[QUOTE="harashawn"] I am surprised by some of the responses in this thread. Yes, he did overreact; but many of your responses are just as bad, if not worse than his. If you think you're better than him because you're "more tolerant", re-read your own post and think again. MrGeezer
All other things being equal, a homophobe IS worse than someone who respects gays, a, misogynist IS worse than someone who doesn't hate women, and an anti-semite IS worse than someone who doesn't hate Jews.
Why? Simply hating someone can beinnocuous. A person who does not like, or hates, a particular group of people is not necessarily a worse person than someone who like those people. It is how that person acts towards, and treats, people (whether it be on an individual basis or as a whole) that determines whether or not they are a bad person. I am aware you said "Worse than".
Lets take an extreme example, shall we?
Lets say we have a Misogynistic douche-bag who hates women, but is heterosexual (not an important distinction just for the sake of this example). Lets now say he never openly acts upon that hate, and instead just keeps it bottled up. In fact, you would not know he hated women unless he openly told you. Thats just the kind of guy he is. Okay. Lets introduce a man who loves women - a ladies man, of sorts, but disrespects a large proportion of the women he meets even his own mother :o. Lets make him someone who is prone to verbal abuse, but he swears he loves women.
Considering only this example, who is the worse person?
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