toast. He's there, man. I'm telling you.Do you have one of these?:
What you said made perfect sense... But the question till rises...The way the Bible predicts and talks about the "mark of the devil" relates to the RFID chip word by word... If you havent yet...I highly suggest you reading the part of the Bible in which it talks about the end of the world and etc.[QUOTE="Acez626"][QUOTE="RationalAtheist"]
I think you read into the bible what you want to hear. There are no explicit predictions as you suggest there are in my reading of the Christian bible. Those are your interpretations that try to fit biblical doctrine into today's world. Its the same as claims made for the Koran, where nebulous statements are also twisted to fit with modern thinking.
I don't get what RFID chips have to do with the mark of the Devil? What part of the bible do you refer to?
I thought biblical "end times" were predicted to occur shortly after the resurrection. End times have been "predicted" throughout our history. It is a big reason, for example, why the Jehovas Witnesses lost over three quarters of their followers in 1925.
Im at work now so I cant really get in depth with my responses ( aswell as quote that one book ) but once I get off work ( in about 3hrs ) ill start responding to some of these questions with more depth[QUOTE="ghoklebutter"]I concur. Spirituality sounds nice, but that's the only reason I'd ever accept it. And frankly, being an atheist is just fine and dandy to me.ZevianderI am of the belief that "spirituality" is merely the layman's way of explaining states of mind outside the "conscious" mind (i.e. the "normal" state of wakefulness). Places unlocked through religious ritual (such as prayer or fasting), meditation or psychoactive substance use. Places that are grossly under-studied by science and leaving the door wide open to newage charlatans out to capitalize on people's gullibility. I agree. I'm just saying that the belief that there is something out there that is keeping the universe balanced or something is comforting. Of course, that itself is not a good reason to believe in a deity.
Im at work now so I cant really get in depth with my responses ( aswell as quote that one book ) but once I get off work ( in about 3hrs ) ill start responding to some of these questions with more depth Acez626
I think the passage you refer to is in Revelation 13, but still don't see how it fits with RFID. This specialist of apocalyptic thought agrees:
...."But fear not, says Boston University professor Richard Landes, who specializes in the history of apocalyptic thought. New technologies often trigger alarm among millenarians -- those who believe Christ is returning to Earth to set up a theocratic kingdom, but only after nonbelievers die most unpleasantly in a battle with the anti-Christ.
Y2K, bar codes and Social Security numbers all triggered end-times warnings, said Landes, who was co-founder and director of the Center for Millennial Studies at BU, which studied contemporary cult activities and end-times literature prior to 2000.
"Even the introduction of the Gutenberg press caused waves of apocalyptic thinking," said Landes."....
What can I say, I even see Jesus in my toast. He's there, man. I'm telling you.[QUOTE="mindstorm"][QUOTE="RationalAtheist"]
You're getting there.
But then again perhaps not.
In this recent thread you wrote, you even relate "hero stories" like those in Mario to Jesus...
Do you have one of these?:
I do not have one, no. :([QUOTE="RationalAtheist"]
[QUOTE="mindstorm"] What can I say, I even see Jesus in my toast. He's there, man. I'm telling you.mindstorm
Do you have one of these?:
I do not have one, no. :(Well then, it must be a miracle, some artistic toast-scraping, or your imagination.
[QUOTE="Acez626"]Im at work now so I cant really get in depth with my responses ( aswell as quote that one book ) but once I get off work ( in about 3hrs ) ill start responding to some of these questions with more depth RationalAtheist
I think the passage you refer to is in Revelation 13, but still don't see how it fits with RFID. This specialist of apocalyptic thought agrees:
...."But fear not, says Boston University professor Richard Landes, who specializes in the history of apocalyptic thought. New technologies often trigger alarm among millenarians -- those who believe Christ is returning to Earth to set up a theocratic kingdom, but only after nonbelievers die most unpleasantly in a battle with the anti-Christ.
Y2K, bar codes and Social Security numbers all triggered end-times warnings, said Landes, who was co-founder and director of the Center for Millennial Studies at BU, which studied contemporary cult activities and end-times literature prior to 2000.
"Even the introduction of the Gutenberg press caused waves of apocalyptic thinking," said Landes."....
I just quickly googled it for you... here you go Revelation 13:16-18 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."You know what I meant... -_______-Acez626I really don't. A circle is a flat 2 dimensional shape, which means calling the earth a circle insinuates that it is flat. The earth is Not a 2 dimensional object, it is as mentioned by Zeviander an oblate spheroid thus making it 3 dimensional.
[QUOTE="RationalAtheist"][QUOTE="Acez626"]Im at work now so I cant really get in depth with my responses ( aswell as quote that one book ) but once I get off work ( in about 3hrs ) ill start responding to some of these questions with more depth Acez626
I think the passage you refer to is in Revelation 13, but still don't see how it fits with RFID. This specialist of apocalyptic thought agrees:
...."But fear not, says Boston University professor Richard Landes, who specializes in the history of apocalyptic thought. New technologies often trigger alarm among millenarians -- those who believe Christ is returning to Earth to set up a theocratic kingdom, but only after nonbelievers die most unpleasantly in a battle with the anti-Christ.
Y2K, bar codes and Social Security numbers all triggered end-times warnings, said Landes, who was co-founder and director of the Center for Millennial Studies at BU, which studied contemporary cult activities and end-times literature prior to 2000.
"Even the introduction of the Gutenberg press caused waves of apocalyptic thinking," said Landes."....
I just quickly googled it for you... here you go Revelation 13:16-18 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."Where is your evidence that RFID is being sewn into everyone's (including all the Christians by that passage) foreheads? How does RFID relate to the mark of the beast? It is hardly "word for word" as you suggested. The RFID system would simply not work if all the RFID tags were 666, as the bible suggests they should be. What about all those previous erroneous apocalypse warnings throughout history? They were wrong, but should your own interpretation of this most incomprehensible passage from one of the most fever-dream sections of the bible be taken seriously, while disregarding the rest of Revelations?
I really don't. A circle is a flat 2 dimensional shape, which means calling the earth a circle insinuates that it is flat. The earth is Not a 2 dimensional object, it is as mentioned by Zeviander an oblate spheroid thus making it 3 dimensional. As a note, if you are talking about Isaiah 40:22 which says of God, "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth," look at the rest of the verse which states, "and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in." I'm think it is a safe assumption to say that the last 3/4 of the passage is metaphorical. As such, why do we interpret the first part as literal?[QUOTE="Acez626"] You know what I meant... -_______-Mozuckint
For me its simple and its reality......... i'm hindu, i followed chritian for about 4 -5 yrs and know buddish from my aunt so... and each this individual have their own god, beliefs and its confusing. All beliefs on god is just based on some non existence and the main question is, is it just someoen concept or fantasy similar to that of someones assumption that in 2012 the world would end..... so for me these are some of the reason i doubt thier exisance and belief...
As a note, if you are talking about Isaiah 40:22 which says of God, "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth," look at the rest of the verse which states, "and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in." I'm think it is a safe assumption to say that the last 3/4 of the passage is metaphorical. As such, why do we interpret the first part as literal? mindstorm
The TC did, in citing evidence for biblical prophesy:
One thing that makes me believe in the Bible, is its ability to predict the future... Bible talks about -the world being circle...when at those times clearly everyone thought it was flat... Acez626
Are you saying their biblical knowledge is faulty?
[QUOTE="Mozuckint"]You tell me which one looks more like the earth.ZevianderNeither. The Earth is an oblate spheroid. :3I remember our geo teacher enforcing that one lol.
As a note, if you are talking about Isaiah 40:22 which says of God, "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth," look at the rest of the verse which states, "and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in." I'm think it is a safe assumption to say that the last 3/4 of the passage is metaphorical. As such, why do we interpret the first part as literal? RationalAtheist
The TC did, in citing evidence for biblical prophesy:
One thing that makes me believe in the Bible, is its ability to predict the future... Bible talks about -the world being circle...when at those times clearly everyone thought it was flat... Acez626
Are you saying their biblical knowledge is faulty?
Perhaps both are right. :shock: But really, if there is truth to the metaphors, why is the world spinning not to be considered a metaphor?[QUOTE="Mozuckint"][QUOTE="Acez626"] Bible talks about -the world being circle...when at those times clearly everyone thought it was flat... Acez626
This is a circle
This second one is a sphere
You tell me which one looks more like the earth.
You know what I meant... -_______-mayans were the ones that made more astronomic discoveries for their time, let's follow the mayan religion because they must be enlightened by god!
the bible has some things right, but there are some things that has very VERY wrong, if it was the word of god it should be really an enlightened book, yet all i saw when i started reading it was the ignorance, bias and customs of the people of that age added into a book. I don't see anything supernatural about it and i don't see how people could, but i guess everything is posible if you are predisposed to believe.
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