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If the world economy continues to be garbage, I think over the years we will see decreases as more people find it not a good financial decision to have kids right now.
i have not read much in this thread but historically these threads are filled with a bunch of statists that cannot wrap their heads around production and supply chains that in some manner call for a way to commit massgenocide so the population counts become more manageable to them, and that is why i am not going to read this thread. i dont need to see stupid people making calls of violence because their megalomaniacy wont let them accept that they dont understand everything even though these people tend to understand nothing.... just going off of my experience with these threads, this one could be completely different and filled with fields medalists.....
implying the world has a set limit what we need is SCIENCEperhaps the world was never meant to accommodate this many of a particular species
I know im gonna get **** for this but, what on Gods green earth are we doing in Africa? DroidPhysXI agree with donating materials for wells etc, but not food as it's not sustainable. The problem we've got is that there's no natural culling of the population - everyone is supported and cared for regardless of how healthy and fit they are for survival. I'd like to see a 2 child policy, or tax penalties for families with 2 or more children. Here in the UK having children means an easy break - I'm struggling to save for a deposit on a house while I still live at home, but if I had kids I'd be able to claim a council house, child benefits, income support etc. We need tougher rules on having children, and we need to stop sustaining populations on emergency aid.
Here in the UK having children means an easy break - I'm struggling to save for a deposit on a house while I still live at home, but if I had kids I'd be able to claim a council house, child benefits, income support etc.tofu-lion91what the heck is a council house
[QUOTE="tofu-lion91"]Here in the UK having children means an easy break - I'm struggling to save for a deposit on a house while I still live at home, but if I had kids I'd be able to claim a council house, child benefits, income support etc.Jandurinwhat the heck is a council house a good way to incentives low income population growth from the sounds of it
what the heck is a council house a good way to incentives low income population growth from the sounds of it why would anyone want to do that and i think you meant incentivize[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="tofu-lion91"]Here in the UK having children means an easy break - I'm struggling to save for a deposit on a house while I still live at home, but if I had kids I'd be able to claim a council house, child benefits, income support etc.surrealnumber5
[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]a good way to incentives low income population growth from the sounds of it why would anyone want to do that why wouldn't the governors want to do that? it increases your war base, your dependant voting base, and more often than not that demo does not get the best education so they are the easiest to lead[QUOTE="Jandurin"] what the heck is a council houseJandurin
edit: yes, i dont pay to much attention to the spell check when at work, i am shocked you dont catch many more errors like that.
why would anyone want to do that why wouldn't the governors want to do that? it increases your war base, your dependant voting base, and more often than not that demo does not get the best education so they are the easiest to lead i'd rather just put my money toward robot army research[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="surrealnumber5"] a good way to incentives low income population growth from the sounds of it
[QUOTE="tofu-lion91"][QUOTE="Jandurin"] what the heck is a council houseJandurinIt's essentially a free house with all the bills paid for by the council if you're on a low enough income. I was shocked to find out my mum pays council tax, even though she owns our house - so she's paying tax for council houses on top of the income tax we already have to pay out our wages o_O lol UK i have no idea what child programs the US has but I don't think they up and provide a house just because you got knocked up if only i were legally allowed to talk about my internship audit of a not for profit, mostly state funded company set up by a president that was called "histories greatest monster" on the simpsons.
I think humanity is already a plague. I personally found disturbing that this news was not met with more outrage. Many people having children do it for their own selfish reasons not even thinking about the children much less about the planet. I think there will be a rough wake up call. It would be better if we start thinking now about controlling the population before that happens but then people will start screaming at how that is violating their rights. Well I think the "rights" of the planet along with the rest of the species are much more important than their puny little right to reproduce unrestrictedly kuraimenyou convinced me i'm gonna have kids the wife has been bugging me but now i have a good reason to acquiesce
I think humanity is already a plague. I personally found disturbing that this news was not met with more outrage. Many people having children do it for their own selfish reasons not even thinking about the children much less about the planet. I think there will be a rough wake up call. It would be better if we start thinking now about controlling the population before that happens but then people will start screaming at how that is violating their rights. Well I think the "rights" of the planet along with the rest of the species are much more important than their puny little right to reproduce unrestrictedly kuraimenpoor mothers need to be subsidized, where is your heart? OMG there are too many poor mothers now what can we do? we must subsidizes them more! WTF now there are even more poor mothers, WTF is going on? this must mean other people are dumb and dont consider the ramifications of what they preach....
i also wish to assign rights to inanimate objects and not to the owners of the objects, this is so not crazier than Peta, cerialsous its important that we give human rights to rocks the wind and rain, im soupor cereal.
poor mothers need to be subsidized, where is your heart? OMG there are too many poor mothers now what can we do? we must subsidizes them more! WTF now there are even more poor mothers, WTF is going on? this must mean other people are dumb and dont consider the ramifications of what they preach.... Where in my post did i say I want to subsidize poor mothers? strawman much?[QUOTE="kuraimen"]I think humanity is already a plague. I personally found disturbing that this news was not met with more outrage. Many people having children do it for their own selfish reasons not even thinking about the children much less about the planet. I think there will be a rough wake up call. It would be better if we start thinking now about controlling the population before that happens but then people will start screaming at how that is violating their rights. Well I think the "rights" of the planet along with the rest of the species are much more important than their puny little right to reproduce unrestrictedly surrealnumber5
Also nature is full of living things, you learn that like in kindergardeni also wish to assign rights to inanimate objects and not to the owners of the objects, this is so not crazier than Peta, cerialsous its important that we give human rights to rocks the wind and rain, im soupor cereal.
[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]Also nature is full of living things, you learn that like in kindergarden HUMANitarian rights, and it is good to know you support no social net for mothers, let them die on the street starving cold and alone, those are the two out comes, either you support subsidizing the poor and thus create more poor or you are for no social net what so ever and thus are for people being left to their own devices no matter the outcome including starving to death on the streets.i also wish to assign rights to inanimate objects and not to the owners of the objects, this is so not crazier than Peta, cerialsous its important that we give human rights to rocks the wind and rain, im soupor cereal.
Also nature is full of living things, you learn that like in kindergarden HUMANitarian rights, and it is good to know you support no social net for mothers, let them die on the street starving cold and alone, those are the two our comes, either you support subsidizing the poor and thus create more poor or you are for no social net what so ever and thus are for people being left to their own devices no matter the outcome including starving to death on the streets. What does controlling the population by controlling having children has to do with letting people starve to death on the streets. Stop using strawman arguments, that just shows your points are weak.[QUOTE="kuraimen"][QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]
i also wish to assign rights to inanimate objects and not to the owners of the objects, this is so not crazier than Peta, cerialsous its important that we give human rights to rocks the wind and rain, im soupor cereal.
are you drunk it's 10AMi also wish to assign rights to inanimate objects and not to the owners of the objects, this is so not crazier than Peta, cerialsous its important that we give human rights to rocks the wind and rain, im soupor cereal.
What does controlling the population by controlling having children has to do with letting people starve to death on the streets. Stop using strawman arguments, that just shows your points are weak.kuraimenbc if you don't subsidize them they will die cold and in each other's arms on christmas eve night :(
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]What does controlling the population by controlling having children has to do with letting people starve to death on the streets. Stop using strawman arguments, that just shows your points are weak.Jandurinbc if you don't subsidize them they will die cold and in each other's arms on christmas eve night :( Well that's good for a Hollywood-style drama I guess but has nothing to do with what I'm talking about :P
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]What does controlling the population by controlling having children has to do with letting people starve to death on the streets. Stop using strawman arguments, that just shows your points are weak.Jandurinbc if you don't subsidize them they will die cold and in each other's arms on christmas eve night :( my favorite part of a Christmas tale (not really) but tiny tim got what he deserved, the monster violated a trees rights for his own selfish gains.
[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]HUMANitarian rights, and it is good to know you support no social net for mothers, let them die on the street starving cold and alone, those are the two our comes, either you support subsidizing the poor and thus create more poor or you are for no social net what so ever and thus are for people being left to their own devices no matter the outcome including starving to death on the streets. What does controlling the population by controlling having children has to do with letting people starve to death on the streets. Stop using strawman arguments, that just shows your points are weak. 1) controlling the population always violates their rights as free thinking humans 2) if you dont like unsustainable growth your should not promote unsustainable growth 3) i am not calling for the extension of human rights to things outside of humanity including base minerals....[QUOTE="kuraimen"] Also nature is full of living things, you learn that like in kindergardenkuraimen
your argument is too absurd not to treat absurdly.
b**** better turn up the heat ;s o wait, global warming! nice7 Billion? dat population!!
is this why mother nature turned up the natural disaster rates?
as a way of slyly culling the population size?
What does controlling the population by controlling having children has to do with letting people starve to death on the streets. Stop using strawman arguments, that just shows your points are weak. 1) controlling the population always violates their rights as free thinking humans 2) if you dont like unsustainable growth your should not promote unsustainable growth 3) i am not calling for the extension of human rights to things outside of humanity including base minerals....[QUOTE="kuraimen"][QUOTE="surrealnumber5"] HUMANitarian rights, and it is good to know you support no social net for mothers, let them die on the street starving cold and alone, those are the two our comes, either you support subsidizing the poor and thus create more poor or you are for no social net what so ever and thus are for people being left to their own devices no matter the outcome including starving to death on the streets.
your argument is too absurd not to treat absurdly.
1) I couldn't care less about their "rights" as free thinking humans when the fate of the whole planet is at stake. This anthropocentric view of the universe is so middle ages and should stop before we destroy the planet along with ourseleves. 2) How am I promoting unsustainable growth? Again, strawman 3) Who says I want to stand human rights, I think living organisms other than humans should have rights since, you know, we also depend on them.[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]1) controlling the population always violates their rights as free thinking humans 2) if you dont like unsustainable growth your should not promote unsustainable growth 3) i am not calling for the extension of human rights to things outside of humanity including base minerals....[QUOTE="kuraimen"] What does controlling the population by controlling having children has to do with letting people starve to death on the streets. Stop using strawman arguments, that just shows your points are weak.kuraimen
your argument is too absurd not to treat absurdly.
1) I couldn't care less about their "rights" as free thinking humans when the fate of the whole planet is at stake. This anthropocentric view of the universe is so middle ages and should stop before we destroy the planet along with ourseleves. 2) How am I promoting unsustainable growth? Again, strawman 3) Who says I want to stand human rights, I think living organisms other than humans should have rights since, you know, we also depend on them.1) you just stated you dont care about human rights, so you want to A) extend these no rights to everything B) if you dont care about human rights that instantly removes your theory from the arena of ideas the second your idea is applied to you
2) if you promote a form of redistribution or welfare of any kind you are removing survival of the fittest and thus promoting unsustainable growth
3) kinda already covered this but i will do so from another angle, if you extend any sort of life to what is defined as "living" it becomes immoral/illegal to fight diseases, infestations, and even to nourish our selves as all of these things are related to nonhuman life that directly impact human life and right now are A-ok
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]1) I couldn't care less about their "rights" as free thinking humans when the fate of the whole planet is at stake. This anthropocentric view of the universe is so middle ages and should stop before we destroy the planet along with ourseleves. 2) How am I promoting unsustainable growth? Again, strawman 3) Who says I want to stand human rights, I think living organisms other than humans should have rights since, you know, we also depend on them.Jandurini'm sorry but as a human being, and with the current evidence of being the only higher thinking beings in the universe... having an anthropocentric view makes sense. having the opposite does not what rights do you think other organisms should have what other organisms it just took a little reductio ad absurdum to get him to admit in full his point, but next week, jand, i may well be drunk at this hour. its gonna be vacation time brotha.
The view that we are somehow superior is quite laughable to me considering how destructive we are in comparison to other species. I would even say we are quite inferior to other species even with our "higher thinking" skills.kuraimenpersonally i am proud of my ability to coexist with other life forms even though i could easily kill them with little repercussion
it just took a little reductio ad absurdum to get him to admit in full his point, but next week, jand, i may well be drunk at this hour. its gonna be vacation time brotha.surrealnumber5will you be drinking ad nauseam?
1) I couldn't care less about their "rights" as free thinking humans when the fate of the whole planet is at stake. This anthropocentric view of the universe is so middle ages and should stop before we destroy the planet along with ourseleves. 2) How am I promoting unsustainable growth? Again, strawman 3) Who says I want to stand human rights, I think living organisms other than humans should have rights since, you know, we also depend on them.[QUOTE="kuraimen"][QUOTE="surrealnumber5"] 1) controlling the population always violates their rights as free thinking humans 2) if you dont like unsustainable growth your should not promote unsustainable growth 3) i am not calling for the extension of human rights to things outside of humanity including base minerals....
your argument is too absurd not to treat absurdly.
1) you just stated you dont care about human rights, so you want to A) extend these no rights to everything B) if you dont care about human rights that instantly removes your theory from the arena of ideas the second your idea is applied to you
2) if you promote a form of redistribution or welfare of any kind you are removing survival of the fittest and thus promoting unsustainable growth
3) kinda already covered this but i will do so from another angle, if you extend any sort of life to what is defined as "living" it becomes immoral/illegal to fight diseases, infestations, and even to nourish our selves as all of these things are related to nonhuman life that directly impact human life and right now are A-ok
1) I said I don't care about the right of people to reproduce unrestrictedly, specially when we are like a plague. I didn't anything about other rights. You are using strawman arguments again. 2) One doesn't follow the other, I don't know where you get that. In fact when capitalism went on full force is when the population of this planet started to grow even more exponentially. 3) Of course I suggest this is done with common sense not with sweeping generalizations as you suggest.[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]it just took a little reductio ad absurdum to get him to admit in full his point, but next week, jand, i may well be drunk at this hour. its gonna be vacation time brotha.Jandurinwill you be drinking ad nauseam? to agree would be to understate my case, but yes!
[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="kuraimen"]1) I couldn't care less about their "rights" as free thinking humans when the fate of the whole planet is at stake. This anthropocentric view of the universe is so middle ages and should stop before we destroy the planet along with ourseleves. 2) How am I promoting unsustainable growth? Again, strawman 3) Who says I want to stand human rights, I think living organisms other than humans should have rights since, you know, we also depend on them.surrealnumber5i'm sorry but as a human being, and with the current evidence of being the only higher thinking beings in the universe... having an anthropocentric view makes sense. having the opposite does not what rights do you think other organisms should have what other organisms it just took a little reductio ad absurdum to get him to admit in full his point, but next week, jand, i may well be drunk at this hour. its gonna be vacation time brotha. You can't pretend to understand fallacious arguments when you can't even discuss without using strawman arguments pal. Better luck next time
[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"][QUOTE="kuraimen"] 1) I couldn't care less about their "rights" as free thinking humans when the fate of the whole planet is at stake. This anthropocentric view of the universe is so middle ages and should stop before we destroy the planet along with ourseleves. 2) How am I promoting unsustainable growth? Again, strawman 3) Who says I want to stand human rights, I think living organisms other than humans should have rights since, you know, we also depend on them.kuraimen
1) you just stated you dont care about human rights, so you want to A) extend these no rights to everything B) if you dont care about human rights that instantly removes your theory from the arena of ideas the second your idea is applied to you
2) if you promote a form of redistribution or welfare of any kind you are removing survival of the fittest and thus promoting unsustainable growth
3) kinda already covered this but i will do so from another angle, if you extend any sort of life to what is defined as "living" it becomes immoral/illegal to fight diseases, infestations, and even to nourish our selves as all of these things are related to nonhuman life that directly impact human life and right now are A-ok
1) I said I don't care about the right of people to reproduce unrestrictedly, specially when we are like a plague. I didn't anything about other rights. You are using strawman arguments again. 2) One doesn't follow the other, I don't know where you get that. In fact when capitalism went on full force is when the population of this planet started to grow even more exponentially. 3) Of course I suggest this is done with common sense not with sweeping generalizations as you suggest. examining a statement or theory is not a strawman your strawmanning me with your strawman claim.... actually that would be ad hominem, but that does not sound as cool. you have made your own argument, i simply highlighted it for what it was and you decided to show everyone with your "good" spin on your argument to counter my "bad" spin on your argument. now that i have direct quotes from you as to your theories and ideas my job here is done.[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"][QUOTE="Jandurin"] i'm sorry but as a human being, and with the current evidence of being the only higher thinking beings in the universe... having an anthropocentric view makes sense. having the opposite does not what rights do you think other organisms should have what other organismskuraimenit just took a little reductio ad absurdum to get him to admit in full his point, but next week, jand, i may well be drunk at this hour. its gonna be vacation time brotha. You can't pretend to understand fallacious arguments when you can't even discuss without using strawman arguments pal. Better luck next timead hominem^ you made your own argument, and my case. even if everything i said was ignored what you have said still stands on its own.
1) I said I don't care about the right of people to reproduce unrestrictedly, specially when we are like a plague. I didn't anything about other rights. You are using strawman arguments again. 2) One doesn't follow the other, I don't know where you get that. In fact when capitalism went on full force is when the population of this planet started to grow even more exponentially. 3) Of course I suggest this is done with common sense not with sweeping generalizations as you suggest. examining a statement or theory is not a strawman your strawmanning me with your strawman claim.... actually that would be ad hominem, but that does not sound as cool. you have made your own argument, i simply highlighted it for what it was and you decided to show everyone with your "good" spin on your argument to counter my "bad" spin on your argument. now that i have direct quotes from you as to your theories and ideas my job here is done. Sure, whatever.[QUOTE="kuraimen"][QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]
1) you just stated you dont care about human rights, so you want to A) extend these no rights to everything B) if you dont care about human rights that instantly removes your theory from the arena of ideas the second your idea is applied to you
2) if you promote a form of redistribution or welfare of any kind you are removing survival of the fittest and thus promoting unsustainable growth
3) kinda already covered this but i will do so from another angle, if you extend any sort of life to what is defined as "living" it becomes immoral/illegal to fight diseases, infestations, and even to nourish our selves as all of these things are related to nonhuman life that directly impact human life and right now are A-ok
[QUOTE="kuraimen"][QUOTE="surrealnumber5"] it just took a little reductio ad absurdum to get him to admit in full his point, but next week, jand, i may well be drunk at this hour. its gonna be vacation time brotha.surrealnumber5You can't pretend to understand fallacious arguments when you can't even discuss without using strawman arguments pal. Better luck next timead hominem^ you made your own argument, and my case. even if everything i said was ignored what you have said still stands on its own. yeah still stands without the need for strawman arguments used to pretend i said things i didn't.
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]Sure, whatever.Jandurinu alright braskillet? Sure, I don't know why you guys feel so threatened by my opinion is not like I can make you not reproduce or anything like that. If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure we are never going to control population so things will go to hell in a natural way, nobody should feel they are taking away their rights anytime soon because of that. Well at least not until all hell breaks loose :P I just found funny how guys like surreal can't make a point without nothing but strawman arguments and then act like somehow they "won". I guess that's the internet for you.
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