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Well I admit that I don't agree that the man should be beaten up, but you're also talking to someone who doesn't think that child rapists and serial killers should be executed.twisted :| . you think that child rapists and serial killers deserve life after killing innocents, raping little children and severely traumatizing them for life (also can cause them to become gay wtf is wrong with you, you probaly are one you twisted creep.But that doesn'tr mean that hating a child rapist is in the same ballpark as hating children enough to rape them.
Yeah dude, hating the people who hate people simply for what they are is not nearly as bad. On one hand you have trhe people who hate hatred, and on the the other hand you have the people who hate the gays. On one hand you have the people who were disowned by their family for being gay and on the other hand you have the ****bags who disowned their own ****ing sons and daughters for being gay.
They are not in the same ballpark, that's not even in the same ****ing sport. And yes, one group is absolutely 100% far worse than the other. One group is responding to persecution (albeit possibly not in the most productive way), and the other group just plain don't be toleratin' no gayness.
Nothing like father and son bonding...
his son and his father, is not some random neighboor coming over to vist.
And? I think a father should be able to be more open around his son than a stranger.
Thats probably the way my parents would act if they saw a movie like that.
I don't have anything against gays though.
I guess they were raised in a time where hating gays wasn't a bad thing.
[QUOTE="AirGuitarist87"][QUOTE="D3nnyCrane"] This is the most rational answer in 5 pages. We have grown up in a diferent era where tolerance is more widespread and homosexuality is, to an extent, an acceptable social standard. However, I just think your old man is from a time where anything other than heterosexuality is considered disgusting, and think his reaction stems from finding same-sex interaction even more repulsive than most.D3nnyCraneWhen my dad was growing up it was bloody illegal to be gay If you were caught or admitted to being with another bloke it'd land you in prison. Luckily my dad is a pretty open guy, although sometimes it's hard to tell when he's making edgey jokes. Haha my Old Man was a cop in the 70's - how he's not a racist, homophobic (well a little) scotch-sculling misogynist is beyond me. If your dad had an afro and a wise cracking pimp for an informant he will officially become my hero. :lol: Back on topic: make your dad watch Gohatto for the lulz. I thought it was awesome; samurai sword fights and Takeshi Kitano (guy from Battle Royale and Takeshi's Castle). Then, about halfway through, BAM! Gay sex scene. Still a great film though.
well what I am getting at is that your response as well as some others was very, ill say "transactional", in nature. Much like you would approach any random person who is living in your house paying rent.
and with that I gotta ask, why have kids? get a roomate instead.
It's not transactional, it's called being a parent, and controlling what comes into your home. I'm sure somewhere out there is a gay couple with an adopted kid who refuses to allow the kid to listen to music that bashes gays, and yes, that's okay, too.
There was about a zillion things I'd have loved to have done in my father's house that he had forbidden, but I didn't because I respected him and the right for him to decide what goes on in his own house. However, when I got my own place, dad had to piss off when he saw or heard something he didn't like, because then he was in MY house. And just like him, I don't want a bunch of **** coming into my house that I don't approve of, either.
And many people don't feel like having or not having kids hinges on thetolerance of what they want to watch/read/listen to. If that were the criteria, NOBODY would have kids. It's kind of a ridiculous notion, really. Saying "OH, well you don't like gay stuff being played in your house, so you obviously should've had a roomate instead."
My thoughts: Gays are so scared to come out because of people like your father. It's not their fault, gays are born gay Who would wake up one day and say- "I really want to sleep with a man today, I hope I get made fun of and beaten up...and I hope my parents disown me." ? Society is an evil place for gays, and no one would choose to be that way. It's just something they're born with, and if they like both...that's ok, too. A person's sex life is only the business of that person and the people they choose to sleep with.
I guess your dad does have authority in his own house, but parents who don't let their kids watch certain things because THEY don't like them are just wrong. Not saying you like gay men...=P)
You're not going to change your dads views. If you really want to end homesexual prejudice then pass your ideas down to your kids.
[QUOTE="Treflis"]Ironically the movie takes up that issue really and shows how a Homosexual US politican fought for Homosexuals rights despite the opposition from the Homophobes and Religion. I'd say watch some time you're alone at home, You dad has his opinions and while you should acknowledge it no matter how odd or "cruel" they are, But you don't need to agree. Also watching it when you're alone doesn't expose the rest of the family with it like he doesn't want it too.hughamiif his dad new his kid was watching a movie with guys making out (why would he want to watch it *alone* :| ) he'd probaly kick him out, i would. Huh? :|
My parents are the same way as your dad and probably worse, also, I'm gay Needless to say we don't exchange so much as a phone call each year.
My advice, let sleeping dogs lie, don't watch a film like Milk with your father around. I know it wasn't your intention to watch it with him, but if you're ever in a scenario like that again; fake an emergency phone call or something. Bigots are stuck neck deep in their ways and you can't do much about it, love your father for his good qualities and do your best to never expose the braindead side. Look forward to living alone or with somebody else one day. haha
Don't really have much else to say, I try to be peaceful, bigoted people can stay far from me, I don't need any of that drama in my life again.
Tell him to grow up and watch the movie. KOTORkicker
Why should he? Do you watch movies YOU don't like? Most people watch movies to be entertained, and if someone doesn't find the idea of watching a story about a gay politician entertaining, they probably aren't going to like Milk. Why would you force someone like that to watch Milk any more than you'd force a gay person to watch something they don't find entertaining?
Growing up has nothing to do with it.
I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion but he may have crossed a line. He could have just walked away and allowed you to watch it, clearly a gay porno would not win academy awards.So the other day I rented the movie Milk. It won numerous Academy awards and it starred two of my favorite actors, Sean Penn and James Franco. Well that night I popped it into the blue-ray player and started watching it. My Dad decided to watch the movie with me and I knew he was not going to like it. Within 5 minutes of the movie begining he made me turn it off because of the first gay kiss scene. He then went on to say that he "did not want to see that garbage" and that "there is something wrong with gay people" and that "it should be illegal to be gay and "Milk is not a real movie, its a gay porno" and finally he told me "I should not expose the family to this filth". (By the way I am not homosexual).
So what are your thoughts on my Dad's reaction? I knew that he did not like gay people, but I had no idea he had that much hatred towards them.
There is a huge difference between hate and dislike. Hate is never justifiable. I HATE Nazis, and White Supremacist. I feel that hatred is justified.[QUOTE="Qooroo"]
So no groups deserve hate? Or, at the very lest, intense dislike (which I would argue is more common in this thread)?
I'm guessing he suffers from Christianity?
Fighting hurtful stereotypes with hurtful stereotypes. Nice.
You are a great poster-kid for tolerance.
I'm guessing he suffers from Christianity?
Fighting hurtful stereotypes with hurtful stereotypes. Nice.
You are a great poster-kid for tolerance.
I was just curious. ;) SO WERE THE GUYS ON THE MOVIE! WOOOOOO!I was just curious. ;)_en1gma_
That's fine, but just ponder this:
If it was a racist or anti-gay stereotype you'd just popped off, how long do you think it would be before you got a day off? Tolerance at work, bro.
[QUOTE="_en1gma_"] I was just curious. ;)Shame-usBlackley
That's fine, but just ponder this:
If it was a racist or anti-gay stereotype you'd just popped off, how long do you think it would be before you got a day off? Tolerance at work, bro.
Sorry for the sarcasm on a forum.
I'm guessing he suffers from Christianity?
Fighting hurtful stereotypes with hurtful stereotypes. Nice.
You are a great poster-kid for tolerance.
I was just curious. ;) well its a fact that in the bible it says "men shou not lie with men......" and even though im not a religious person, even i can see that it clearly speaks out against homosexuality, ever heard of sodom and gamorrah? i dont think that (at least a christian's) god is down with men on men. which is why i think its so hilarious when you see these homosexual pastors saying "god loves all his children and has no problem with what we do...." when they have a book right in front of them clearly saying that they are enemies of god when they do that stuff.Sorry for the sarcasm on a forum.
No apology necessary with me -- I'm not especially religious.
I was just pointing out that bigotry extends to things other than just sexual preference and skin color.
[QUOTE="KOTORkicker"] Tell him to grow up and watch the movie. Shame-usBlackley
Why should he? Do you watch movies YOU don't like? Most people watch movies to be entertained, and if someone doesn't find the idea of watching a story about a gay politician entertaining, they probably aren't going to like Milk. Why would you force someone like that to watch Milk any more than you'd force a gay person to watch something they don't find entertaining?
Growing up has nothing to do with it.
You have a point. His father should not have to watch the movie at all, nor does he necessarily have to allow his son to watch it. Again, what someone allows in their house is their business. However, you seem to be arguing that the father had a right to go on a gay-bashing rant simply because the movie featured homosexual men. Now. if you are not arguing that I apologize for assuming. After all, this topic is about his father reaction, not about whether or not he liked the movie. Truth be told, no one could know, not even the father, if he like the movie since he did not watch it - you know, the whole can't judge a book by its cover thing.
Anyway onto my post. I am neither for or against homosexuality, whether it be a choice or a genetic, I do not care. I accept people of the basis of their actions. I understand that people of the older generation held/hold views different from those we hold today. That does not make them necessarily intolerant, I do want to disrespect the poster's father without having interacted with him myself. (I assume that the TC admires his father since he has not flamed his dad in this thread) Clearly, the TC has a problem with his father's reaction and that is why I think the father may have been a bit overboard with his reaction - regardless of his views on homosexuality. He is alienating his son, who is not gay which could cause problems later on as the TC develops his own views and decides what is acceptable in his own eyes. The father is unknowingly creating a rift between himself and his son, while that may not be his intention that is what he is doing.
Also, while it is clear his father does not like gay people, or homosexual imagery I do not think that we need to demonize the father for his views. Is it kind of hypocritical to bash someone for bashing someone.
[QUOTE="_en1gma_"][QUOTE="Shame-usBlackley"]I was just curious. ;) well its a fact that in the bible it says "men shou not lie with men......" and even though im not a religious person, even i can see that it clearly speaks out against homosexuality, ever heard of sodom and gamorrah? i dont think that (at least a christian's) god is down with men on men. which is why i think its so hilarious when you see these homosexual pastors saying "god loves all his children and has no problem with what we do...." when they have a book right in front of them clearly saying that they are enemies of god when they do that stuff.Fighting hurtful stereotypes with hurtful stereotypes. Nice.
You are a great poster-kid for tolerance.
Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with homosexuality.
[QUOTE="_en1gma_"][QUOTE="Shame-usBlackley"]I was just curious. ;) well its a fact that in the bible it says "men shou not lie with men......" and even though im not a religious person, even i can see that it clearly speaks out against homosexuality, ever heard of sodom and gamorrah? i dont think that (at least a christian's) god is down with men on men. which is why i think its so hilarious when you see these homosexual pastors saying "god loves all his children and has no problem with what we do...." when they have a book right in front of them clearly saying that they are enemies of god when they do that stuff.Fighting hurtful stereotypes with hurtful stereotypes. Nice.
You are a great poster-kid for tolerance.
I have actually heard that the King James Bible (correct me but isn't this one of the first versions?) had absolutely no passages against homosexuality. Interesting?
i think so tooEh, I'd give his reaction a 4/10. Immature and downright stupid. No offense. >.>
My dad is like that too. I just say its because they're older and not too accepting of that stuff. HillyBillyWell im 19 and not accepting of that stuff. How do you explain that?
[QUOTE="_en1gma_"][QUOTE="Shame-usBlackley"]I was just curious. ;) well its a fact that in the bible it says "men shou not lie with men......" and even though im not a religious person, even i can see that it clearly speaks out against homosexuality, ever heard of sodom and gamorrah? i dont think that (at least a christian's) god is down with men on men. which is why i think its so hilarious when you see these homosexual pastors saying "god loves all his children and has no problem with what we do...." when they have a book right in front of them clearly saying that they are enemies of god when they do that stuff.Fighting hurtful stereotypes with hurtful stereotypes. Nice.
You are a great poster-kid for tolerance.
right on! Plus, gays don't push people to be gayyy, a lot of christians push their religion on people (not all)
Lots of gay ppl are cool and lots of Christians are cool. It all depends on what kind of PERSON you want to be. It's almost like being gay is the opposoite of christian. I wonder how many gay christians there are.
well its a fact that in the bible it says "men shou not lie with men......" and even though im not a religious person, even i can see that it clearly speaks out against homosexuality, ever heard of sodom and gamorrah? i dont think that (at least a christian's) god is down with men on men. which is why i think its so hilarious when you see these homosexual pastors saying "god loves all his children and has no problem with what we do...." when they have a book right in front of them clearly saying that they are enemies of god when they do that stuff.[QUOTE="hughami"][QUOTE="_en1gma_"] I was just curious. ;)_en1gma_
I have actually heard that the King James Bible (correct me but isn't this one of the first versions?) had absolutely no passages against homosexuality. Interesting?
Probably something some other person made up to make their argument look stronger. Ive read parts of the king james version and yes it talks about homosexuality.well its a fact that in the bible it says "men shou not lie with men......" and even though im not a religious person, even i can see that it clearly speaks out against homosexuality, ever heard of sodom and gamorrah? i dont think that (at least a christian's) god is down with men on men. which is why i think its so hilarious when you see these homosexual pastors saying "god loves all his children and has no problem with what we do...." when they have a book right in front of them clearly saying that they are enemies of god when they do that stuff.[QUOTE="hughami"][QUOTE="_en1gma_"] I was just curious. ;)Zorn_Ate_Thorn
right on! Plus, gays don't push people to be gayyy, a lot of christians push their religion on people (not all)
Lots of gay ppl are cool and lots of Christians are cool. It all depends on what kind of PERSON you want to be. It's almost like being gay is the opposoite of christian. I wonder how many gay christians there are.
The issue is that it seems all "Christians" and their "morals" are all jumbled. I haven't met two Christians that believe the exact same stuff.. I don't believe that Christians should be against homosexuality whatsoever because (correct me if I am wrong, I am no theist) Jesus never spoke against Christianity in his sermons.
[QUOTE="_en1gma_"][QUOTE="hughami"] well its a fact that in the bible it says "men shou not lie with men......" and even though im not a religious person, even i can see that it clearly speaks out against homosexuality, ever heard of sodom and gamorrah? i dont think that (at least a christian's) god is down with men on men. which is why i think its so hilarious when you see these homosexual pastors saying "god loves all his children and has no problem with what we do...." when they have a book right in front of them clearly saying that they are enemies of god when they do that stuff.freham2001
I have actually heard that the King James Bible (correct me but isn't this one of the first versions?) had absolutely no passages against homosexuality. Interesting?
Probably something some other person made up to make their argument look stronger. Ive read parts of the king james version and yes it talks about homosexuality. I highly doubt that. Would you mind showing me an excerpt that is AGAINST homosexuality.have actually heard that the King James Bible (correct me but isn't this one of the first versions?) had absolutely no passages against homosexuality. Interesting?Straight from the King James Bible:_en1gma_
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." -Leviticus 20:13
I think you were misinformed. Also, it's not against homosexuality per se; rather, homosexual acts.
[QUOTE="hughami"] well its a fact that in the bible it says "men shou not lie with men......" and even though im not a religious person, even i can see that it clearly speaks out against homosexuality, ever heard of sodom and gamorrah? i dont think that (at least a christian's) god is down with men on men. which is why i think its so hilarious when you see these homosexual pastors saying "god loves all his children and has no problem with what we do...." when they have a book right in front of them clearly saying that they are enemies of god when they do that stuff._en1gma_
right on! Plus, gays don't push people to be gayyy, a lot of christians push their religion on people (not all)
Lots of gay ppl are cool and lots of Christians are cool. It all depends on what kind of PERSON you want to be. It's almost like being gay is the opposoite of christian. I wonder how many gay christians there are.
The issue is that it seems all "Christians" and their "morals" are all jumbled. I haven't met two Christians that believe the exact same stuff.. I don't believe that Christians should be against homosexuality whatsoever because (correct me if I am wrong, I am no theist) Jesus never spoke against Christianity in his sermons.
yeah but a lot of christians believe every word in the bible...and the whole lying with men thing is where they get it I guess. Someone should rewrite the bible again.
Straight from the King James Bible:[QUOTE="_en1gma_"] have actually heard that the King James Bible (correct me but isn't this one of the first versions?) had absolutely no passages against homosexuality. Interesting?
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." -Leviticus 20:13
I think you were misinformed. Also, it's not against homosexuality per se; rather, homosexual acts.
wow that quote disgusts me.[QUOTE="Zorn_Ate_Thorn"]
[QUOTE="hughami"] well its a fact that in the bible it says "men shou not lie with men......" and even though im not a religious person, even i can see that it clearly speaks out against homosexuality, ever heard of sodom and gamorrah? i dont think that (at least a christian's) god is down with men on men. which is why i think its so hilarious when you see these homosexual pastors saying "god loves all his children and has no problem with what we do...." when they have a book right in front of them clearly saying that they are enemies of god when they do that stuff._en1gma_
right on! Plus, gays don't push people to be gayyy, a lot of christians push their religion on people (not all)
Lots of gay ppl are cool and lots of Christians are cool. It all depends on what kind of PERSON you want to be. It's almost like being gay is the opposoite of christian. I wonder how many gay christians there are.
The issue is that it seems all "Christians" and their "morals" are all jumbled. I haven't met two Christians that believe the exact same stuff.. I don't believe that Christians should be against homosexuality whatsoever because (correct me if I am wrong, I am no theist) Jesus never spoke against Christianity in his sermons.
No offense to the christians you know, but if they dont believe the same stuff, they probably arent true christians. Of course the term christian nowdays is so misconstrued its ridiculous...Anyone can be a "christian," but not everyone is a follower of God. Ive been going to a church of about 400 for a long while and we are God followers. We are not the fake "christians" that make everyone mad by being hypocrites...we believe the same stuff because we follow what the Bible says, and what god says. Not what we hear, what other people tell us, or what we think is right or wrong.Please Log In to post.
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