You want to know what's really sad in today's society? Occupy protestors. People that are protesting because of their useless degree philosophy or literature. These are the same exact people that want us to suffer because of their own failures. And failure is besides the issue. They don't want to work. At all. America is becoming a country filled with lazy people with no work ethic.
Explain to me, how an immigrant from India or Mexico can come here legally and make more money than you ever did and will. This Indian immigrant probably had a horrible education compared to you and a horrible environment to grow up in. This Indian decides to immigrate to the U.S. and works his ass off at odd jobs, and works his way up. He soon is the true definition of a capitalist and owns a couple gas stations, and is very successful. Don't believe me, go to your local gas station, they're everywhere. They have worked hard without a college degree in a foreign country (which they speak broken English in) and are now successful. There is no such thing as "environmental factors", there's something called willpower, hard work, and common sense. Thing most Occupy protestors lack.
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