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I feel there is a major flaw in the religion argument right now.
Christians are forgiven for their sins if they believe that Jesus died for them. Since all the homosexuality stuff is in the 1st testment it is my belief that homosexuals would be forgiven for being homosexual. As far as I am concerned you can be a homosexual christian, but not a homosexual Jew.
[QUOTE="hughami"] if his dad new his kid was watching a movie with guys making out (why would he want to watch it *alone* :| ) he'd probaly kick him out, i would.stupid4
with some of these responses I am very honestly trying to get my head around people have childern in the first place.
Everyone seems to be approaching it as if the kid is a roomate in a house paying rent. Which, if true, I have to ask why not get a roomate instead of a child?
So because I'm his son I get no rights or say on what goes on in his house? That doesn't seem fair.
Are you paying for your survival?A lot of straight people are disgusted/put-off when watching gay people mate. By the looks of it, most of the responses here call the father 'closed-minded', while at the same time giving 'close-minded' opinions to back their claim i.e. 'He's religious lolol'. Pretty hypocritical. I'll just point out another side of the argument. It's a normal reaction considering it's in front of his child. If you're an only child, he probably wants to make sure you're not gay that way the family can be extended and he can be a grandparent (a common wish for many parents). Gay people tend to enjoy watching gay scenes so it's normal to assume that the watcher may be gay Hell, most parents over-react when watching straight scenes in front of their children simply because it's uncomfortable. Not many parents enjoy talking about sex to their children, believe it or not. Anyway, yeah, I felt like shedding some light on this one-sided, repetitive thread. :PArtheido
I'm not gay and I'm not an only child.
with some of these responses I am very honestly trying to get my head around people have childern in the first place.
Everyone seems to be approaching it as if the kid is a roomate in a house paying rent. Which, if true, I have to ask why not get a roomate instead of a child?
So because I'm his son I get no rights or say on what goes on in his house? That doesn't seem fair.
Are you paying for your survival?No but it was his decision to have kids and to support them. It is not my responsbility YET to pay for my survival.
A racial or anti-gay stereotype being pointed out IS more harmful than associating Christianity with being Anti-homosexual, because guess what? It is. I mean Sodom and Gomorrah for one example should ring a bell. ;) Stating Christianity is fundamentally anti-homosexual is a factual statement not intended to harm the good name of Christians, its fact.[QUOTE="warbmxjohn"][QUOTE="Shame-usBlackley"]
That's fine, but just ponder this:
If it was a racist or anti-gay stereotype you'd just popped off, how long do you think it would be before you got a day off? Tolerance at work, bro.
And the inference that it was an affliction?
Come on, if someone equated being gay to a disease, they'd be perm-banned.
Ok, I can admit the affliction inference was not very civil or appropriate. But also I highly doubt homosexuals view their sexuality as a choice, whereas Religion is much more of a free choice, people can't help that they have deep seated interest and desires for the same sex, in the same manner that us hetero's have for the opposite sex. I can admit that the idea of same sex relationships is not appeasing but, I understand just how I feel when I see an interesting woman that is the same feeling that homosexuals (alternately obviously) have to deal with. That does create a fundamental difference IMO.Wow, that's pretty immature on his part. He should stop discrimination is a terrible thing, just because there is gay people doesn't mean it's bad. It's people like him that made this movie, the people that threaten and just mock people that are different. People these days....
I think it's pretty funny how religous types defend gay-bashing based on it being, "their belief," yet I say one thing about not believing in god or scripture being divine word being a harmful standard and they jump all over me for discrimination. If I believe in a religious jihad against Christianity I guess you also have no right to criticize me for it because it's my belief?
I think I should post a character profile on my Dad. Some people are making some unfair assumptions about him. I know that this is my fault for not posting all of this earlier blah blah
1. My Dad is a rich conservatie republican raised by poor conservatives.
2. He was born and raised in the midwest, where we still live.
3. He was baptized, but he does not attend church with me or the rest of his family.
4. He is a good guy and I do love him and respect him. But he is a racist homophobe.
I would like to assert that anything negative I said about your father was only related directly to an apparent character flaw you mentioned. He must not be that bad of a father if you are posting on the internet, most likely on a computer he bought. He can't be all bad, not to mention his son seems to have developed decently.I think I should post a character profile on my Dad. Some people are making some unfair assumptions about him. I know that this is my fault for not posting all of this earlier blah blah
1. My Dad is a rich conservatie republican raised by poor conservatives.
2. He was born and raised in the midwest, where we still live.
3. He was baptized, but he does not attend church with me or the rest of his family.
4. He is a good guy and I do love him and respect him. But he is a racist homophobe.
[QUOTE="stupid4"]I would like to assert that anything negative I said about your father was only related directly to an apparent character flaw you mentioned. He must not be that bad of a father if you are posting on the internet, most likely on a computer he bought. He can't be all bad, not to mention his son seems to have developed decently.I think I should post a character profile on my Dad. Some people are making some unfair assumptions about him. I know that this is my fault for not posting all of this earlier blah blah
1. My Dad is a rich conservatie republican raised by poor conservatives.
2. He was born and raised in the midwest, where we still live.
3. He was baptized, but he does not attend church with me or the rest of his family.
4. He is a good guy and I do love him and respect him. But he is a racist homophobe.
Thanks for the compliment lol. He's a good guy but he has some flaws just like everybody else.
I'm still wondering why exactly he sat down to watch Milk. Did he not know what it was about? If not, why did you (TC) let this happen? You clearly knew what would happen and i doubt the result was comfortable.Paladin_Kingi honestly had to look up what the movie was a about since the commercials didn't make any sense to me.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]So in essence you believe in their interpretation? Well, yea. I would trust these guys with my life. Literally. Now i dont just depend on them to figure out what the bible is saying, i am capable of figuring things out myself, too. And we just kinda share what we think a passage is saying and we work of each other and it helps us to better understand the text.[QUOTE="freham2001"] Well i see what youre saying, but with all due respect, you don't know all the people at our church. Im not an ignorant person who will just listen to anyone, and i know the leaders of my church very well. Ive worked with them on mission trips in other countries, and i believe that they are very well experienced to be able to interpret the bible correctly. freham2001
But even with collective input, how can you be sure you are arriving at the correct interpretation?
I'm still wondering why exactly he sat down to watch Milk. Did he not know what it was about? If not, why did you (TC) let this happen? You clearly knew what would happen and i doubt the result was comfortable.Paladin_King
Of course I tried my best to make sure he didn't see the film, but I didn't want to be an ass.
I would like to assert that anything negative I said about your father was only related directly to an apparent character flaw you mentioned. He must not be that bad of a father if you are posting on the internet, most likely on a computer he bought. He can't be all bad, not to mention his son seems to have developed decently.[QUOTE="warbmxjohn"][QUOTE="stupid4"]
I think I should post a character profile on my Dad. Some people are making some unfair assumptions about him. I know that this is my fault for not posting all of this earlier blah blah
1. My Dad is a rich conservatie republican raised by poor conservatives.
2. He was born and raised in the midwest, where we still live.
3. He was baptized, but he does not attend church with me or the rest of his family.
4. He is a good guy and I do love him and respect him. But he is a racist homophobe.
Thanks for the compliment lol. He's a good guy but he has some flaws just like everybody else.
Your welcome, and well put.So the other day I rented the movie Milk. It won numerous Academy awards and it starred two of my favorite actors, Sean Penn and James Franco. Well that night I popped it into the blue-ray player and started watching it. My Dad decided to watch the movie with me and I knew he was not going to like it. Within 5 minutes of the movie begining he made me turn it off because of the first gay kiss scene. He then went on to say that he "did not want to see that garbage" and that "there is something wrong with gay people" and that "it should be illegal to be gay and "Milk is not a real movie, its a gay porno" and finally he told me "I should not expose the family to this filth". (By the way I am not homosexual).
So what are your thoughts on my Dad's reaction? I knew that he did not like gay people, but I had no idea he had that much hatred towards them.
I lol'd but I think he overreacted
[QUOTE="AirGuitarist87"][QUOTE="D3nnyCrane"] This is the most rational answer in 5 pages. We have grown up in a diferent era where tolerance is more widespread and homosexuality is, to an extent, an acceptable social standard. However, I just think your old man is from a time where anything other than heterosexuality is considered disgusting, and think his reaction stems from finding same-sex interaction even more repulsive than most.D3nnyCraneWhen my dad was growing up it was bloody illegal to be gay If you were caught or admitted to being with another bloke it'd land you in prison. Luckily my dad is a pretty open guy, although sometimes it's hard to tell when he's making edgey jokes. Haha my Old Man was a cop in the 70's - how he's not a racist, homophobic (well a little) scotch-sculling misogynist is beyond me.
And that's enough for me to consider the "oh, he is just a product of another time" line of reasoning a load of crap.
Chances are all of your dad's aren't that much older than mine. Is MY dad a homophobe since he growing up in a culture that despises gays? No. Back when slavery was legal and blacks were considered property, were there whites who risked their damn lives helping slaves to escape? Even when slavery was the norm, weren't there rich white americans who thought that slavery was abominable? Back in the 60s when the KKK was huge and the freaking POLICE engaged in violent attempts to keep blacks down, weren't there white people facing murder and assault in order to help out the black community?
Don't even TRY to use the times as an excuse.
Even if homophobes and racists ARE products of their times, the times have changed quite a lot, haven't they. Many homophobes and racists grow up, realize that the times have changed, realize that there is no place for their old ways, and CHANGE WITH THE TIMES.
So yeah...the times are still no excuse. Lots of OTHER people realize that they were wrong, and CHANGE with the times. So when a person exercises a high level of homophobia or misogynism or racism in this day and age, I will DAMN sure call them out on it, and they can get out of here with that "it was just the times, man" excuse. If it was just the freaking times, then this dude's dad should be acting better since those times are GONE.
Don't watch explicit movies with love scenes (no matter the orientation displayed) with parents.
Meh, I saw Watchmen with my mom. We watched impressive blue penis together, attempted rape, and prolonged sex scenes. We were able to watch the movie as adults, discuss it as adults afterwards, and there's nothing fundamentally creepy about that if you're willing to see movies as a form of art.
If the parents and children are both mature enough, then there should be absolutely nothing wrong with watching movies that have explicit scenes with your parents. The sad thing here is that the dude's DAD was the immature one.
When my dad found out I was bi it was pretty much the end of the world for him. He was convinced he was never going to get grandchildren and that I was unnatural and that I was going to be some AIDs carrying freak, I didn't really care though. I figure if people can't see that its just love and pleasure then there is no convincing them. I'm really craving pizza.
I wouldn't be comfortable watching a scene like that, especially with a family member. But I would say he overreacted a bit. fidosimyeah i woulda freaked if i was watchin a gay kiss scene with my son.. :?
[QUOTE="fidosim"]I wouldn't be comfortable watching a scene like that, especially with a family member. But I would say he overreacted a bit. Blackviperryeah i woulda freaked if i was watchin a gay kiss scene with my son.. :? Especially if it was gay porn...which it obviously was. His dad said so.
The bible was brought up a few pages ago so I just want to point out that the translation of the bible is fairly innacurate and it's been proven that the bible does not really forbid homosexuality as much as it forbids acts of homosexual lust that were in ritual practice at the time (as well as other things).
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