ok i wont hurt your feelings anymore, i never said we should kill them or that couples that cant even have kids is wrong. your making up arguements i never started then winning them by defeating your own make up enemy in the arguement. i said that if that have mutant demon babies from hell they shouldn't breed or should be killed. i never said it had to be them being exterminated. and most of your "logic killers" are that you just dont agree with an opinion. and really i said inbred babies are bad and now your saying that i want to control ever single persons rights and make white the only race in existance really where the hell are you getting this from? you put words in my mouth to make me sound evil so its make you look like the good person when your the sick one trying to win an arguement by lieing. i have delt with people like you way too long and you really just need to stop being so biased just so you feel like you won an arguement. and i dont want inbreeding or race mixing that doesn't mean i want only whites to live it means it would be best to separate species and its so one race doesn't die out not to take away rights
Trust me, you can't hurt my feelings. I'm not affected by people like you. I was merely trying to teach you that respect is something that you should give to anyone you are having an intelligent debate with.
On a side note, "your" is possessive, what you meant to use was the contraction "you're".
I never lied, I based all of my argument on logic. The same logic that the Nazi's used is the logic that you are using. They said that Jews were an inferior race, and so they didn't allow them to breed.
I took your logic to the extreme in an attempt to show you how your logic is flawed on even the basic levels. It's a tactic that intelligent debaters use. You obviously don't see the flaws in your logic, so I used your logic in different situations to show you how wrong it is.
You may have "delt" with people like me, but I've dealt with plenty of people like you, and the same thing always happens, they give up. Show an extreme of my logic and how it is fundamentally wrong. I don't believe that you can. Because my logic is superior to yours.
its always funny wehn yuo poeple piont uot grammar errors when yoorr loosing teh argeumnet
and the nazis originally were just going to move the jews to poland.not kill them. but poland refused to take anymore and nazis didn't want them to mix with the pure german blood. not nearly as terrible as you say.theyjust had no choice.and how is killing every inbred baby that is mutated in terrible ways bad or going to mess up society? tell me that please id love to hear it. and using my logic in another situation is what i would do in that situation not what i would have done in another.
its like saying hey i would totally do that chick then saying so you would also do that guy and calling that my logic. no thats my logic in another situation done in this one which is stupid and is not what logic is.
stopping people from inbreeding...already happeneing whether you like it or not. and since you say this is my logic why is the governmnt not killing everyone but the whites despite them agreeing with me on inbreeding hmm strange because logic isn't what you do in one situation done in every situation its what you think of everything as logical and different things have different answers just like shooting a mutant inbred baby and saying oh now im going to kill a perfectly fine baby. and also just because something goes horribly wrong in extreme doesnt mean it fails in moderation like farting on that south park episode about global warming
1. I'm not losing the argument.
2. Grammar is a good thing to practice, it makes you sound more intelligent.
3. You obviously don't understand how logic works. You can't completely change the facts, I didn't. I used your same basis of reasoning and applied it to a different situation. You can't take my basic reasoning(Which is, Consenting adults should be able to have whatever kind of relationship they want) and apply it to any situation where I will disagree. It's because my logic is sound and yours isn't.
4. I'm going to explain this very thoroughly and slowly so you can understand. Your last point about how the government isn't killing people even though they have laws against inbreeding runs off of a few assumptions: 1, What the government does is always correct. 2, Their logic is sound.
I hope I don't have to explain how that first assumption is wrong, there are thousands of examples where the government screwed up.
And if you think the government's logic is sound, that's fine, I don't. I disagree with it, and I've shown several examples why.
5. I never said anything about you killing perfectly fine babies, maybe you should take your own advice and read before you type.
I'll explain again, READ THIS CAREFULLY.
Your reasoning is that inbred mutant babies will somehow infect our society.
Explain to me the difference between mutant babies infecting our society and diabetics infecting our society. They both run off of the same reasoning, in that, illegalizing incest prevents those mutants from destroying our society. Well, diabetics do just as much damage as mutant incest babies would.In fact, they probably do more damage financially. Explain to me how it's different, they both do damage to our society(That is the basis of your argument). If your reasoning is sound, it should be able to work in any situation. If I am arguing a case, my logic and reasoing has to be sound enough that it will not be exclusive to that argument alone. It has to apply to any situation, or else it isn't sound logic.
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