why? that just makes you part of the problem. Please give me your in-game ID so I can avoid playing with you.
Oh, he's no threat to me and has nothing I could use. IMMA KILL HIM! People who treat this like deathmatch with zombies need to stop playing.
It's part of the game. It's not a co-op zombie mod, it's a survival mod, meaning you do what you can to survive. The threat of other players is part of the experience. It won't be changed. It's not the game's fault you went in expecting something different.Yes, but how would killing an unarmed player with basically nothing help you survive? There have been lots of times when I've encountered other people when we were both armed which didn't end in death to either person. I've even had other random players save my ass a few times. Last night I helped an unarmed newbie kill some zombies who were chasing him. It sure felt better than killing him.
Sure there are situations when it makes sense to shoot first ask later, but I identified myself to this guy, he acknowledged this, then killed me. Stuff like this happens way too frequently.
Some people are just bandits 100% and thats what they do.
If this happened in real life you would get a good amount of people going bandit style all the time, its just the way it is.
This is why I did nothign but help people for the first few months. It felt wonderful, but then one situation changed me in DAYZ. Me and a dude had helped this guy who was bleeding out, gave him a few things and then he shot us. Since then I stick to myself unless its a friend on my friends list. I never thought I would kill a survivor in thsi game, but now I am alot mroe protective. Sure most of the people I have ran into have been helpful and there was the few times we got jumped by a bandit group but I was fine with that. Good guys vs bad guys just surviving. But the line between good and bad is not so day and night.
Being killed by a dude who I had pretty much revived changed my personality in that game. Now I will more then likely either hide from others or shoot them. Its just the way it is. Some decide they want to be a bandit or survivor but experiences in teh game can cahnge that. I still like to help out survivors but its hard to tell who is a survivors these days so like I said above I stay to myself alot more then before and I am ALOT more protective so to speak.
i dont like the bandit life but I can understand it, either because thats what they want to do and thats it, or they where like me and they got backstabbed after savign someone. And now are a little bit more careful. I wont shoot you if you type like you explained, but ALOT of people will because they have been stabbed in the back many times by people 'acting' as godo people/survivors.
Whats crazy to me is how back and forth things can be. My first week or two on thsi game was not that enjoyable. Shot by alot of bandits, could nto fiind many good things to get started,etc... but as the weeks/months went by I expreinced sooo many different experiences and different people. I went from being worried about anyone, to helping everyone and being pretty friendly to being a bit more to myself and quiet, trying to survive in a harsh world.
Anyways, just my two cents, I hope you keep playing as sometimes in DAYZ it does nto give hte best impression. I was very close to quitting after 2-3 weeks, but since then its been nothign but a blast (even with the event I described above with someone killing me and my buddy after we saved him). Ill have one bad experience with people and then the next time im on ill have a great experience with people on the game, working together, helping out. Its unpredictable in DAYZ, just as I would expect it to be if a real zombie outbreak happened. Some would go bandit and try to get everything they can for themselves and some would go survivor and try to help others. Its a cold world and its a cold world in DAYZ :P
No joke, my best experience in this game was when me and two friends saved two groups of survivors from big zombie attacks (they had no ammo). Feeling good about we moved on and sure enough one of the dudes ahd brought us to this building. As we get up to go inside we get shot, 3 people down, then 2 more,etc... me and my buddy get down and within 10misn we die to. It sucked to die after all that but it was a hell of an enjoable time saving these groups and then getting tricked by one guy that we brought into our crew to come near where his sniper buddies had been set up.
It was awesome to have a group of 10+ that we had saved most of, but sure enough all it took was ONE of them with a evil plan to set things wrong. But in teh end it was an experience that I had never experienced in a game. We wanted a big group, but the negative side of that is that one of them is boudn to be a bandit. Was a risk worth taking and had a great time, but now I am alot more worried about joinign up with BIG groups.
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