[QUOTE="TopTierHustler"]I kinda suspect brainzless is a 15 year old who has never held a job.
I've sent out 40 applications since last year and haven't gotten a single call back from anywhere yet. The best I can do is farmhanding on some local farms for pocket change. It's rough out there.
Well if you sent out 40 applications and you didn't hear back once, there is obviously something wrong with what you're putting on an application.
After 10-15 rejections you should probably have reevaluated what you're putting on those things.
Some of the most common things that people get rejected for are age, your transportation, your expected wage, and your availability. Bascially when you're scraping the bottom of the barrel, you've got to be willing to do anything.
Prior work experiance hurts too. If you're 20+ and you've never had a job before, you're going to have a crappy time trying to find work.
20 years old
2 prior jobs: paper boy and a dishwasher at a camp, plus a lot of volunteer work ranging from construction, house, work, gardening, and plumbing to light accounting, secretarying, and filing. I even had a 3 week internship at an observatory.
$13,000 - $20,000
I'm free anytime after 2:00 during college and anytime during Summer and breaks.
I'm a regular blood donator and a major contributor to the American Cancer Society due to fundraising with a local team.
I have a car.
I've never applied for anything above frycook.
I really have no idea what is so unappealing about my application. It's subpar, but there is nothing glaringly terrible about it, either. I think I just have sh*tty luck. I do in everything else.
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